Hi there polycount, been browsing your wares for a long time now and i thought it was time i signed up and started my own sketchbook. I've been studying animation in the UK for the last three years, with one more year to go. In all honesty my course is pretty pants but i've started taking a lot more time teaching myself using experimentation and web-based tutorials. Whilst my course tried to focus mostly on film and animation i am trying to push more towards a career or at least knowledge of how to work in the games industry with an interest mainly in modelling and texturing but also animation.
Anyway where to start. This is the first serious attempt i've made at some low poly and hi poly stuff with normal maps. I know everybody does weapons and stuff and its very unoriginal but i wanted something simple and accesible so i could get to grips with the basics.
So i present: A Dwarven Spanner (my own concept heavily inspires by the warhammer universe)
Basic Concept:

Low-Poly and Hi-Poly


Marmoset Render:

This is the lowpoly:
I then got a bit of peer crit on it and realised it was a bit too straight and boring so i fiddled with the dimensions giving it more of a wedged, sloped look and created some hi-poly details and created the normals and here is how its looking so far:
I'm thinking of adding some shelves with bottles and skulls on them for the interior and having a shrunken head, bones and feathers hanging from places so thats my next task. When it comes to texturing i want to give it cracked and peeling paint in really vibrant oranges, greens and purples.
Cheers for looking