I am finally selling my Cintiq 12WX to get a "regular" pen tablet and need an advice on which one to get.
I've previously owned an Intuos3 4x6 and I loved it. Now I am thinking of getting Intuos4 but I keep hearing about how fast nibs wear out/scratch the surface. That wasn't an issue with Intuos3/Cintiq and it's concerning me.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated. Danke!
The difference between them is minimal enough for me to advise you to get the Intuos 3, especially because the nibs seem to last forever in comparison to the 4.
Now the guy next to me is completely the opposite so it's hard to say.
May I ask why? How much are you selling it for?
hopefully this image loads, its from a mates google+
I also use the touch wheel while in PS
Does the label make it feel more like pen & paper or pencil & paper? How strong is the adhesive? Will it hold, but not pull the sheet underneath?
this is actually a friend of mines solution to the slippy feel of the 3. when i tried it it felt more like a pencil, that was with a felt nib. so far as removing them goes i have no idea, i can ask him if your really interested though.
And I'm not some neat freak. I drop that thing all the time cause I never pay attention. Once I dropped and stepped on the pen at the same time by accident and it was totally fine. And they call me BigJohn for a reason.
The thing is sturdy. If you can find a used Intuos3 that looks good at a decent price, it's worth it over the 4. Getting an Intuos4 is probably double the price of the 3, which is just not worth it imo.
I've had the Intuos 3 for 5-6 years or so and the only issue I've had with it is that I've managed to wear down a little spot on the surface and tear through the top layer. So my pen catches there now, but I think you can get upper layer replaced...and its after 5 years of use. So I can at least tell you that these things are pretty solid.
Overall though, I prefer my Intuos 4. The surface felt pretty strange to me at first. The three feels nice and slick, and the 4 almost feels like paper. It took a little while to get used to, but I very much prefer that feel now.
Also, having the little led screen next to each button is nice. While I got used to just knowing what button was what on the Intuos 3 its still nice to have. Also, having a 'toggle screen' button to switch between screens is nice.
I might be biased since my Intuos 4 is a step up in size from the 3 as well. I still miss having the touchstrip though, I wish they kept that.
Cool, I'd like to know. I've really wanted to get a more pen/pencil and paper feel over the ballpoint on glass feel. The felt tip messes up the pressure sensitivity of my pen and it doesn't really give me the surface control I want. So if this solution works, I'd like to try it myself.
well if you have a wacom pen just run it over a postal label. the only reason he uses an adhesive is because it doesn't slip.
I am leaning more towards getting an Intuos4 because I got used to using ExpressKeys on the 12WX. All the brushes, tools and options are within reach of a single button - it is sooo convenient that I almost never use my laptop's keyboard.
Although, I may end up getting Intuos3 Medium along with a large LCD monitor if I can find it cheap. Bigger monitor equals more spacious UI which means I won't have to cram the screen by dragging multiple buttons and shortcuts onto it.
I had Intuos3 on my lap at all times while working which was very comfy for me. You could say I got pretty much used to it. Now the Cintiq, while a great piece of hardware, I just don't find it too comfortable to work on for long periods of time. Since I don't like having it on my lap (it's quite heavy), I have to stare down at it and sometimes I find my neck to be hurting. I don't have a good table on which I can work on, so it became a little problem.
I am aiming to sell it for at least $650. I barely used it (less than 2 months) and am very gentle when it comes to handling any type of hardware so it is like new with no scratches or dead pixels whatsoever.
I don't know about you but that's a huge + in my book.
I bought mine before widescreen was cool.
How do you stuff all that in a single button?
worth its weight in gold!
You can almost have as many submenus as you want.
Thanks for the heads up Kot~