I dunno I can see what the fuss is about. He's not fucking with a film he's fucking with people's childhood memories. Putting hayden christensen in return of the jedi, naw fuck off lucas :P
"Im retiring, Lucas said. Im moving away from the business, from the company, from all this kind of stuff."
"Lucas seized control of his movies from the studios only to discover that the fanboys could still give him script notes. Why would I make any more, Lucas says of the Star Wars movies, when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"
hes retiring but left a way out to make a 5th indiana jones movie. Not really sure how I feel about that. I LOVED the first 3 Grew up on that.. the fourth, I really enjoyed until the last 15 minutes or so.... hopefully if he does make a 5th, he wont ruin it.
Word. Though maybe if he goes for smaller films he won't have the budget to destroy his own movies with special effects bullshit and will tell purer stories again.
“On the Internet, all those same guys that are complaining I made a change are completely changing the movie. I’m saying: ‘Fine. But my movie, with my name on it, that says I did it, needs to be the way I want it.’”
For me the real shame is knowing that complete Star Wars newbies would logically start from the 'beginning' with the prequels. But when they get to episodes IV to VI they will be all "wtf is going on here" and will therefore never experience Star Wars the way we all got to.
Don't be sorry for Lucas. If you have seen Red Tails you'll know what I mean. Hamfisted dialogue, terrible acting and one dimensional characters. Was such a great disservice to the actual Tuskegee Airman.
And its not really a fair point when he starts rewriting history.
I feel kind of sorry for him after reading that article though.
He justs wants to be loved.
I don't see how he's changing history. The history is still there. It's just now they've been re-mastered? If I changed your quote on this post, it doesn't mean that I've removed your original post does it?
George Lucas talks about making Red Tails on the Daily Show: LINK
I haven't seen it yet but it seems like the horrible dub step ads they are playing on TV are a direct result of the studio not knowing how to market it.
I don't see how he's changing history. The history is still there. It's just now they've been re-mastered? If I changed your quote on this post, it doesn't mean that I've removed your original post does it?
In a few short years time you will have people believing the remastered versions are the originals. If you change my original post, then future viewers would not know of my the previous post, they would believe it to be my voice, they could not know otherwise.
Don't be sorry for Lucas. If you have seen Red Tails you'll know what I mean. Hamfisted dialogue, terrible acting and one dimensional characters. Was such a great disservice to the actual Tuskegee Airman.
I am looking forward to the Red Letter Media review.
In a few short years time you will have people believing the remastered versions are the originals. If you change my original post, then future viewers would not know of my the previous post, they would believe it to be my voice, they could not know otherwise.
I suppose... I dunno, I used to be all "oh noes he changed stuff!". But then I found out that the versions I first watched (and feel "true" to me) had already been changed slightly. The versions I saw were the VHS version with the interviews at the start; but they were already different from the cinema release.
Once I found that out I kinda stopped caring about this sort of thing.
I doubt Lucas would get anywhere even close to the outrage he does if he was open and willing to release older versions of the film in full restorations.
There's absolutely no acknowledgement or acceptance of the fact that the films have existed, in various forms, for nearly 40 years. You can't deny and sweep away 40 years of cinema history, and you're going to piss a LOT of people off if you start fucking with it and then saying "this is the only form of the film I am going to even acknowledge exists."
If anything, him stepping aside and making artsy movies might remind him of why the unedited original SW movies have value in the first place. I would love to see some recognition for the "Despecialized Edition" fan project too, as it is a real, dedicated work of preservation...
What kind of third trilogy could exist? The empire is done. Or are you suggesting something in the middle?
I wouldn't mind another trilogy, as long as Lucas isn't involved. I hate how his attitude towards movies have changed. Everything has to be kid friend, and the fun family film. He over does it, and takes the edge out of any movie.
lol, exactly. The ewoks were the first sign of things going badly. Fortunately, the rest of 'Return' made up for the the ridiculousness of them. Then the spin off ewok shows were just horrible.
What kind of third trilogy could exist? The empire is done. Or are you suggesting something in the middle?
I wouldn't mind another trilogy, as long as Lucas isn't involved. I hate how his attitude towards movies have changed. Everything has to be kid friend, and the fun family film. He over does it, and takes the edge out of any movie.
There are about a bazillion books written in the SW universe after the empire falls. Of course Lucas would never use any of those plots, but saying that there's nothing else there is ludicrous.
Yeah there is so many plot lines that take place after Jedi. The new Jedi Academy, the cloning of the emperor, Mara Jades plot line, Han and Leias' kids. My god there is a lot of choices.
