I've been saying I was going to make a thread for this project forever now, so here it is! Tower Wars is an Indie game that myself and 8 others have been working on for the past couple years off and on. Its a game we all believe in and think will be really fun. We finally decided to get really serious about it and finish this thing. I'm taking a little over a year off to work on this full time. The rest of the team has full time jobs and works hard on it in their spare time.
So enough of that and on to the arts. This is a quick look at some of the work the team has been doing. After this post, our artists will post in this thread the pieces they are working on.

For an overview of the game towers and units, check out our website. I dont want to bombard you with walls of text here.
note: site doesn't work in IE.
also, like us on facebook! It'll make us happy.
I want this thread to just be a journal of our progress in making an indie game. Posting work in progresses, and getting feedback from all of you. All comments, questions and critiques are all really appreciated. We want this community to really help shape this whole thing.
Thanks all!
Bonus in game shot!

Anyway, looks really cool, some of the best production values I've seen in the tower defense genera!
great looking game
I read this on the website : "Send multitudes of specialized units in massive attack waves."
Will this be like a shango TD ? If it's the case, you can't make me happier
Awesome art style, can't wait to try this out.
Great job!
Only thought is that the grass could be some more toon looking, its a bit like thin green hair atm. But thats probably just nitpicking.
Back in the day I used to play so many TDs on Warcraft 3, and it is really nice to see a stand alone PvP TD, especially one so pretty!
For your FAQs: "When the heck can I play this?" and "How will this game work exactly? Do I spawn units and they go to the enemy's maze and vice versa?"
On the site in 'overview' it says "Steam", so I guess that means PC!
(By the way, pet peeve, the link says 'overview' but the URL says 'about'... )
Really bold distinct style. Awesome turrets, all the details kick ass!
Good luck with it.
Mathew O: Yea Gorman was right, its going to be PC release distributed on Steam.
Gorman: Thanks for the kind words! As far as release date goes, we're pulling a valve and saying, "when its done" but early next year sometime (probably). As far as spawning units. Yes, you send the units at the enemy castle and vice versa. So you'll be juggling your economy between sending units and building towers. Thanks for pointing out the pet peeve, we'll fix it
zortech: Thanks for the comment. Yea when I go in and actually make that texture I wont make the high grass since it would clip through the towers you place. It'll just be a flat texture.
GoSsS: Our big inspiration came from a WC3 mod called winter wars. I havnt played Shango TD but seeing the map layout it looks very similar to winter wars. So..yes..it will be kind of like a shango TD.
Thanks again everyone! Got us all PUMPED to keep going.
Oh and wasn't the mod called wintermaul? Anyway, thing I loved most about wintermaul/winter wars is that it had so much variety in towers and tons of units. (oh and multiplayer was awesome)
You guys are off to a great start, looking forward to seeing more.
Want to see more!
MeintevdS - I think wintermaul was co-op, and wintermaul wars was versus. But our goal at the moment is to create 10 unique towers and have 9 unique characters to send (maybe more?).
Anyway, more art! Just finished the level 3 hi poly for the lightning tower. And put the other two levels in there so you can see the progression.
Here's a quick and dirty peek into the game!
You can also see a new post on the website here: http://www.towerwarsgame.com/2011/09/development-sneak-peek-1/
Thanks everyone!
- No hit animation for projectiles! Maybe put some kind of effect to show that it hit, especially since it seems like you hitting/missing is important (judging from the descriptions on the website)
- Towers all seem very short ranged. (I mean, I think a giant triple cannon should be able to shoot more than 4 hexes!)
I love the build menu though!
loving it guys, fantastic work. im a sucker for all things tower defense, so i cant wait to get my hands on this. keep it up :thumbup:
Since you'll be seeing the silhouette of the tower from this angle, I've added more "electric prongs" to each level. Hope it suffices! haha.
Edit: P.s. Maph, huge fan or your work man
Edit, edit: well, and ferg, ovbiously.....
I am curious how this will continue. I digg it!