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WIP Thread

Hey guys, my name is James, I am a character animator in training but I dabble a little bit in modelling. I figured I should start posting some of my experiments here to get some suggestions and feedback from the amazing artist in this community as modelling could one day be a good career path for me. I have done a fair share of polygonal modelling in 3Ds max but I have been working with Zbrush on and off for about a year now.

Here are a few recent models of mine.

This is some sort of demon-creature thing I sculpted one evening.


Here is my take on weapon X. It is very much a WIP and theres a lot wrong with it but I will hopefully finish it soon when I get some time :)




Crits and feedback are more than welcome or if anyone has any suggestions for tutorials or books relating modelling for games (I have every book by the amazinggggggg Scott Spencer which have helped me infinately, but I understand there is a lot more to modelling for games)

Thanks all :)


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