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Exporting Max selected mesh makes huge file

So im working on a hotel room for my current employer and the bed in one room is similar to the bed in the previous room I worked in. I go into the old room and select just the pieces that I want and I go to export>selection>and export as an FBX. The bed file by itself is 8KB when the entire room was only 13kb. Is there some sort of information I accidentally exported along with the bed from the old room?


  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    How big is a blank FBX file? I'd imagine that there's a certain amount of data that's always exported with a FBX file so the content may not take up most of that space.

    EDIT: I just exported a completely blank FBX file and it's 6kb. So the difference between your whole scene and just part of it is 2kb vs 7kb. Not 13 vs 8kb

    Also are you looking at the actual number of bytes that the file is? windows sometimes rounds file sizes up depending on the chunk size of the HD. Especially when you're dealing with file sizes in the Kilobyte range.
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