Hey! I´ve been studying game art for about a year now and its time to begin the hunt for an internship(scary stuff but exciting^^) I´ve been working to put my portfolio pieces together during the summer and what you are about to see is basicly what I have at the moment. I know that its not up to the usual awesome polycount standard but I´m trying my best
some feedback on my site would be great!
here it is
When my models have "passed thier manhood test" I´m thinking about putting together a reel with turntables of them linked in the Index above the thumbs. unfortunately I dont have all the time in the world so starting major projects and such will be hard but If its needed I will definitely give it my best shot
I think it looks solid for where you are in the education. What is it that you want to do? You do have most stuff pointing towards environment stuff, but yeah. Is that what you want to do?
I think you lightning it most of the pictures are to bright and got to much contrast. And it looks like maya renders? On the metal objects the material definition is quite much of. A lot of it looks like plastic.
I think it looks like you really got potential, you portfolio looks much better then mine did when i was at the same stage at PSQ. As a general tip, try to focus on one specific area. Like environment, weapons or props and so on. Most of the time you'll wok with a lot of different stuff anyways. You obviously should try all of them before deciding
The things I like to do is environment assets and hardsurface objects, wich luckily have some things in common like plates,barrels etc..
But I guess if I had to choose it would be environment. But I didnt really think I have the skill or knowledge to say that I am an "environment artist" so I didnt really have any kind of theme for my current portfolio.
I see your point with the lightning and materials but how bad is it? is it critical to redo them or just too keep it in mind for future projects? Im not lazy :P its just that time is slipping away a bit. thanks alot for the feedback:D I will also get rid of the black background ^^ try some colors/ background
Well, what you are is an enironment guy in the learning, so yes. An environment artist. Don't be shy about the organic stuff neither! It's great when you get the hang of that to.
Maybe choose the best one and update it. Especially with a realtime rendering. Use Kodde shader or something like that.
As for background color, pick something very settle. It's your picture i should look at, not the background