I saw a concept of the last add-on of Wow. This is the Twilight's Hammer Cart, and I wanted to make it a personal addition to my portfolio.

Last update :

I started working on the high poly in zbrush and I'm trying to make the wings of the dragon at the moment.

A single log repeated in radial symmetry.

Two pieces are making all the wheel.

Wings are Work In Progress.
C&C welcome.
And for the sake of trying to say something constructive. What is the covering made out of? Is it an actual dragon wing? If so, I think you could push the material definition between the bone and skin some more. The skin appears a little too chiseled. You said its a WIP though, so take that with a grain of salt
But I don't remember where exactly so you can get it here : http://fanny.vergne.free.fr/Tools/fg_grey_metal.ZMT
@ dtschultz : I used the Orb's brush for the sharpen wood (http://vimeo.com/26399689)
@ OtrickP / Sean VanGorder : I totally agree with you
Thank you for your replies !
I especially like the work done on the metal part of the wheels (plus the wood duh!).
It makes my back hurt just thinking about that thing moving over rough terrain. :poly122:
I post more of my work on the wings. I start all over again in order to separate the bones and skin in my basemesh.
The holes in the wings will be made in the alpha of the texture.
C & C Welcome !
I pressume you're going to mask out the indented holes on the wing so we can see through it, just like on the concept? At the moment it makes it look like the wing is made of stone.
Other then it's spotless, I like the balance between macro and micro details!
Great inspiration!
This is fact. Good thing my pants were already off. Good stuff.
^^ amazing sculp !
how did you manage to detach objects, and delete the back face into the holes s wings ?
you extract or just hide ?
It looks like new subtools. This is going to be alpha masked imo.
i need try this and practice the newest tricks ,
Orb / Faf
you have work together and you have a similar skill,(very good and best i have see for scuplt environement and props ) do you have a special education / pipeline in prod ?
or search and learn in autodidact with book and web tuto ?
because you have a great talent for scuplt and a good knowlege in zbrush but maybe it s just a coincidence that you are strong you two ,
thank you and apologize for disturbing you with my question ^^ .
We had no special education, just autodidact learning, although I must admit that is Orb wich introduced me to Zbrush. :poly122:
Great job on this one, I'll follow it.
Very cool concept and you're doing a great job with it.
Go ! Go !
I followed the impact puncher, it's too bad, it s failed because they had a good team and some projects was nice, but I do not care for both of you with your talent ^ ^
can not wait to see the next step
But the rope aside, it looks fantastic. I'm curious how you masked out the holes. Care to share? Keep going, looks really pro.
The only "issue" I have with the wings is that all the pieces seem to ignore each other. For example the part where the skin meets up with the bones you'd expect the wrinkles in the skin to deform and merge with the bones. At the moment it's still missing the feeling of it being one piece and all being connected in some way.
Same goes for the spikes on the "spine", they feel as if they are just ignoring the other parts instead of interacting with them, you'd expect them to push away the skin as if it was pierced through the skin.
I hope my crappy explanation makes any sense
Keep up the good work! You have a very awesome sculpting style. And the parts you've showed so far look great.
I want to see more.
Come on, let's sculpt again!:poly128:
I must say I agree with this statement, I was going to comment on it but made sure to check beforehand if someone else had.
In any case, your piece looking true to the concept, good work so far. Keep at it!
PS. Thanks for the matcap, I'm going to use this for EVERYTHING!
- Andr