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"Unpaid crunch deserves no sympathy"

polycounter lvl 9
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Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9

Extremely "insightful" comments such as:

“If your complaint is you worked overtime and didn’t get paid for it, find another profession".

“I just don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for people who say ‘I worked for such-and-such, and I didn’t get paid, and that’s not fair”.

“The [Team Bondi staff] were asked to work crazy hours, I don’t know anybody in game development who calls it a 9-5 job,” Pachter said.
“So that [complaint] doesn’t really resonate with me.”


  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Management perspective, what do you expect?
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Baj Singh wrote: »
    Surely, if the perception of the games industry is that overtime is pretty much going to happen then there must be a fundamental flaw in the system that a lot of games companies aren't catching on to? Either that or a lot of bad scheduling decisions/feature creep...

    Or it's a way to get free work out of people. More product at lower cost.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    People actually take this guy on? He does a part over at Gametrailers and the amount of crap he speaks is unbelievable!
  • Mark Dygert
    Why is this so shocking, how he sees it is how most studio heads see it.

    Simple pay people shitty so they can only afford a crowded dump with half a dozen other neck-beards. Also because you pay them so little they can't afford a decent machine at home to actually work on the things they would want to work on and can't land a job somewhere else.

    That way they never want to go home...
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    You get to work on video games all day, what are you complaining about?

    Also I think we need to reuse that sound effect from level 2.

  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    I watched his latest episode on GameTrailers just a couple days ago where he talks about this. No comments, seriously.

    For those of you who hasn't seen it yet, here you go:

  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Contract work may be feast or famine, but at least you get paid for the work you do.

    My solution? Go indie.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter

    Outsiders thinking they know what it's like to work in games.

    His opinion shouldn't come as a shock.

    Most people think we go into work, play games all day, and miraculously the game is somehow finished in 3 years.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Sounded like his argument is you don't need unions to protect people who make 100k a year.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    From all I've seen or read of Pachter, he just seems like an 'educated guesser', who's on the outside looking into the games industry and that leads to a lot of his predictions and insights being nothing but bullshit. You'll routinely hear him refer to successful games that surprised him with their success. No one should put any stock in his opinions.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Ninjas wrote: »
    Contract work may be feast or famine, but at least you get paid for the work you do.

    My solution? Go indie.

    I hear this go indie suggestion alot - isn't the same as starting your own small business which would mean you should have enough money on hand to survive without pay for a few years? (Maybe we need another thread to discuss this - I've got the cash on hand to go a year without pay and it doesn't seem like enough)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    oh yeah, lets boycott gametrailers until they remove the pach-attack segment
  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    I hear this go indie suggestion alot - isn't the same as starting your own small business which would mean you should have enough money on hand to survive without pay for a few years? (Maybe we need another thread to discuss this - I've got the cash on hand to go a year without pay and it doesn't seem like enough)

    Actually I'd be really interested to know more too.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Ninjas wrote: »
    Contract work may be feast or famine, but at least you get paid for the work you do.

    My solution? Go indie.

    Contract work will net you the exact amount of pay for the hours you work, nothing more nothing less depending on how the game dose. If it is a mega hit and tons of money is made you don't see a dime.

    Salary employees will not be paid overtime but will get bonuses/royalties for the game they worked on. These generally are to make up for the fact of the loss of overtime pay and from the people I have talked with far out weigh what they would make from overtime.

    If your working at a studio and not in either of those two categories you need to find a new job because you are being taken advantage of.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Work to live... don't live to work.

    that's my motto.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    who actually makes 60k a year or more. Is anyone on this forum willing to let us know if they do. Because I always hear its about 20-30k a year from everybody I speak to and willing to talk about pay.Regardless of the yearly pay averages that are released.

    20-30k a year is way below industry standard if we're talking USD.


    44k is the average for <3 years for an artist.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    ebagg wrote: »
    From all I've seen or read of Pachter, he just seems like an 'educated guesser', who's on the outside looking into the games industry and that leads to a lot of his predictions and insights being nothing but bullshit. You'll routinely hear him refer to successful games that surprised him with their success. No one should put any stock in his opinions.

