Steven Spielberg made his first appearance at Comic Con on Friday last week, and
Variety is reporting that he announced that there will in fact be a "Jurassic Park 4."
Spielberg said that a fourth chapter of his famous dinosaur epic
Jurassic Park is finally in the works.
We have a story. We have a writer who is writing the treatment and hopefully we are going to make Jurassic Park 4 in all of our foreseeable futures, hopefully in the next two or three years.
"yeah we made a mistake the last few times, its the frogs dna that made this go wrong, this time we know better, so we took a chicken to get the feathers right, chickens are way less agressive, so they will be perfect for the new parc"
Dosnt matter too much on the books quality ethier Hell eragon book was bearable while the film well was...
But i read ya, (see how i used read? suck a dork) there are some books, specially short story ones that hold better in movie version. Like the bourne movies, the movies are way better than the books haha i love the movies tho.
lets just hope there is none of this......
Edit: I must be one of the minority who likes the lost world, it had some awesome sequences like the trailers over the cliff, the dino round up stuff and most of the stuff on the island was cool, the ending however was pretty horrible I will admit. I did like the darker tone to the movie whereas jp3 seemed too kid friendly with barely any people dying past the 1st 5 mins on the island.
I'm hoping this one takes place in Vegas and involves body switching Zach Galifianakis with a raptor on the eve of his MEETING THE INLAWS!!!1!
It sure beats the fuck out of another Transformers, Twilight movie...
Don't forget the remakes and the sequels of the remakes.
But seriously, bring it on, dino's are awesome.
And yet, I think they're making a 5th one~ *sigh*