(pictures missing.... Not sure why. I'll fix it soon)
Just wanted to share a tutorial I made today after figuring out how to import custom grass. It deals largely with Maya, though the latter half of it explains some basics in CE3.
I hope it helps someone!
Please let me know how to improve it, or anything really. Thanks!
Apart from that: Check for "use Terrain Color" in Vegetation tab
e-freak, dos "use Terrain Color" mean that it'll pick the underlying texture and blend it? That would be magical!
I'm a Djinni and this was the first of your three wishes to come true :poly128:
(in all seriousness: this is what helps with the huge vegetation landscapes in Crysis 1 as you can basically abuse the terrain as vertex colors for the vegetation and avoid repetition. carefully used you could make huge distance forests make look totally unique.)
You should get a CGF file usually. If you didn't, check the log if there were any errors appearing. (Or post it here
So there's not even need for vertex colors and stuff like that on the terrain to make the foliage take the same color? Secondly, is this possible to do on static objects to? I'm thinking smaller terrains made in mudbox or terrain machine. Would that be possible to?
I did get a cgf on my second try.. Well well. All these groups and what not is making me dizzy
[EDIT] Btw, i can't find my objects, CGFs, i've tried to put them both in game/objects/what_ever and in editor/objects/Something_something.
[EDIT 2] Haha, never mind. I found it. Didn't get what map actually worked but yeah :P