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Looking for 3D artists for sci-fi MMO via Hero Cloud

Team name:
New company start-up: Surreal Logic

Project name:
“Martian Worlds”

Brief description:
This is a new game just starting up, but I’ve been working out the concept for well over a year now. We will be building a universe, and you'll be able to help sculpt whatever planet you can dream of. Visiting worlds and finding new ways to fight against life-like aliens composed of nano-bots [who are responsible for destroying their makers] is the core of the game, but there will be sub-games as well as part of the various missions. Why sub-games? Because this allows the creation of games within a bigger game, which adds to the fun dynamics. Unless you know HeroScript (HSL) I'll be doing the coding so don't worry, or you can learn it also if you feel ambitious. Once I have the art, I can do most everything else (including the music and effects.).

Base on how Hero Cloud works (as do most MMOG systems), I will be creating "areas". Each "area" will be handled by different servers for load balancing. My thought currently is to have one area per star system, and one area for each planet terrain (planets will be orbiting their stars in real time). The user selects a planet to land on, and the scene fades into the player descending from the atmosphere (if any). The player flies upwards to leave the atmosphere in order to leave the planet. Once in space, at any time, the player can pull up the 3D star map to fly elsewhere.
Where to land?: When a player comes to an object to land on, a menu of available landing sites will be presented - this allows the addition of more new sites at a later time (unless it is a very small planet, or moon, in which case there will be only one selection). Once selected, the system will fade and switch to landing mode, and the player will control descent onto the terrain. There's a short intro story here: http://www.surreallogic.com.

Target aim:
I’m trying to make this freeware, but I doubt that model is practical for me to maintain the game properly during production, and I want to eventually pay artists, so it will either be in-game based payments (say, to unlock special areas, not to nickle and dime the players), per-per-usage (time based), or subscription based (monthly).

The Hero Engine license I have was at NO COST (I have no money to invest at all). They will take 30%, and the game creator gets %70, though I'm trying not to charge a subscription if I can avoid it. I’m trying to implement an in-game based created system instead, but not 100% sure yet (depend on Hero Cloud). All artists who do well will be offered full time work when the game goes live and any money is made from it (I’m 100% positive I’ll make at least 1 sale [in game or not]. ;) ).

I expect artists to have their own modeling software. I prefer artists to use either Maya or Max. Both are supported by Hero Cloud. Hero Cloud contains a repository browser that allows submission and uploading for assets via those 3D modeling apps. I also have a license for Granny3D to aid with animations, though normal animations via Max or Maya is acceptable also. ALL development is via the Hero Script Language (HSL), which I’ll be doing myself, but other are welcome to try also if ambitious. ;)

Talent needed:
2D and 3D art - Some I can do, mostly terrain related, but I’m not that good, so for more complicated stuff (avatars, buildings, devices, etc.) I would need help.

Team structure:
So far I have one 3D artist on board, and another who expressed interest. I’m looking for more to do work on terrain and alien object assets. Music and effects is already taken care of.

Website for game: www.surreallogic.com
Teams can login to gmail.surreallogic.com.
(FYI: online collaboration is via DropMind, Google Docs, and Teambox)


Existing Team:
Fabian Hernandez (working on player Avatar)

Gaston Velez (interest expressed; task not yet assigned)

Joyful Dreamer (Music and effects): http://joyfuldreamer.com (some stuff on myspace.com/joyfuldreamermusic and gamemusicworld.com also)
Featured music to wet your tastes :) (nothing to do with this MMO, except the last one):
http://mysp.ac/p14CP9 (Martian Worlds - Home System Music)

Malachi de


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