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Texturing Practise

polycounter lvl 11
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Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
Hi all!
I'm throwing yet another ball up in the air here.
Recently I've felt that my texturing skills need some brushing up, so I started making a texture from stratch, hoping that I could make a small environment from rich textures and simple geometry.

This is my first texture sheet:


It's still not done, as I want to work more on the frame (top and bottom)

It's rendered in marmoset, and I used nDo to generate the normals.

I'd love to hear any crits you may have!



  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    IS this supposed to be clean ?
    If that, there is really nothing to add.. clean texture should be just clean and smooth, and all "painting" should come from lighting and shadows.
    If you want it to look more aged, you should add scratches, and small dirt.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I was going for a rather clean environment. Not out of the box clean, but slightly used. :)

  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    Looking great so far,I definitely watch this and I'm sure I gonna learn something.
    Is that screws are from the eat3d pack?
  • _Erik
    Nice texture. The seam is pretty easy to spot though (but you saw that already). Also, run your dirt layer through crazybump and pick only the very fine detail. Overlay it with a very low opacity (5%) over your normalmap.
    Change the spec/gloss intensity between the panel and the black bar.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the comments guys! :)

    @igi: The screws are made by me. :)

    @_Erik: Yeah, the seam is noticable, and I'm working on getting it out of the way ^^
    The normal map advice was really helpful, and I think it looks a lot better now! Thank you!

    Here's with some minor adjustments and the normal map change:

  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Is this metal or concrete? The latest pic, with the new normals, looks more like concrete, but it has screws in it, so not sure.

    Beyond that, the subtle variation in there works well and I dig the dirt buildup.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    chaosquack wrote: »
    Is this metal or concrete? The latest pic, with the new normals, looks more like concrete, but it has screws in it, so not sure.

    Beyond that, the subtle variation in there works well and I dig the dirt buildup.

    It's supposed to be metal, but when I added the normal details I thought it looked cool as concrete, but then I realized it had screws in it, so I kind of messed up there.

    I will get back to it tonight and finish this texture sheet up, as metal. :)

    Thanks for your comment!
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Made another tile to break up the segmentation. Will also make version without the label.

  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    The screws seem a bit large for me, might be the Philips head part that is throwing me off, you would need such a large drill to screw them in haha.

    maybe add more and make them smaller? idk. Other than that it looks good.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    This thread just reminded me it's more than half a year I made a texture, god damn, I need to do one of this practice runs as well!

    Great stuff disting, it's been a while I've seen stuff from you! :))
  • SnaFuBAR
    Perhaps change the screws to bolt heads or one of the buttons you put over countersunk screws? Phillips screws are killing the scale. At first glance I thought they were a detail on the floor, maybe just above ankle height.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    the screws do mess with the scale a good bit. if that's an 8 foot tall wall tile then those screws are about 3 inches in diameter!

    one of my main concerns is your damage placement. remember that things get worn because of interaction, and if this is an indoor wall, it would get more worn towards the bottom where dirt would gather from people and things bringing it in from the outside world. so yeah, you gotta mask the dirt off from the top areas!

    don't forget: paint on metal reads like paint, not metal. in sci-fi art, paint usually reads best as high-gloss with some thickness, so you CAN use that normal map overlay if you wish in conjunction with a higher gloss level for that material. if you're using a gloss map, you can try creating material contrast by having glossy, slightly pitted paint that gets worn off, exposing a flat bare metal.

    you might also want to consider changing the color of the tan paint to something more striking, because the tan you have now looks similar to concrete.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for all your comments! They're really helping!
    I remade the bolts, removing the philips version and replacing them with flat tops and making them smaller.
    I also added some small wear and tear and made the bottom dirtier than the top.

    Here's what I have at the moment:

  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Started working on the floor:
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Great progress. Vary that yellow line! Looks to perfect for a surface like that.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the comment!
    Yeah, I'll make the yellow more worn. Already worked a bit on it, but I'll grunge it up a bit more. :)

    I added a stair and made some minor changes to the floor.

  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    loving the floor texture but it needs some seems so we know how it's constructed.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Gannon wrote: »
    loving the floor texture but it needs some seems so we know how it's constructed.

    Thanks for the advice! I added some welding seems. :)
    I also started working on a door.

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    looking nice.

    it's tempting to keep laying on the dirt and grime and shitting everything up, so it's always nice to see some cleaner textures
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks! :)

    Here's a really quick sketch I threw together so that I have some form of overview of my idea of the room.
    The basic idea is that the main floor area will be a waiting room with a monitor or two showing news or some information, a few benches and some plants to break up the repeating lines and to add some more color.

  • sneakymcfox
    I really like the clean textures but your design for the room could be improved, on the far left there is a handrail but anyone using it would just walk into the stairs so If it's a waiting room maybe fill that area with a sofa or some other such item and start the 2 step piece at the base of the larger steps if you see what I mean.

    also I'm not sure about the single handrail in the centre of such a wide step, It just looks a little odd to me.
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    It's looking good. But the stairs seem to be a little fragile looking. Maybe enlarge the poles a bit ;)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    I really like the clean textures but your design for the room could be improved, on the far left there is a handrail but anyone using it would just walk into the stairs so If it's a waiting room maybe fill that area with a sofa or some other such item and start the 2 step piece at the base of the larger steps if you see what I mean.

    also I'm not sure about the single handrail in the centre of such a wide step, It just looks a little odd to me.

    Very good points there!

