I tell you what, this will be a midnight showing watch for me. I am extremely excited about it. I've always defended the fact that Superman can still be the greatest superhero when he's written the right way, a lot of my favorite comic stories involve him, and everything I'm reading about this film seems like they nailed it.
In the different comics/tv series I've read/seen, Jor-el is able to (at the very least) observe different worlds and is able to study the effects of Eaths yellow sun radiation on Kryptonian's compared to their own red sun. I don't know if it was explained weather this was strictly while trying to find an inhabitable for Kal-el or not is up for grabs. In the comic series Birthright it was after an extensive search of possible safe heaven's while in Smallville Kryptonian's had been travel to earth for centuries.
-also I agree with everything you said Mad Artist, especially the written right part.
They seem to have the ability to travel to different worlds, why wouldn't he know?
So all but a handful voluntarily died when they could easily have GTFO?
I think space travel was very experimental at the time; Jo'Rel having pioneered it. As far as I am aware Superman was shot off in a small prototype; there was a full size module made that his parents planned to use but it was damaged in the calamity.
I haven't watched "the movie" in a while but from what I remember the leaders of Krypton refused to entertain the notion that the end of their world was imminent and forbid Jor-el from attempting any kind of escape, the pod he made for Kal-el was done in secret. In some of the comic versions Krypton was destroyed through war and no one else was able to escape in time. In the Superman and JLA animated series Brainiac destroyed the place before anybody could. So ultimately the reasoning just happens to be whoever is telling the story at the time.
Though in all versions criminals like Zod were already banished long before. Usually to the Phantom Zone though I'm sure there's plenty of others that were just "out there" somewhere.
Man after hearing more about it, who's involved and watching the trailers this is really shaping up to be a superman film I will happily watch :thumbup:
OH I am SO looking forward to this movie!!! They definitely took the christopher nolan route and I'm not even kind of pissed about it! This more somber, serious take on the super hero universe is something that I absolutely love!
I'm wondering why there are no legitimate early reviews yet? I read online news that the press who have seen it isnt alowed to comment on it. Seems abit sketchy. Does that mean the movie sucks?????
I'm wondering why there are no legitimate early reviews yet? I read online news that the press who have seen it isnt alowed to comment on it. Seems abit sketchy. Does that mean the movie sucks?????
I've heard exactly the opposite. I've seen a lot of first impression type reviews that say it's one of the best superhero movies ever. Maybe they have an embargo as to when full length reviews can come out..
I've heard exactly the opposite. I've seen a lot of first impression type reviews that say it's one of the best sueprhero movies ever. Maybe they have an embargo as to when full length reviews can come out..
Please post a link bro. I'm at a loss as to find these "legit" reviews. All i ever see online are these dork sites that have as much cred as my anus.
Some radio show I was listening to the other day talked about how they had seen an early showing and he ranked it up there as his third favorite superhero movie, behind Dark Knight and ahead of Iron Man. I'll be damned if I can remember who it was though.
If you're interested in it though, screw reviews, just go see it!
That's why I don't listen to critics. I think they spend too much time in their own little world, getting uptight about movies. They froth at the mouth, for the chance to write a good bashing on a movie.
That's why I come here, to read opinions of people I share movie tastes with
yea Ign gave it a 9 almost a 10, so from a nerd viewpoint it sounds like it kicks ass, I think people were expecting something like the dark knight when they heard chris Nolan was attached. you cant have something like that with supes, its gotta be huge and over the top.
Wow, aggregate of 57% on Rotten Tomatoes. While that's never a terribly accurate way to judge anything, I'm genuinely surprised that the zeitgeist is so mediocre.
Enjoyed it a lot! Very immersive, well shot, vfx were incredible, Henry Cavill was fantastic as Superman, and liked the more emotional parts to the story. Really felt empathy for Superman, and also got a sense of his character evolving throughout the movie.
Have a few minor gripes with Zod, how they presented the narrative, one or two continutity/action-mismatch issues, and a few others, but overall was great fun and highly recommend it!
oh yeah, and Faora-Ul was fucking incredible, she did a much better job than Zod. I haven't chuckled out-loud with glee of awesomeness in a while during a movie, but every fight scene she was a part of i couldn't help myself because it was too damn cool.
Possibly the best superhero movie I've seen. It's certainly up there with Nolan's Batman and it's good enough to finally banish the memory of Superman Returns.
Enjoyed it but boy was it kinda a mess all over. SUPER rushed, they tried to jam way to much into the film. The origin party of the story was like not even there. Still the best Superman movie ever.