    He's supposed to be an analyst or something isnt he? He's paid to predict those sort of things.

    It makes me laugh how people like that can get well paid jobs. Corporate nonsense, pretend like you know what you are doing and its easy.

    These kind of tactics arent going to pay of in the long run. Even if the workers dont rebel.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Autocon wrote: »
    Contract work will net you the exact amount of pay for the hours you work, nothing more nothing less depending on how the game dose. If it is a mega hit and tons of money is made you don't see a dime.

    Salary employees will not be paid overtime but will get bonuses/royalties for the game they worked on. These generally are to make up for the fact of the loss of overtime pay and from the people I have talked with far out weigh what they would make from overtime.

    If your working at a studio and not in either of those two categories you need to find a new job because you are being taken advantage of.

    EA canceled all bonuses a few months before the launch of Warhammer - regardless on how you view the ultimate success of the game it did have a very good preorder run (broke EA records) and launched very well. They also promised bonuses on high metacritic scores but canceled that as well, we launched in the high 80's-90's.

    I don't hold a grudge, there was a series of shitty events that cost EA a bunch of money and then the economy took a nose dive - but don't operate under the assumption that bonuses are guaranteed, that's why they're called a bonus.
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    20-30k a year is way below industry standard if we're talking USD.


    44k is the average for <3 years for an artist.

    yeah, double that number - 40-60k a year
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    Work to live... don't live to work.

    that's my motto.

    Fucking right. My Dad has always said this, and I quote it, too.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Very happy someone else got frustrated because of what he said, I raged on facebook about this because I'm not cool and have no friends to talk to :(
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    It's shit like this that has pretty much made me one of the people I'd never thought I'd become... someone who worked in the game industry, got burned, and until shit like this gets sorted is in no rush to go jumping back in.

    I make more as a buyer for a small tech company than I did working as an fx artist. I definitely miss working on games for a job, but I don't miss the kind of crap work ethic the game industry is full-steaming itself towards / through. I still can't believe the kind of comments / fake grief I got from a few coworkers about having time-consuming projects outside of my job.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    what you doing in facebook!? google+ is where the cool kids from polycount hang out now!
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Ding ding ding, Pach proves again that he's an enormous douche.

    There used to be a YouTube compilation of the most idiotic comments that he made, but I can't seem to find it now.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Hboybowen wrote: »
    who actually makes 60k a year or more. Is anyone on this forum willing to let us know if they do. Because I always hear its about 20-30k a year from everybody I speak to and willing to talk about pay.Regardless of the yearly pay averages that are released.

    60k ia around what an intermediate will be making in Montreal.

    30k is roughly what an Entry Level will be making in Montreal.

    20k is Minimum wage.

    40 Hours a week = $386.00
    52 Weeks = $20,072

    I would hope you're making more than minimum wage.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    The places that I have worked usually offer free drinks, free/subsidized food, very flexible hours, relaxed/friendly/creative work environment, mounds of leisure activities, and much more. If the place you work offers even just a few of these things, yes, you should consider yourself lucky, and no, you are not doing "unpaid work". Your company has already paid it forward by offering you these benefits.

    Should you be asked to do an insane/unhealthy amount of work for a long period of time? Absolutely not. Where does that line get drawn? I'm not sure. I do know that complaining about 1 to 2 months of crunch, at most, once a year, whilst enjoying said benefits, is just silly.

  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Geezus wrote: »
    The places that I have worked usually offer free drinks, free/subsidized food, very flexible hours, relaxed/friendly/creative work environment, mounds of leisure activities, and much more. If the place you work offers even just a few of these things, yes, you should consider yourself lucky, and no, you are not doing "unpaid work". Your company has already paid it forward by offering you these benefits.

    Should you be asked to do an insane/unhealthy amount of work for a long period of time? Absolutely not. Where does that line get drawn? I'm not sure. I do know that complaining about 1 to 2 months of crunch, at most, once a year, whilst enjoying said benefits, is just silly.