    I'll probably add a 1/4th curved corner sofa in the corner by the stair just like you said.
    About the handrail, yeah, I was a bit sceptical to it as well. I think I'll either add 2 more rails, or remove it.

    I will be back later with a revised concept. Thanks for the help! :)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Right.. I downloaded the CryEngine and decided to try and get this environment running in that engine, just to stay updated. :P

    Here's what I have so far:


    I know it doesn't look like much at the moment, but I'm learning as I go. :)
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16

    The previous lighting was much much better though!
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah I really preferred the other lighting! I really need to practice my texturing too so I am just finishing up the baking on a prop I have made! I aim for quite a clean metal look to it too not unlike the walls you have there!

    Care to share how you did them? Pretty please? :)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks guys!
    Yeah, I agree about the lighting. I just wanted to try and see what it looked like if I went for a more horror like look.
    I'm having some problems with the lighting though.. When I increase the light strength all colors get washed out.. I'm guessing this has something to do with Color Grading, but I'm kind of lost when it comes to that.

    Also, I'm having some problems with the specular and gloss. In Marmoset Toolbag I managed to use the Gloss map the way I wanted to, but in CE3 it doesn't seem to make any difference. (Yes, I have enabled it in the shader params as Diffuse Alpha)

    If anyone has experience in this engine, I'd love to get some input on this.

    @SaferDan: Cool! Gonna check it out if you make a thread!
    I can post the texture flats later when I get back home. :)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Hint hint: Use a environment cubemap, works best on dark environments.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    [HP] wrote: »
    Hint hint: Use a environment cubemap, works best on dark environments.

    Thanks! :)
  • IxenonI
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    IxenonI interpolator
    It´s nice to see people use CryEngine more now that its available for free.

    Good stuff in here so far...
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Alright, here's a small update.

    Changed the lighting and fixed some materials. I also created a ceiling light.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Alright.. I think I have the look I'm going for more or less.

    I'll start modeling and texturing the rest of the room now, along with some props. :)

  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Alright.. Started adding some pipes and stuff to the walls to break the whole thing up a bit.

  • S2Engine
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    S2Engine polycounter lvl 10
    Looking really nice, might want to try some different values out for the pipes though as they seem to be getting lost in the pattern a bit.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks guys! Those are some great crits! I will definately fix the door and the platform. I really appreciate it! :)
    @S2Engine: Do you want them brighter? Because I darkened them quite a bit to make them stick out less.

    I made a quick video of a WIP computer terminal I made. Again, it is very much WIP. :)

    Here's the video: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2871613/monitor.avi

  • equil
    the point light reflections of the fluorescent lights that are showing up on the roof stick out like a sore thumb. otherwise it's coming along well, keep going!
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    equil wrote: »
    the point light reflections of the fluorescent lights that are showing up on the roof stick out like a sore thumb. otherwise it's coming along well, keep going!

    Good point! :)
    I've been trying to get a proper light set up for the ceiling lights, but I can't seem to figure it out. Do you know how to do it?

  • S2Engine
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    S2Engine polycounter lvl 10
    For the pipes, I think it might depend on what your final shot angles are. If it's going to be the camera you're showing here, giving them a different paint color altogether would help them stand out from the wall. If it's going to be more of a closeup shot then they might be okay as is.

    Also, tried to check out the video but I couldn't get it to play on my PC for some reason. Any chance of a Youtube or Vimeo upload?
  • imijatov
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    imijatov polycounter lvl 14
    What equil mentioned, otherwise, fantastic work!
  • martynball
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    martynball polycounter lvl 10
    Looks good, but there shouldn't be any pure black areas. There will faint light from the lights on the ceiling.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the comment guys! Will continiue to work on the lighting later on, but for now I'm trying to work on the current models, textures and modeling new props. :)

    Here is a new shot showing the new floor for the recreational area and the new console.

    The console will probably not be there in the final scene, but I just wanted to put it somewhere. :)
  • nfrrtycmplx
  • Don Karnage
    Wow. The small blue lights make it for me :)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Started thinking about how I want the recreational area, and I decided to go for something quite different than what I had in mind from the beginning.
    I'm planning on making the recreational area a huge contrast from the service hall way.

    I started working on a news ticker (which is actually animated to go around and around ^^) and I moved the terminal in order to make room for a reception.
    I'm still to add furniture and other props, but hopefully you'll get some idea of what I'm trying to do here. :)


  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    I am in love with this thread right now. I'm inspired and I want to brush up my texture skills now too. I hope you don't mind if I follow suit with a similar project. :)

    Well done BTW the lighting is sex.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks Pope Adam!
    Not at all, go for it! I love your work btw! :)

    Here's an update:
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    A small update.
    The computer monitors at the back will look different, but I wanted to show you some progress before I went to bed. :)

  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Very nice. I think you need to give more meaning to this scene though. Things don't make much sense. What is this facility used for? There's an information booth in the middle of nowhere, a small stair leading to a heavy door (why would someone build a huge lobby like this and only a small service stair?) and a giant holographic sign displaying illegible news. Those elements don't fit together in my opinion.

    The floor texture looks pretty awesome but also looks like some surface one would find outdoors after the rain.

    The micro details (textures/materials) look awesome, but you need to work more on the macro details (meaning, functionality, design etc...).

    Keep up the good work!
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks minotaur0! :-)
    I understand what you mean and i agree. However this is only one side of the room. Oposite of the service hallway will be the main entrance and i still have a whole bunch of props to make.
    I have a final image in my head but its kinda hard to show since i cant draw. >.<
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    nice progress, looking forward to seeing more!
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