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  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Teddy, just bought the non-commercial license with the xmas discount and got my key, now it shows up two keys in my user page, one of them probably being the beta key. How do I know which is which? :(

    2nd one :) the first one is the beta one.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys, thought the answer was simple but I was kind of afraid of using the wrong one and stuff going apeshit. haha
  • teddybergsman
    Thanks for helping out guys :) Correct Felipe, the second key is your acquired key. My apologies for not having made this clear at all. The beta key will expire and automatically disappear before new years -- hopefully this will help avoid any future confusion.


    No worries, the xmas discounts will last until a few days after Christmas :)
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    hey teddy, i am yet again requesting a feature... :)
    could you implement a little dot somewhere on the gui which turns green if its ready and red if its working? sometimes i am still waiting for stuff to happen when its already done and sometimes i click stuff when ndo isnt ready yet messing stuff up...
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    That would be very useful indeed, +1.
  • $~kftn
    This tool is very cool. It would def. speed up my workflow if it diden't eat my cpu ( q6600 @ 2.9ghz ) and crash on me the whole time ( Adobe CS4 x64 ). I had 5 crashes in 15minutes which makes it unuseable for me. If the program (trail) or perhaps my pc gets more stable ill surely buy it.
  • teddybergsman

    Thank you! Great suggestion. I will make sure to implement such a feature in the next release.


    I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing so many crashes -- this seems much out of the ordinary. Does it crash randomly for you (if so, could there perhaps be an aggressive anti-virus app doing the killing?), or when you are trying to do something specific? Let me know where the crashes occur and I will do my best to provide a solution ASAP.
  • Amatobahn
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    Amatobahn polycounter lvl 7
    Is nDo2 only for Windows platform? If so, I would REALLY love to have this on OSX (wink wink).
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    Sry man... Yet again... I dont know why but I am not trying to come up with stuff...
    Its just, I use nDo and ideas come to my mind...
    So again:

    In my workflow i make one xxxx_master.psd
    in this i got the diffuse, spec, normal, so on in groups called respectivly.
    from there on i save out my textures for further use. i hide and unhide the group i want to save as .png, .jpg, .tga, whatever to use for my materials.
    this way i end up with one master.psd and several jpgs or whatever for my materials in max.

    the way your system now works is that it generates new documents.
    they are in fact not named correctly either. they're called "diffuse" or "normal" or whatever.
    would be better if they had the original document's name as prefix or something.

    this way i end up with a lot of .psd files for backup if i want to change something in photoshop. and i got another batch of jpg or png files saved for ingame/inmax use.

    maybe adding a "generate as groups" check somewhere in the gui would be appropriate?

    maybe i'm just picky or lazy... maybe its unneccessary... you decide :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    There are a lot of instances were NDo2 crashes where it really shouldn't. Like if you have a layer in sculpt mode and you forget, then hit "make new sculpt layer" NDO spits a massive error window and crashes. I'd expect it to show a dialog saying something to the effect of "new sculpt layer cannot be created while existing layer is in sculpt mode" then once you click okay, it cancels the action and selects the offending layer.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Downloaded the trail and did a quick test seames like a werry powerfull tool and is probably good to use in your workflow, But it says id doesent support cs2 but it worked for me, ;P
  • teddybergsman

    As of now, nDo2 is sadly not compatible with OSX. When the time is right, we are likely to start looking into the possibilities of porting.


    Neither picky nor lazy! In fact, this is a feature that is part of the backlog but have yet to make it all the way. You can be sure this feature will eventually be part of the tool.


    CS2 is now largely supported, however some important parts still remain due to large limitations in the CS2 scripting engine, such as advanced tweaking of normals. I'm glad you've find the parts that work useful!

    Joshua Stubbles,

    100% agreed. nDo2 should under no circumstance crash, and in cases like the one you describe, even a pop up is unacceptable -- nDo2 should just work as expected. Thanks for the report, I'll make sure to fix this for the next release.

    To anyone reading this reply: feel free to shoot a mail, reply here or post in the support forum should a crash or bug occur -- generally, it's trickier to find bugs like these than to solve them. By reporting, the bulk of the work is thus already done :) If a bug hasn't been fixed, it's very likely because we are unaware of its existence.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Will do, Teddy. I'll do an official bug submission tonight after work. Thanks for all the hard work! I'm really close to getting work to sign off on like 20+ artist seats :)
  • cdavidson
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    cdavidson polycounter lvl 8
    i thought there was a trial of ndo2? i couldnt seem to find it on there website lol

    Edit: ignore that i found it.. am blind!
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    am i missing something or is there no option to change the speculars overall lightness?
    changing the base color only changes the opacity for me...

    there seems to be no information on the F1 help.
  • teddybergsman
    Joshua Stubbles,

    This is greatly appreciated Joshua! I'll do my best to solve any issues you might find. My sincerest thanks for presenting the tool to your company, I feel nothing but honored :)


    I'm glad you found it :)


    This is possible! Simply double click the base color layer to change its color value, and you control the specular intensity and color. My apologies the lacking F1 help -- a huge update is on its way, in the shape of a complete work-flow guide. This is long over due, but hopefully it will be worth the wait!
  • pseudoBug
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    pseudoBug polycounter lvl 18
    *unintentional post*