I honestly can't blame Lucas for retiring. I love Star Wars. Hate a lot of the changes but in the end it is his baby. It's his choice to change things. We can all not agree but it's his choice. It's not like it's historical fact that he's changing. This shit never happened. I think fans tend to go a bit too crazy on things like this and forget that it's all a story to begin with.
Why spend the next 9 years being hated for something he loved and believed in. Fuck that. Don't know anyone that would put up with that and why should he cave in to the "DEMANDS" of the fans?
I have the new blu ray set. It's nice. Is it everything I wish it was. Nope! But I am sharing the Star Wars experience with my son and you know what. He loves it. He don't care about ewoks or Jar Jar. He enjoys it for what it is and I enjoy it because of that.
True Jess, but still - the fact that Lucas/Lucasfilm ignores the huuuuuge demand for a re-release of the unaltered originals is saddening. Angry fans don't ask him to change anything - they just want a preserved piece of pop history. And yeah, for me at least, the edits do spoil the movies ...
As for extra SW stories, The Heir To The Empire arc is simply excellent. The first book was also adapted into comics, by no less than Vatine and Blanchard. Amazing art.
I wouldn't mind another trilogy, as long as Lucas isn't involved. I hate how his attitude towards movies have changed. Everything has to be kid friend, and the fun family film. He over does it, and takes the edge out of any movie.
I don't think it's changed, at least not since the first star wars movie. He wasn't much involved in empire strikes back and he wanted ROTJ to be pretty much a mix of ESB and a kids movie;
"Movies.com: Us fans bitch and moan and gripe whenever George Lucas starts messing with Star Wars again, but is that something effects people who actually worked on the film feel? Are we the only ones who think he's a crazy person?
Phil Tippett: No, not really. At a certain point, even going back to Return of the Jedi at ILM...they had a little room where you could get chips and drinks and I was getting something. George and Richard Marquand, the director, came in and Richard was saying, "George, I don't totally get where we need to go with this picture." And George said, "Well, did you see Benji?" "No George, I didn't see Benji." "Well, what we're doing now is kind of like a cross between Benji and what we did on Empire Strikes Back.""
There were some talks about a star wars tv-series that would be enacted between the two trilogies. They say that they're waiting until a time where VFX and stuff will be cheap though so don't expect for it to happen anytime soon.
There were some talks about a star wars tv-series that would be enacted between the two trilogies. They say that they're waiting until a time where VFX and stuff will be cheap though so don't expect for it to happen anytime soon.
well, I think I heard they were thinking of spending $5 million an episode, Spielberg's Terra Nova is running at $4 million an episode. So maybe in a few years?
I suppose... I dunno, I used to be all "oh noes he changed stuff!". But then I found out that the versions I first watched (and feel "true" to me) had already been changed slightly. The versions I saw were the VHS version with the interviews at the start; but they were already different from the cinema release.
Once I found that out I kinda stopped caring about this sort of thing.
The pre-1997 changes were very small - such as adding 'A New Hope' to the scroll at the beginning of Star Wars (1977). Other small changes were in the editing (straight cuts instead of wipes/fades, and vice versa), different Tie Fighter sounds, etc.
The 1997 Special Editions changed characterizations - Greedo Shooting First, Han talking with Jaba in A New Hope, Darth Vader's exchange with the Emperor in EsB now has different implications. Not to mention the addition of extremely distracting and out of place CGI, and that god awful song sequence in the beginning of RotJ.
The 1997 changes were far more severe than just polishing the editing.
As for extra SW stories, The Heir To The Empire arc is simply excellent. The first book was also adapted into comics, by no less than Vatine and Blanchard. Amazing art.
I am just reading through the Thrawn trilogy now and it is indeed fantastic. I began reading the comic but switched over and started again with the novels.
As for the original theatrical releases... I don't think they are the holy grail fans are looking for. I don't agree they should be withheld, but how would they release it? Another blu ray set? I just got done watching the new versions.
IMO the pre-special edition VHS versions are the best. The cast and crew in the commentaries mention how they were glad to redo a lot of botched shots, effects and sounds and generally improve the films. Nothing as bad as Han/Greedo but also better than the original cuts. I suppose these are just as off limits as anything else though, unless you want to watch them on VHS...
Still, the worst thing he's ever done is can Star Wars Battlefront III.
What kind of third trilogy could exist? The empire is done.
The Empire isn't done. The Emperor and his right hand man may have been done in along with a superweapon, but you don't undo an organised galactic empire consisting of tens of solar systems and trillions of people overnight.
For the record, there was an outline for a further three films, but it was curbed by some handy changes to the original 'Revenge of the Jedi' plot line; Leia was not Luke's sister, and when Han Solo dies she went on to become the queen of her remaining people. Luke does defeat Vader at the end of the film, but the Emperor does not feature. Episode 7 follows Luke's ascent into Jedi knighthood and the regrowth of the order, Episode 8 was about the emergence of his sister, and Episode 9 was the final film revolving around the final confrontation with the Emperor.