Zod was great, so was the hot evil chick. Absolutely loved the armor designs of Zod and crew. Hope to be able to see some sculpts/high rez of those.
Really liked how the got around the use of Kryptonite, thought that was super clever. And Krypton itself was really cool, dug the sci fi look they created for it.
I enjoyed it but don't think too hard on the story or you'll find the holes.
Why introduce the Clark Kent as a journalist at all, does the Man of Steel really need a 40 hour a week real job anymore why not just be Superman 24/7.. ?
Wouldn't Earthlings pretty much hate Superman after the tens of thousands dead in Metropolis, etc after the big battle? I am not sure after finding out he was one of them, they'd just give him a pass after all he brought them to Earth. (even if by accident, he's the reason so many died. Yes, he cleaned up his mess but they wouldn't have come if it wasn't for him being there.)
Liked the Wayne Enterprises Satellite and LexCorp stuff. Was nice additions.
Sears and iHOP played very large roles in the movie.. seriously?
A lot of people and critics were/are bashing the heck out of this movie, basically saying it's flat and complaining that the lack of charisma and the Lois and Clark romance deal basically killed it. I saw it release day, in IMAX 3D and I can tell you I want to watch it again! I still will always think Christopher Reeves is the true Superman but this movie was so awesome! The quality of actors and the realism. The best part I think about the whole movie is that for once, Superman was betrayed as alien! Even the architecture and designs had hints of Ridely Scott all over it. Why anyone thinks that a alien from another planet that had a lonely existence in a foreign world would come down to swoop the women of Earth like some bad Fabio is beyond me! Also another complaint was the lack of Clark Kent in the movie. Not to hate on Christopher Reeve's potrail of Kent, but since when the Man of Steel become Urkel? I am already ready for the dvd release!
The movie was pretty bad. It started all right and was all right up until the third act. Then it dragged on and on and on. And the acting was pretty bad. Like the only person I thought who did a good job was Superman's Space Dad. They gave no reasons to care for anyone besides the only three characters they fleshed out which were Superman and Zod and Superman's space dad. Also, the movie seemed to have a Michael Bay level hard on for the US Military even though everybody who was in the military asked a bunch of really dumb questions. I feel the movie had a bunch of really good ideas but had bad direction and acting meaning the ideas never got truly fleshed out. This is a shame because Zack Snyder is probably going to direct Justice League. I guess I should congratulate Syder on making me bored at the climax of the film especially with all the stuff that is going down at that point.
A lot of people and critics were/are bashing the heck out of this movie, basically saying it's flat and complaining that the lack of charisma and the Lois and Clark romance deal basically killed it. I saw it release day, in IMAX 3D and I can tell you I want to watch it again! I still will always think Christopher Reeves is the true Superman but this movie was so awesome! The quality of actors and the realism. The best part I think about the whole movie is that for once, Superman was betrayed as alien! Even the architecture and designs had hints of Ridely Scott all over it. Why anyone thinks that a alien from another planet that had a lonely existence in a foreign world would come down to swoop the women of Earth like some bad Fabio is beyond me! Also another complaint was the lack of Clark Kent in the movie. Not to hate on Christopher Reeve's potrail of Kent, but since when the Man of Steel become Urkel? I am already ready for the dvd release!
Right on brotha. This movie was BAD ASS. Crits comments with it dragging on and on clearly had a different expectation of the film. This is the best Superman I think Zach Nailed this. It was paced perfectly, the music was timed nicely. I think this theme is FAR better than Donners fan fair cheese garbage. The CG was awesome, the fighting was spot on DC comics themed perfection.
I wouldn't really argue it being the best Superman film. But I do think a good amount of the acting in the original film was superior but it had its own list of issues. I think that nobody will remember Man of Steel in a year.
That's why I don't listen to critics. I think they spend too much time in their own little world, getting uptight about movies. They froth at the mouth, for the chance to write a good bashing on a movie.
That's why I come here, to read opinions of people I share movie tastes with
ALso, if you read Rotten T and Metacritic, even though Crits are low, user reviews are very high. Fuck the crits and their harvard opinion. lol
I wouldn't really argue it being the best Superman film. But I do think a good amount of the acting in the original film was superior but it had its own list of issues. I think that nobody will remember Man of Steel in a year.
I would argue it IS the best superman to date. I say that because anyone who holds on to Donners film as a standard is probably only holding on to a childhood feeling rather than objectible insight. Thats where alot of that comes from i think. Donners film and this film are kind of apples and oranges anyways. Donners superman is sort of a flaming fan fair while Man of Steel is a ultra realistic film like Battle LA. Man of Steel had much more involving emotion than Donners film. The characters are relatable and the psychology is intricate. I think i teared up 4 times in this film.
