Hey Guys!
I have been watching this community for some time ago but this´s my first post here.
I´m participating the Mass Effect Challenge in Cg Feedback, but this time I´ll make an in-game model, so I think this is a good opportunity to start my activities here...:) (Unfortunately I hadn´t time for Brawl challenge

Here´s my model so far:
I´m doing some boss type character, who has been Shepard´s rival since a lot of years.
Maybe some character who could be part of Shepard´s team, but he´s in the opposite side as a bounty hunter/mercenary who is hunting shepard´s head.


It´s still missing some small details, but I´ll make it directly in the normal map.
You can check the original topic
Here, but I´ll keep this topic updated too!
Feel free to comment!:)
Thanks so much!
Artream: It´s from my mind ( but with a lot of references, sketchs, of course.), I did around 3 sketchs (for the body/head) before chose this one and 2 different armor sketch (all sketchs done in z-brush) them I reworked almost everything in 3Ds max, I´ll make the low poly mesh soon. Thanks!
*I forgot to put some short brief about this character, this fixed now.
I tried to create something more different , but keeping the ME style (I guess). I did a weapon which can be use for close combat against Shepard (for instance).
Small details will be done directly in the maps. (using nvidia ps plugin or something similar)
Now it´s the low poly/uv/bake time!:D
Thanks so much!
Sorry the lack of ups.:(
But I finished this project at least.:poly142:
Well, here´s the final model and final image:
Model has 20k tris. I´ll post more images (maybe some quick render in marmoset) soon.
Rendered in V-ray.
Thanks for all support guys! I really appreciated all!
WOW, beauty!
But its perfectly fine how it is !
Would love to see some cool effects to add some atmosphere to the beauty, as it sort of looks like he's just standing in a vacuum, but amazing none the less.
ENODMI: I did a realtime render, but without using all marmoset power, it´s just an image based lighting.
Cint128: Maybe this post can answer you.
Korrax: I´m always open for crits!
Quick Realtime Render (in Marmoset):
I made more images and a quick/short/poor breakdown
-I started this character with a fast sculpt in zbrush, this step allows me to test some volumes/proportions and create the armor in a fast way (left)
-I use this block mesh to create the highpoly model in 3dsmax, using the block as a guide, or using some parts as reference for some reconstruction mesh in zbrush/topogun. (right)
High Poly
-Once the highpoly mesh done, I start to create the low poly mesh using topogun, and 3dsmax to polish some areas. (20k tris )
-Bake Normal and occlusion maps, texture in photoshop, Ndo for details
I usually make damage details in a separated layer(left), then I use this layer in normal map with Ndo. (right)
*Ndo is really good "plugin", fast, easy...I really recommend
Wireframe- Quick Realtime render (Marmoset) - Vray .
That´s it, I hope to help someone with this short breakdown.
edit: Damn. I love marmoset so much. Looks amazing man, good luck and congrats!
Let's get him into ME3!
Great job on establishing consistency with the Mass Effect Universe.
The blue glowing elements are a nice touch that adds an interesting contrast to the armor. I think it'd look really good if some of those highlights showed up in the lower arms and legs as well.
Well, I won the contest!:)
Congrats to all participants and winners. Some really good finished and unfinished entries. That was a really good contest, amazing theme, with a great structure. Hope to see more contests like this.
its a shame the realtime models reflections aren't closer to the vray render. (should be possible)
Good luck!