That looks dope.
I feel like it could use some complementary colors here and there, maybe some really saturated flowers or something like that in a few spots.
Hey Matroskin, can I ask a Favor ?
I have showed your scene to friend of myne, they are totally in love !
So much that they ask me to know if hi-res size screenshots are available to make a wallpaper !
That scene is super inspirational. I would love to do something similar if i find the time.
One small thing that i noticed in your trees is that you have triangulated geometry for the leafes. It's super hard to make lod's for this if it was for a real game. Check out my tutorial for making lod friendly leafes geometry (or anyone who's interested in it):
@ myles - if honestly, the terrain textures r simply taken from cgtextures:P Just little tweaks to bring them to the same color palete and brightenss. Terrain was textured at the end of the work on the scene, and since i've already shown to students some texture tricks for the architecture and foliage, I decided to take a shortcut this time In any case the main focus was on getting the textues to fit each other and to be aplied in a logical and esthetical way, which I noticed beginners know less than how to make a grass or sand texture :P
As for the foliage - nothing really special there. Teh only thing that I added beside alpha transparency was subtle Emissive value. It was done after I noticed that some foliage details were bit too dark in the shadow (due to multiple branch overlap) so I added grayscale mask for tree branches to use with emissive just so that i can control subtle brightness of the branches in the shadow. I made a mask because a simple color was making leaves almost monoclored green (used green emissive in this case), so by adding the grayscale mask to multiply with that emissive green I could keep texture details in the shadow.
@ Sixton - lol, but if serious, as diver said, some color contrast indeed would not hurt here.. well, to know for the next time
@ IxenonI - true that, as i mentioned in previous replies, I will take that for a future note, ty.
@ Froyok - wow, i appreciate that, thanks man Sure ill do that, i hope i wont forget tonight when i come back home...
@ cupsster - sry, i din't quite get it :P Could u specify... unless its a joke that i didn't get
@ Steppenwolf - oh, i see now, thanks a lot for the link The reson why i made triangles in some places is that i was aiming for reducing the surface covered by alpha to show a bit more optimized render. It just cauz every pixel of alpha polygon overlap adds to the shader compelxity calculations... But on the other hand, your point is definitely good LOD-wise. I think if I would do LODs i would flatten the branch meshes and eventually recuded their quantity for the lowest LOD, but also i think in this case making them all as quands would nto hurt. Good to know for me now
There is another good reason to keep leafes geometry on quads which is when your engine supports vertex animation for wind effects or player interaction it deforms better.
Hey Matroskin, can I ask a Favor ?
I have showed your scene to friend of myne, they are totally in love !
So much that they ask me to know if hi-res size screenshots are available to make a wallpaper !
Naww.. Well done!
I feel like it could use some complementary colors here and there, maybe some really saturated flowers or something like that in a few spots.
I have showed your scene to friend of myne, they are totally in love !
So much that they ask me to know if hi-res size screenshots are available to make a wallpaper !
Can I ask this favor, can you make hi-res screenshots ?
(In UDK it's very simple : )
One small thing that i noticed in your trees is that you have triangulated geometry for the leafes. It's super hard to make lod's for this if it was for a real game. Check out my tutorial for making lod friendly leafes geometry (or anyone who's interested in it):
@ myles - if honestly, the terrain textures r simply taken from cgtextures:P Just little tweaks to bring them to the same color palete and brightenss. Terrain was textured at the end of the work on the scene, and since i've already shown to students some texture tricks for the architecture and foliage, I decided to take a shortcut this time
As for the foliage - nothing really special there. Teh only thing that I added beside alpha transparency was subtle Emissive value. It was done after I noticed that some foliage details were bit too dark in the shadow (due to multiple branch overlap) so I added grayscale mask for tree branches to use with emissive just so that i can control subtle brightness of the branches in the shadow. I made a mask because a simple color was making leaves almost monoclored green (used green emissive in this case), so by adding the grayscale mask to multiply with that emissive green I could keep texture details in the shadow.
@ Sixton - lol, but if serious, as diver said, some color contrast indeed would not hurt here.. well, to know for the next time
@ IxenonI - true that, as i mentioned in previous replies, I will take that for a future note, ty.
@ Froyok - wow, i appreciate that, thanks man
@ cupsster - sry, i din't quite get it :P Could u specify... unless its a joke that i didn't get
@ Steppenwolf - oh, i see now, thanks a lot for the link
sry man, forgot about that for a while, my bad :P
I did 3 screens tonight, so if your friend still wants them, they r here:
... just add ".JPG" when copying the link. I just didn't want them to load here automatically cauz they r huge :P
However, unfortunately the FOV of in-game view is different from editor, so sometimes its kinda more narrow, but well...