Thats my opinion. This Film was exactly what i was looking for in Superman.
I pretty sure I made it clear that I don't hold Donners films to any high standard. I would actually argue there has yet to be a good Superman film. I haven't seen returns and I don't remember anything from Superman 2-4 but I don't think those movies would be contenders anyway.
To each there own bra. I actually saw it twice. 2nd time today. It's worth seeing twice because of all the action. I actually missed shit the first time around.
I just watched this in IMAX 3D and all I can say it.... WOW! What a movie, as a film the story and writing was around 8/10 so pretty good and solid. But as a movie experience... 11/10! Was blown away, best 3D I have experienced and never once felt strained or annoyed. It looks stunning, had me on the edge of my seat. Just.... GO SEE IT NOW!
If you place your brain in a jar and pay no never-mind to tone, plot, story or character development and admire barely cohesive scenes that do just enough to take you over to the next action sequence, then yeah, the movie is pretty awesome. Can't complain.
-also I agree with everything you said Mad Artist, especially the written right part.
So all but a handful voluntarily died when they could easily have GTFO?
I think space travel was very experimental at the time; Jo'Rel having pioneered it. As far as I am aware Superman was shot off in a small prototype; there was a full size module made that his parents planned to use but it was damaged in the calamity.
Though in all versions criminals like Zod were already banished long before. Usually to the Phantom Zone though I'm sure there's plenty of others that were just "out there" somewhere.
I've heard exactly the opposite. I've seen a lot of first impression type reviews that say it's one of the best superhero movies ever. Maybe they have an embargo as to when full length reviews can come out..
Please post a link bro. I'm at a loss as to find these "legit" reviews. All i ever see online are these dork sites that have as much cred as my anus.
Like I said, they aren't full reviews, more like impressions. There's this:
Some radio show I was listening to the other day talked about how they had seen an early showing and he ranked it up there as his third favorite superhero movie, behind Dark Knight and ahead of Iron Man. I'll be damned if I can remember who it was though.
If you're interested in it though, screw reviews, just go see it!
Already got tickets booked for a midnight showing, can't wait
That's why I come here, to read opinions of people I share movie tastes with
Have a few minor gripes with Zod, how they presented the narrative, one or two continutity/action-mismatch issues, and a few others, but overall was great fun and highly recommend it!
Pure epicness.
Zod was great, so was the hot evil chick. Absolutely loved the armor designs of Zod and crew. Hope to be able to see some sculpts/high rez of those.
Really liked how the got around the use of Kryptonite, thought that was super clever. And Krypton itself was really cool, dug the sci fi look they created for it.
Why introduce the Clark Kent as a journalist at all, does the Man of Steel really need a 40 hour a week real job anymore why not just be Superman 24/7.. ?
Wouldn't Earthlings pretty much hate Superman after the tens of thousands dead in Metropolis, etc after the big battle? I am not sure after finding out he was one of them, they'd just give him a pass after all he brought them to Earth. (even if by accident, he's the reason so many died. Yes, he cleaned up his mess but they wouldn't have come if it wasn't for him being there.)
Liked the Wayne Enterprises Satellite and LexCorp stuff. Was nice additions.
Sears and iHOP played very large roles in the movie.. seriously?
do they keep the original superman theme?
if not - no dice.
Right on brotha. This movie was BAD ASS. Crits comments with it dragging on and on clearly had a different expectation of the film. This is the best Superman I think Zach Nailed this. It was paced perfectly, the music was timed nicely. I think this theme is FAR better than Donners fan fair cheese garbage. The CG was awesome, the fighting was spot on DC comics themed perfection.
ALso, if you read Rotten T and Metacritic, even though Crits are low, user reviews are very high. Fuck the crits and their harvard opinion. lol
I would argue it IS the best superman to date. I say that because anyone who holds on to Donners film as a standard is probably only holding on to a childhood feeling rather than objectible insight. Thats where alot of that comes from i think. Donners film and this film are kind of apples and oranges anyways. Donners superman is sort of a flaming fan fair while Man of Steel is a ultra realistic film like Battle LA. Man of Steel had much more involving emotion than Donners film. The characters are relatable and the psychology is intricate. I think i teared up 4 times in this film.
Thats my opinion. This Film was exactly what i was looking for in Superman.
9/10 for me.
Just saying.