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Modified Saiga

Hey everybody,

This is a little project I've been cooking up during my off hours. Guys like Polygoo and Lonewolf are big inspirations of mine, and I wanted to try my hand at another gun. This one is a Saiga shotgun, sort of a mish mash of several references. Saw this thing on Sons of Guns and immediately wanted to build it.

Here are some shots. About 15 hours in, and I'm fairly happy with where the high poly is at. Totally open to crits or suggestions! Many thanks.



  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    This is very, very cool! Recognizable as a saiga, stylish, and bold. Hope to see it textured soon! What kind of a rail or whatever is that up there between the sights?
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ahh very nice. This really went un-noticed.

    I'm not really too familiar with this gun so if you could post your refs that would be awesome.

    For crits:

    I see some edges that might be a bit too tight and not transfer too well to the normal map / ao bakes. Ex: Bottom edge of the grip looks super tight.

    The grip has some weird extrusions around the finger insets. Are those in the ref like that? It looks like it would be uncomfortable.

    Also it is hard to tell but watch the 90 degree angles. It looks like some of the details are really hard angles and wont transfer too well in the bake. Ex: screws, etc

    Do you plan on taking it full to game mesh and textures?
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    It looks like this is one of the refs you used:

    I wanted to check some refs to see if I was incorrect, but it looks like you've got some of the receiver shapes wrong.

    These are basically AK47s, which means from the rear it should have that AK-47 rear look on the top of the receiver, which is flat, with soft edges making that [^] kind of shape. You've got a curve to yours for some reason.

    The extrusion you've got on the side fo the receiver looks like a separate piece, and yours looks to come out farther and come in the wrong shape compared to the actual one:

    In general it's reading as a Saiga but it feels like a few of the secondary shapes are wrong, and I think from an FPV the rear is reading incorrectly especially. I'm personally not a fan of the standoff/flash cage on the front, either.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Great sub-d modeling! You going to finish this?
  • Amadreaus
    @Suprore: I got that design from some of the ref I got online. I found it more interesting that the standard rail you can see on the back of the weapon. I'm not sure if it's part of a heat shield or some kind of mounting platform, I'll have to look into that.

    @JesseMoody: Thanks for the crits on this thing, man! One of the challenges I've always had is dealing with baking from high poly, so part of this exercise is trying to get more proficient with that. I definitely agree that some of the edges are too tight, and I'll remedy that ASAP. As for the 90 degree angle issue, would you recommend beveling the edges of the low poly before baking? What other strategies have you had success with when dealing with this issue?

    @Ghostscape: Indeed the receiver section is built wrong. I'll probably rebuild it before moving forward with the low poly. It started out as blockout, and because of the main shape, I painted myself into a corner. It definitely needs a rework, and thank you for pointing that out! You make some excellent points, man. I do have one question: when you say 'standoff/flash cage', which piece are you referring to? Forgive my ignorance with some of the terminology.

    @HP: Thanks!! I do intend to take this to a fully realized in-game asset. The goal here is to get some good solid practice into the baking pipeline. A big part of why I posted this is so that I'm forced to see it through to the end - personal projects are hard to squeeze in these days!

    I'm posting 2 refs that I used. Ghostscape's images are very similar in design, for sure.

  • S2Engine
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    S2Engine polycounter lvl 10
    Cool stuff Josh, don't have much to add that hasn't been said, but I like where it's going!
  • dang87
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    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
    I think mostly everyone else said it: some edges are pretty tight. The bottom of the clip is the one that really bothers me. But it's looking good, man.
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10
    I was wondering, what does it means that the edge is too tight? Is it too shallow with a couple very close 90 degree turns, or like an edge extrusion inward that is maybe 1 or 2 pixels thick on the normal map?
  • Amadreaus
    They mean that the edge (control) loops around a given angle are too close together, which will result in a post-bake edge that doesn't hold up far enough away. In other words, edges that don't look like they were derived from a high poly source.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Amadreaus wrote: »
    @Ghostscape: Indeed the receiver section is built wrong. I'll probably rebuild it before moving forward with the low poly. It started out as blockout, and because of the main shape, I painted myself into a corner. It definitely needs a rework, and thank you for pointing that out! You make some excellent points, man. I do have one question: when you say 'standoff/flash cage', which piece are you referring to? Forgive my ignorance with some of the terminology.