To quote Lucas himself (circa 1989):
"If the first trilogy is social and political and talks about how society evolves, Star Wars is more about personal growth and self-realization, and the third deals with moral and philosophical problems. The sequel is about Jedi Knighthood, justice, confrontation, and passing on what you have learned."
Of course he completely fucked the whole "social and political" first trilogy right in the cheesecake.
That's the special edition :P that has all the BS cg added in.
A collection of the original trilogy came out in 2006 that has a transfer of the laserdisc editions as a bonus disc. So you can get as close to you can as the original but you won't get widescreen or 5.1 surround.
I saw some of the special editions recently on TV, wow that CG does not hold up at all, a lot of the assets look like they are untextured.
In my opinion the star wars feeling is still there, unlike the prequels which are like somebody who's been watching a bit of star wars wanted to make costly new movies without really understanding it.
Honestly, Lucas can stick his CGI cock into the movies all he wants... but PLEASE, just offer the original movies in blu-ray. Unfucked, with the exception of the cleanup treatment.... unless someone has a VHS upconverter for me.
I got to watch plenty of the original FX shots on the big screen in my history of cinema class back in 2000, it was amazing.
The whole trilogy did a second run at the cinema in the UK in consecutive years, so I was lucky enough to see them all on the big screen - it was absolutely epic. A few years later the first set of 'remastered' versions hit the cinema, so I got to see them too. I remember the audio in the remastered versions being much better than the originals, but not really caring for any of the other changes. The subtle change in the Star Destroyer engine noises as an example really made a difference (added really low bass rumble).
I would love an unedited/unaltered edition but chances are we will never get it.
I try not to let it bother me anymore. It used to but at this point. Meh... oh well It's his baby in the end. If he wants to touch and fondle it until it's no longer recognizable then well that is his choice. He won't be the first or last person to ruin something beautiful.
if special effects are used in every other frame, they'er not special anymore!
"Im retiring, Lucas said. Im moving away from the business, from the company, from all this kind of stuff."
"Lucas seized control of his movies from the studios only to discover that the fanboys could still give him script notes. Why would I make any more, Lucas says of the Star Wars movies, when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"
Fair point.
And its not really a fair point when he starts rewriting history.
I feel kind of sorry for him after reading that article though.
He justs wants to be loved.
I don't see how he's changing history. The history is still there. It's just now they've been re-mastered? If I changed your quote on this post, it doesn't mean that I've removed your original post does it?
I haven't seen it yet but it seems like the horrible dub step ads they are playing on TV are a direct result of the studio not knowing how to market it.
In a few short years time you will have people believing the remastered versions are the originals. If you change my original post, then future viewers would not know of my the previous post, they would believe it to be my voice, they could not know otherwise.
I am looking forward to the Red Letter Media review.
I suppose... I dunno, I used to be all "oh noes he changed stuff!". But then I found out that the versions I first watched (and feel "true" to me) had already been changed slightly. The versions I saw were the VHS version with the interviews at the start; but they were already different from the cinema release.
Once I found that out I kinda stopped caring about this sort of thing.
There's absolutely no acknowledgement or acceptance of the fact that the films have existed, in various forms, for nearly 40 years. You can't deny and sweep away 40 years of cinema history, and you're going to piss a LOT of people off if you start fucking with it and then saying "this is the only form of the film I am going to even acknowledge exists."
I wouldn't mind another trilogy, as long as Lucas isn't involved. I hate how his attitude towards movies have changed. Everything has to be kid friend, and the fun family film. He over does it, and takes the edge out of any movie.
There are about a bazillion books written in the SW universe after the empire falls. Of course Lucas would never use any of those plots, but saying that there's nothing else there is ludicrous.
I honestly can't blame Lucas for retiring. I love Star Wars. Hate a lot of the changes but in the end it is his baby. It's his choice to change things. We can all not agree but it's his choice. It's not like it's historical fact that he's changing. This shit never happened. I think fans tend to go a bit too crazy on things like this and forget that it's all a story to begin with.
Why spend the next 9 years being hated for something he loved and believed in. Fuck that. Don't know anyone that would put up with that and why should he cave in to the "DEMANDS" of the fans?
I have the new blu ray set. It's nice. Is it everything I wish it was. Nope! But I am sharing the Star Wars experience with my son and you know what. He loves it. He don't care about ewoks or Jar Jar. He enjoys it for what it is and I enjoy it because of that.
As for extra SW stories, The Heir To The Empire arc is simply excellent. The first book was also adapted into comics, by no less than Vatine and Blanchard. Amazing art.
