I thought this would be fun. Post a screenshot of the first level editor/mod tool you used. What game/tech was it?
Mine was from the DOS game Coaster. A rollercoaster simulator.

It was actually quite cool because you would build your coaster out of track pieces, then drive it in first person. It was fun to build incomplete tracks then crash.
Later I would learn to make Wolf3D levels, and then eventually Quake/HalfLife and the rest is history.
followed by doom,hexen,duke3d
I think it was Crossroads II that included an editor, can't remember. but that was only a year later. After that? Stunt Driver, Stunts, The Incredible Machine, Unlimited Adventures, Jetpack, