I know most of the users on this forum are experienced, but just in case any beginners come looking for help. I would also appreciate any crit from experienced users. If you like the videos please take a second to visit our site. More tutorials, active discussion, contests and free prizes at our website,
www.justmakegames.com. Thanks.
To be honest, when I exported my model in the tutorial you can see I had an error in the engine. When I went to place my model, everything worked fine except I could not get rid of the "No Surface Texture" when shooting my model (yes I know to apply surface materials). After I went back in the editor, I kind of just re-double check everything, and then it worked fine so I didn't mention it in the video. Hopefully this video does not translate to errors for users
That said, most of your tutorial was mostly a 3dsmax than a cryEngine tutorial, quite confusing.
And then last but not least...why are you doing a tutorial if you are not even sure of the topic you are trying to cover? O.o
Yeah unfortunately I know a lot of people asking for the tutorial are beginners, and I put the annotation so that anyone who models can easily skip that part.
I might not be an expert but I can do this, so why can't I shouldn't I share what I learn? Especially when there is one tutorial for this at the moment and it is long and confusing. Making a video can take hours and since people were asking for the video and I could not find anything wrong I decided to re-take it.
But when helping people you want to give them the right info. As simple as that really.
When I got the error, I just double checked my work and the error was gone, and I didn't really do anything... so I guess will just have to wait and see when more beginners try the tutorial.
I just really wanted to make this video, because when I went to find a 3ds tutorial the only one was 3 parts long so over half an hour, and a bit confusing. This video is 6 minutes long and hopefully will help beginners.