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Female cyborg (Big images)

Hello polycounters, usually i'm only stalking on this forum, and haven't posted anything since dominance war IV. :poly136:
Right now i'm updating my portfolio, so i digged out old works and tried to make them look nicer...
For now i'm working on that female cyborg (the one i did for DW4), please tell me what you think about it. :poly114:








  • Hofsta
    Offline / Send Message
    This is pretty cool. I'm down with alot of what you got going on here. If you're looking for suggestions on things to possibly change in order to improve the model...

    I feel like the gun might be a bit undersold.In fact the arms themselves feel like they got less attention than the rest of the model. That's where I would start to revisit it for sure!

    With the textures theres a certain lack of color to the model, shes mostly grey and kinda monotonous with only some green glowy bits to break it up. Maybe pick a color and add a few painted areas or color some of the panels. Might help break up the shapes better and throw some more color into it.

    Welp, thats all I got. Hope some of it was helpful. Cant wait to see how you improve this!
  • fei-rukawa
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    You're right about the arms, I think I should totally remake them from scratch. Make real arms with real fingers. Then maybe a more classic external weapons.
    I'll test out what I can do about the colors... for now I'm not sure what color could look good.

    I'll try to improve that tonight, after work.

    Thanks for the feedbacks, it does help! =)
  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    I kind of like the weapon arms idea, personally. But I agree that they need more interesting details, in so much that they are kind of plain and a little blockier than the rest of the model. I'd also revisit the cracked, weathered effect you have going on in the sculpt of the armor pieces. Right now the hi-poly sculpt (minus diffuse texture) reads like concrete, and then with the diffuse/spec maps, it just looks like the metal is too rough. Try to shoot for a more brushed, smoothed metal surface, with some pock marks and small dents and scratches in areas of wear, like near the joints and tips of feet/hands/ extremities.

    Hope that helps.

    I'm not an expert on metal textures, but I would try to tone down the worn metal effect in the normal map and let the majority of those surface scratches appear in the spec map.
  • fei-rukawa
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    I'm sorry to answer so late, i've been overwhelmed by work lately... so btw, i did some "low high poly", making details in maya before Zbrush.
    About the weapon I thought about an in-between, so my character would have her hands and her weapons on it if she wants, wolverine-have-light-saber-style. :D
    And why not also an energy shield? that's lazy making weapons! Maybe i'll add a gun anyway later.
    I see what you mean, it does look like concrete in Zbrush... i'll try something out tonight~
    I'd like to do something like the starcrafts marine's metal surface, but looks like I'm doing it wrong, got lost in the fun of sculpting it.

  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Eyebrows are really high up and you should probably put some more time into creating eye-lashes as well. Love the pose, awesome. The design is pretty cool as well, good work! :)
  • fei-rukawa
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    Thanks Chrisradby! I took the time to make eye-lashes and lower down the eyebrows a bit, and remade completely all maps. Still WIP (fingers and some stuff are still white) and I'm having difficulties with the alphas... I'll try to fix that in UDK later.



    I also tried to draw scratches following the hard edges and the cracks int the armor, then I took the scratches only to pixplant to create a normal map, i did some searches on google to combine normal maps... and found that I could blend the new normal map as an overlay after i change the level adjustment on the blue channel, putting the white output level slider to 128.
    It works, somehow I'm not sure it's perfectly clean but it does the trick. =)
    If you've got comments about this, they are welcome! I did read a lot of stuff but when it get too complicated i'm kind of lost (like here http://www.rodgreen.com/?p=4 )

    Right now I'm still trying things out like adjusting the specular/gloss map, I'm taking any advices... But I'm sorry if I answer slowly, right now I'm working hard to keep my fridge from being empty! :p

  • fei-rukawa
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    Looks like I was all wrong about the specular map, the scratches shouldn't shine so much so I took the diffuse map and just contrast/britnessed it...

  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Really cool work! :D
  • fei-rukawa
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    thanks cheese shinobi! =)
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