    1-2 months of crunch in a year is not that bad, but nobody is complaining about 1-2 months of crunch, they are complaining about significantly more than that.

    e: Pachter, as an analyst, is essentially the financial sector equivalent of the 'enthusiast press' and is buying the regular line that gamers hear about the game industry - the fact that he admits to being aware of the Team Bondi scandal, and simultaneously says 'they're going to make big bonuses' and 'overtime is expected' while knowing that many of the former employees left due to the overtime and while stating that 'unrelenting overtime is bad' should be a clear indicator that he has his head up his ass.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    1-2 months of crunch in a year is not that bad, but nobody is complaining about 1-2 months of crunch, they complaining about significantly more than that.

    Aye, the stories that I have heard of the "death march" crunches are irresponsible and unfair. On the flip side, I've also heard/seen many developers complain about the smallest of crunches. Crunch happens. The majority of us knew this getting into this industry. Though, every situation is different.

    I'm "lucky" in the fact that the worst crunch I went through was 2 months straight, 10-12 hour days, vacation lockout, weekends and all. That was some bullshit. :)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Geezus wrote: »
    The places that I have worked usually offer free drinks, free/subsidized food, very flexible hours, relaxed/friendly/creative work environment, mounds of leisure activities, and much more. If the place you work offers even just a few of these things, yes, you should consider yourself lucky, and no, you are not doing "unpaid work". Your company has already paid it forward by offering you these benefits.

    I'm pretty sure the free soda, food and trips to the movies is costing the studio waaaaay less than overtime/bonus pay.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    why he has beard in this episode?
    because it will get more viral than his usual pach attack. :p

    what makes people pissed is he being insensitive and generalizing many stuff there. >_>

    I believe many people got misinformed, naive, never realize that he/she underpaid, or overwork without realizing it. but that doesn't give Pach a right to tell those guys to work somewhere else like (automobile?) or something.
    thats real douche.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    I'm pretty sure the free soda, food and trips to the movies is costing the studio waaaaay less than overtime/bonus pay.

    I agree.

    Though, I was shocked to learn that the free sodas at the last studio I worked at was costing the studio 60k a year. We loved ourselves some soder. :)

    Overtime paid, if hourly, is a must. Bonuses are a leisure, never a guarantee. It is shitty when knowledge is dropped that the higher ups pack their wallets while the grunts work the hours and sweat the blood, but... them is the breaks, in any industry.

    I don't know anything about this guy. If what has been said here is true, and he has never worked a day in development, then yeah, he needs to stop talking now.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Geezus wrote: »
    Aye, the stories that I have heard of the "death march" crunches are irresponsible and unfair. On the flip side, I've also heard/seen many developers complain about the smallest of crunches. Crunch happens. The majority of us knew this getting into this industry. Though, every situation is different.

    I'm "lucky" in the fact that the worst crunch I went through was 2 months straight, 10-12 hour days, vacation lockout, weekends and all. That was some bullshit. :)

    I've had relatively little crunch compared to a number of my fellow employees by virtue of the projects I've worked on and my position on them, studio staffing desires, etc, but I don't project my personal experiences onto the industry at large. Crunch happens, but there is a marked difference between 60-80 hour weeks for 1-2 months and 60-80 hour weeks for 2-3 months, and it's fucking inhuman to expect 60-80 hour weeks for 3+ months.

    Excessive crunch is always, without exception, the fault of poor project management and planning, not the employee working.

    Conversely, I've known many people who have had to crunch more than I, with more family and financial responsibilities than I, so I'm not going to sit back and tell them to stand up for their rights and walk out/etc, when I'm not in the same boat, I find that hypocritical.

    Finally, to get back to the "Pachter is a tool" bit - the fact that he says "putting bolts on cars all day" is an hourly job, but making videogames is not, when a significant part of Game Art is effectively "putting [crates] on [levels] all day" further underlines his misunderstandings about the industry at large.

    e: to clarify, I have no personal complaints about my job (at least not regarding any of these issues:)). Rather, I do not feel this entitles me to belittle or undermine or disregard other people's complaints about their job, or makes theirs less valid in any way.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Thread's title should be "Michael Patcher deserves no sympathy" :(

    I can't believe that in 2011 people still take this douchebag seriously.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I think there were a couple of misguided assumptions and misinformation but I think he covered the bases pretty objectively.