    The thing on the front of the barrel appears to be a combination of a birdcage-style flash suppressor (disperses the gases in multiple directions to reduce the flash) and breaching standoff - the points on the front allow you to put the gun up against a door or flat surface and still allow the gas from firing the weapon to escape.
  • Kosai106
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    Kosai106 polycounter lvl 13
    I'm kindof tired right now, so I'm gonna write this extremely short: Look into getting some reference pictures for the rear sight, as yours is completely wrong.
  • Amadreaus
    @Kosai - No doubt. I'm more than likely gonna scrap the rear mount for something pop-up. Maybe an ACOG style, maybe an open red dot.

    @Ghost - Thanks for clearing that up for me, man! Lots to do!
  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    nice sub-d modeling, can´t wait to see the finished lowpoly....
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Looks nice, but I'm not sure if the flash supressor looks just as good as the rest of the gun I personaly would get rid of it.
  • Amadreaus
    Yeah we'll see, I like several styles, so I might try out a different suppressor on it this week. Sorry for the lag, updates on this thing hopefully soon!
  • Amadreaus
    Some updates to the high poly. Sorry for the delay, I only really get time to dive into this on the weekends.

    I reworked the receiver entirely, swapped out the top sight for a holographic 'Aimshot', and otherwise added details, pulling from different references. I also loosened up a lot of the hard edges to hopefully provide a better bake. Some of that will continue as I bake down the different sections... trial and error and such.

    Thanks all for the continued crits! Low poly soon to come! GunTestB_1.jpg
  • Amadreaus
    Hey dudes - Been working on the bakes for the shotgun. Here are some shots of the low poly model with AO/NRM applied. The first 3 are with both, the last few are just the normal map. And finally, I'm posting my maps.

    The final specs are gonna end up being 2048 maps (possible reduced to 1024, depending), and about 14k TRIS for the entire piece.

    Any major crits would be helpful! Cheers!

  • AXiao
    Wow, the result is fantastic, this is gun porn right here.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    This is all quite lovely, but the handle seems a bit lumpy. Is that area supposed to be nice and smooth?
  • Amadreaus
    Indeed it is. I'm gonna just fix that in the normal map and smooth it out. Once the textures are done, it won't be noticeable at all. Good eye.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    you got some gradients in your normal map you might want to fix with smoothing groups. what are you baking in and where is it going to be rendered?
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Looks great man, nice to see a Saiga. Can't wait for the textures! :D
  • Amadreaus
    The normals were all done in Maya, the AO was a comp from several different bakes from xNormal. The final output of this is gonna be either viewport 2.0 in Maya 2012 or Marmoset. Gonna try both and see which looks better.

    My understanding is that gradients on a normal map indicate a problem in the smoothing groups, yes? I'll rebake those sections if I notice the surface acting funny in engine... perhaps UDK just to test it out. Thanks for pointing that out, man!
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Is this a bad time to point out that you've missed the taper of the main receiver?

    It's thinner top-to-bottom at the front trunion (base of the barrel) than it is at the rear (where the buttstock attaches). Check your references again... ...and then please don't kill me, it's going to be a major FFFFFUUUUUU moment.
  • Amadreaus
    Hey Garage - So I'm going over my ref, and I'm not exactly sure which piece you're talking about specifically? Do you have an example?
  • Amadreaus
    Finally getting around to wrapping up final touches and trying out different rendering attributes. I may rework some stuff, so crits are welcome. Otherwise, thanks for the good insight on this project :)

    Final specs:

    4096 Spec/Diffuse/Gloss
    2048 Normal
    14,888 Tris

  • BenStrasser
    Looking good, one thing I noticed: the upside down shells, wouldnt they fall out? the metal piece is what holds them in and stops them from falling out. I could be completely wrong however :)
  • Amadreaus
    Haha possibly. It's purely an aesthetic decision :)
  • S2Engine
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    S2Engine polycounter lvl 10
    Looking pretty good. When are we going to see some of your Infamous 2 work? :)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    An AK47 that shoots shotgun shells? That's got to be one of the coolest things I've heard in a while.
  • Amadreaus
    A couple of tweaks - mostly to reduce small frequency noise as a result of the renders.

    S2: I have some Infamous 2 stuff up on my site: www.JoshRife3D.com. I'm compiling Festival of Blood screenshots to post as well, hopefully soon to come!

  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    This is ril purty, boy!

    Perhaps tone down the noise on the foregrip by just a tiny bit.
  • Amadreaus
    Thanks again for all the good advice on this project, PC! The final renders are on my site, www.JoshRife3D.com/saiga

    No major changes, just some fine tuning, touch up and better renders. Enjoy, and thanks again.
  • Emulsion
    Really fucking good man, Keep it up.
  • Computron
    Offline / Send Message
    Computron polycounter lvl 13
  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Looking great!!
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