I don't think it's changed, at least not since the first star wars movie. He wasn't much involved in empire strikes back and he wanted ROTJ to be pretty much a mix of ESB and a kids movie;
"Movies.com: Us fans bitch and moan and gripe whenever George Lucas starts messing with Star Wars again, but is that something effects people who actually worked on the film feel? Are we the only ones who think he's a crazy person?
Phil Tippett: No, not really. At a certain point, even going back to Return of the Jedi at ILM...they had a little room where you could get chips and drinks and I was getting something. George and Richard Marquand, the director, came in and Richard was saying, "George, I don't totally get where we need to go with this picture." And George said, "Well, did you see Benji?" "No George, I didn't see Benji." "Well, what we're doing now is kind of like a cross between Benji and what we did on Empire Strikes Back.""
There were some talks about a star wars tv-series that would be enacted between the two trilogies. They say that they're waiting until a time where VFX and stuff will be cheap though so don't expect for it to happen anytime soon.
well, I think I heard they were thinking of spending $5 million an episode, Spielberg's Terra Nova is running at $4 million an episode. So maybe in a few years?
The pre-1997 changes were very small - such as adding 'A New Hope' to the scroll at the beginning of Star Wars (1977). Other small changes were in the editing (straight cuts instead of wipes/fades, and vice versa), different Tie Fighter sounds, etc.
The 1997 Special Editions changed characterizations - Greedo Shooting First, Han talking with Jaba in A New Hope, Darth Vader's exchange with the Emperor in EsB now has different implications. Not to mention the addition of extremely distracting and out of place CGI, and that god awful song sequence in the beginning of RotJ.
The 1997 changes were far more severe than just polishing the editing.
I am just reading through the Thrawn trilogy now and it is indeed fantastic. I began reading the comic but switched over and started again with the novels.
As for the original theatrical releases... I don't think they are the holy grail fans are looking for. I don't agree they should be withheld, but how would they release it? Another blu ray set? I just got done watching the new versions.
IMO the pre-special edition VHS versions are the best. The cast and crew in the commentaries mention how they were glad to redo a lot of botched shots, effects and sounds and generally improve the films. Nothing as bad as Han/Greedo but also better than the original cuts. I suppose these are just as off limits as anything else though, unless you want to watch them on VHS...
Still, the worst thing he's ever done is can Star Wars Battlefront III.
The Empire isn't done. The Emperor and his right hand man may have been done in along with a superweapon, but you don't undo an organised galactic empire consisting of tens of solar systems and trillions of people overnight.
For the record, there was an outline for a further three films, but it was curbed by some handy changes to the original 'Revenge of the Jedi' plot line; Leia was not Luke's sister, and when Han Solo dies she went on to become the queen of her remaining people. Luke does defeat Vader at the end of the film, but the Emperor does not feature. Episode 7 follows Luke's ascent into Jedi knighthood and the regrowth of the order, Episode 8 was about the emergence of his sister, and Episode 9 was the final film revolving around the final confrontation with the Emperor.
To quote Lucas himself (circa 1989):
Of course he completely fucked the whole "social and political" first trilogy right in the cheesecake.
Always wanted to see JarJar Binks in 3d. :sarcasm:
A collection of the original trilogy came out in 2006 that has a transfer of the laserdisc editions as a bonus disc. So you can get as close to you can as the original but you won't get widescreen or 5.1 surround.
I saw some of the special editions recently on TV, wow that CG does not hold up at all, a lot of the assets look like they are untextured.
I hope it flops at the box office hideously, personally. 3d Phantom Menace is basically like adding lense flare to dog shit.
I love them too but I can't deny that they, along with some of the jabba's palace creatures, were the first sign of what was to come in the prequels. I actually like the ewok movies, they're pretty entertaining.
In my opinion the star wars feeling is still there, unlike the prequels which are like somebody who's been watching a bit of star wars wanted to make costly new movies without really understanding it.
well, it's because he has the ability to release a bluray version of the original film release but he refuses to do it.
I got to watch plenty of the original FX shots on the big screen in my history of cinema class back in 2000, it was amazing.
The whole trilogy did a second run at the cinema in the UK in consecutive years, so I was lucky enough to see them all on the big screen - it was absolutely epic. A few years later the first set of 'remastered' versions hit the cinema, so I got to see them too. I remember the audio in the remastered versions being much better than the originals, but not really caring for any of the other changes. The subtle change in the Star Destroyer engine noises as an example really made a difference (added really low bass rumble).
I try not to let it bother me anymore. It used to but at this point. Meh... oh well
Anyone found links to the actual downloads ?
(BTW, maybe dont post them here if you do. Lets keep the subject safe.)