    All he said was that we shouldn't put all the blame on one person, unions are retarded and we shouldn't expect hourly ot pay.

    I think he means well and while he seemed insensitive, it's a kind of answer that's hard to get right in a few minutes. Someone will ultimately get their feelings hurt because this subject has been discussed at length and is a very sensitive issue.

    He never said death marches are ok. Despite smelling like a typical Rockstar problem it seems that this situation is somewhat unique to team Bondi.

    Let's all calm down.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I hear this go indie suggestion alot - isn't the same as starting your own small business which would mean you should have enough money on hand to survive without pay for a few years? (Maybe we need another thread to discuss this - I've got the cash on hand to go a year without pay and it doesn't seem like enough)

    Good idea! I will make a thread about it...
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I would say we're very calm, more then anything, it's when Management is the one rushing all over the place to get people fired and cut corners as soon something on the horizon looks iffy is the problem, and doesn't take responsibility for their poor management skills.

    I just don't understand why poor management is such an issue in the game industry. In places like WETA, they basically force your organize your work, so everyone knows which station worked on what during what time on which day and which revision of the file to see.

    I'll be darn lucky if any of my friends who supposedly work at big league companies has at least 5 revisions of the scene they were working the same week. It's almost as if bad habits are allowed to roam the fields of gaming scene for no reason other then 'meh, who cares', until said person make lead, and rushes everything because they were too busy drinking koolaid.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    You gotta admit, Pach is good at explaining to dumb gamers how Gamestop makes money, and skilled at predicting the price and launch date of the next Nintendo console. What a useless douche.

    Yeah ... this episode managed to prove that he is both extremely biased and totally misinformed. Goatee fail! I wonder if there will be a follow up on this. The guy just proved that he has no knowledge of the field whatsoever ...
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I would say we're very calm, more then anything, it's when Management is the one rushing all over the place to get people fired and cut corners as soon something on the horizon looks iffy is the problem, and doesn't take responsibility for their poor management skills.

    I just don't understand why poor management is such an issue in the game industry. In places like WETA, they basically force your organize your work, so everyone knows which station worked on what during what time on which day and which revision of the file to see.

    I'll be darn lucky if any of my friends who supposedly work at big league companies has at least 5 revisions of the scene they were working the same week. It's almost as if bad habits are allowed to roam the fields of gaming scene for no reason other then 'meh, who cares', until said person make lead, and rushes everything because they were too busy drinking koolaid.

    You would think after a few years the game industry would be able to tackle the issue of poor management. It's a little embaressing that a bunch of nerds and geeks that can probably do complex math in their heads can some how not make good decisions on time management.
  • DeeKei
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    DeeKei polycounter lvl 13
    EA canceled all bonuses a few months before the launch of Warhammer - regardless on how you view the ultimate success of the game it did have a very good preorder run (broke EA records) and launched very well. They also promised bonuses on high metacritic scores but canceled that as well, we launched in the high 80's-90's.

    I don't hold a grudge, there was a series of shitty events that cost EA a bunch of money and then the economy took a nose dive - but don't operate under the assumption that bonuses are guaranteed, that's why they're called a bonus.

    yeah, double that number - 40-60k a year

    I think I heard something about that. It's a while ago but there waas this blog post about ealouse or something about questionable practices in the mythic studio.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I almost spit my coffee on my monitor... free drinks and food?????? gee thanks! I have better drinks and better and healthier food at home than can be found in most studios.

    Call me paranoid, but all these "OMG WE HAVE FREE DRINKS!" studios always seem suspect to me. I mean yeah free drinks are nice, but what's the fuzz? Wouldn't it be better to advertise "OMG WE HAVE LITTLE CRUNCH AND PAID OVERTIME"! instead? But guess what, free drinks is all they have. Free drinks my ***. Give me a proper working environment and treat your staff like human beings. Free drinks, games room, etc are just icing on the cake but don't make up if the basics aren't there.