    Cursed quickpost while sleepy.. . .
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Is there any way to disable history in Photshop when generating a preset or other functions in nDo2, since there is no undo button in nDo2 it's quite annoying that it feels the history stack with confusing actions, it might actually be better to not see any of this stuff and only record history for thing I've done in the layers palette.
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    rightclick on any action in your history and click on "take snapshot"
    you will be able to revert to this stae of the document as often as you want from now on.

    you can delete those snapshots with a rightclick, too.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    What I was hoping for is nDo2 to have a tick box so all it's steps are not stored in the history palette. Eats up your history very quickly.
  • Darkleopard
    Downloaded the trial, planning on buying it if i like it, have plenty of class mates that seem interested aswell

    Couple questions.

    Ive noticed when you convert the maps it makes them in a seperate docuement. Im assuming you have to save all the maps seperatly and apply to the object. I was under the impression all maps would be on the same docuement in different layers, so im a little confused. ANy help understanding the workflow would be appreciated.
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    @darkleopard: i asked the same a few pages back. he promised to fix that.
    currently it only works as described. u are able to copy your groups into your master.psd if you want though.

    @malcom: i know what you mean and fully understand, just wanted to add that workaround to the conversation while the workflow is not fixed yet.

    also, does anybody else experience that when your are converting a normal map to lets say only a spec map, nDo2 also generates a heightmap and a diffuse regularly (even after a reinstall)?
  • Darkleopard
    Thanks Morph!

    Can someone just fill in this beginner on what a height map is/does.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks Morph!

    Can someone just fill in this beginner on what a height map is/does.

  • teddybergsman
    Hey guys!

    Keeping the history stack clean is essential, thus nDo2 tries to do this to the highest possible extent -- dosens to hundreds of actions are often merged into one or a few history items. Feel free to let me know specifically where nDo2 eats up your history, and I'll have a stab at further optimization.

    You are correct, the current workflow outputs different maps as separate documents. Morph is right in saying both workflows will eventually be supported, as promised. This feature is dependent on something yet to be disclosed. More on this when the time is ripe!
  • .morph3us
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    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    hey teddy, any comment on my bug, maybe, pleeaase :)
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    NDO2 has stopped working......

    this happens when i open it. I have done the thing where you run as admin then close.

    Any advice?
  • Shooo~
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    Shooo~ polycounter lvl 7
    Somebody know what i must to do for run nDo2 ? Win7/cs5
  • .morph3us
    Offline / Send Message
    .morph3us polycounter lvl 14
    maybe give more information?
    (e.g. did it work already, what graphics card do you have, did you change some drivers or install new software?)
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
  • KennyTies
    Ok quick question. Everytime I go to open ndo2 it crashes, I just had an update on CS6 this morning and once I try and run photoshop as administrator then close ndo2 still crashes.
  • samcole
    I've been getting many crashes myself too. I had about 5 different layers. 4 were duplicates of one specific layer, then after some time while trying to edit the document nDo2 keeps crashing right at start up. I have a Geforce GTX 550Ti, i5-2500k processor, and 16GB of RAM.

    It is as if something in that specific layer that I made corrupted and kept nDo from reading it..thus crashing. I had to delete those layers and I'm starting over the design I wanted.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    Ive been experiencing A LOT of crashes with nDO resulting in a very very large error window popping up. Ive tried to reproduce it on its own but it seems to only happen in various PSDs that ive already made. Ive been able to replicate the error by trying to convert a selection to a normal that is outside the NORMAL group that gets created. My NORMAL group has various things inside of it, including rasterized/merged layers from previous operations. its become quite a bother to have to go back and select that NORMAL group every time i want to convert a brush/selection. This same error is coming up on a friend's PSD who used nDo 1, where there is no NORMAL group but a NDO group instead.

    here is the error.
  • aedon
    I have tried using ndo multiple times, on multiple computers, with multiple different versions

    it fails every time from the get go.

    Everytime i open it, it crashes when i hit the new normal button.

    here is a screen shot of the crash

  • snoops3d
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    snoops3d polycounter lvl 12
    First off Im loving NDO2,
    I ran into an issue where when I create a new layer and use shapes, to build my normal map, when I try to zip the shape it loses all the normal map info and goes back to white? I have tried this on two different machines. I have attached an image for review:

    Thank you for your help in advance
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    nDo2 Tutorial

    Where did this nDo2 Tuturoial document go? The one in the link above is no longer accessible and I cant find it in the quixel forums.

    If I recall correctly, it was the one that had explanations and descriptions for all of the buttons' functions and obscure features of nDo 2, but I can't find it anywhere.

    It would be nice to take a look at it again.

    Either way, I am trying to figure out how to use vector shapes non-destructively/interactively so that I can see and tweak the normals on my view-cube while editing the shape of the vector. How do I do this?
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    I downloaded trial for ndo 1.1.9
    Using ndo2 64bit with cs5 64bit on vista

    I can convert selection to normal, but the properties window doesn't pop up like in the tutorials, technically meaning the entire tool is broken.

    Also clicking to move up/down layer in UI crashes NDO

    I'll be looking forward for future versions to try this software again
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