    (now this doesn't apply to my current employer. I'm quite happy here, despite the lack of free drinks)
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I would rather get paid to buy my own drink. I know what is best for my body, coffee and coke ain't it.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I would rather get paid to buy my own drink. I know what is best for my body, coffee and coke ain't it.

    Water, milk, or 100% juice please!
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    greevar wrote: »
    Water, milk, or 100% juice please!
    That is me 200%. Water most of the time and some orange juice every now and then!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    greevar wrote: »
    Water, milk, or 100% juice please!

    I remember a video from valve saying they had all junk food but then started getting a mix of healthy and junk food just based of what people like, I think that's the better deal.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    We're letting the status quo shift in favor of utilizing crunch as an acceptable tool for long periods of time... The further we let that paradigm shift, the worse it's going to get.

    Start pushing the other way, guys... I don't want to work in an industry that requires me to work so much that i don't have time to LIVE MY FUCKING LIFE.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
    The sad truth is that he considers crunch a normal factor in development since it happens so damn much. This guy measures success the same way colonial Americans measured their own by seeing how many children survived to adulthood. I mean overall the industry is doing well despite the personal happiness of the individual, but whatever, right? And if people keep signing on then something right is happening so who cares?

    Also, you guys really shouldn't read about or make judgements about this guy based off of a gaming news site because that's just silly. What businessman in their right mind would read about the flame wars and Pachter nerd rage on destructoid or joystick? The fact that devs and gamers are arguing about the matter is irrelevant when this guy has been a games analyst for YEARS and only now decided to put into words what many have known; the only difference being the angle that this insight is coming from enrages so many.

    Developers are the proverbial battered wives to the abusive husband that is the industry and it's stupid operating structure.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    cochtl wrote: »

    Developers are the proverbial battered wives to the abusive husband that is the industry and it's stupid operating structure.

    yeah but for someone to actually stand up and say they agree with the way the husband treats his wife is highly unethical, perhaps at its core a little bit evil.

    I think overtime and crunch should be met with disdain by all parties involved, management should be ashamed that they have to do this to their loyal staff and staff should be disappointed at the state of the industry. That's my opinion anyway.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    cochtl wrote: »
    Also, you guys really shouldn't read about or make judgements about this guy based off of a gaming news site because that's just silly. What businessman in their right mind would read would read about the flame wars and Pachter nerd rage on destructoid or joystick? The fact that devs and gamers are arguing about the matter is irrelevant when this guy has been a games analyst for YEARS and only now decided to put into words what many have known; the only difference being the angle that this insight is coming from enrages so many.

    Developers are the proverbial battered wives to the abusive husband that is the industry and it's stupid operating structure.

    The problem is that Pachter is being very biased in this video. Mostly against the developers, who in my opinion are the most important workers of a company. At one time he refeers to McNamara as "poor McNamara" and he is blaming a lot of the problems on Rockstar instead of Team Bondi which just shows that he is taking sides and not being very objective. His opinion is that the problems at Team Bondi were either Rockstar's fault or the developer's should just deal with it or leave the industry entirely. He does however seem pretty aware of these bold statements as he makes a joke about his job being in jeopardy near the end of the video.

    Why would he not be reading the feedback give on websites? How else will they know how well they're doing if they won't read feedbacks/reviews etc? Having a commentary section in given sites is just stupid if you're not gonna use it to your benifit.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    From his twitter:
    @watermelongames Appreciate your comment/sentiment, know you have a hard job. I don't hate unions, just think game dev is rewarding w/o OT
    Apparently you are only allowed overtime pay if you hate your job. :P

    EDIT: Actually it sounds more like that you should pay the company for getting the opportunity to work on games. :P
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    ... an industry analyst has said ...

    thats as far as i got
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Very happy someone else got frustrated because of what he said, I raged on facebook about this because I'm not cool and have no friends to talk to :(

    i raged in your mouth when you were sleeping sorry about that :poly122:
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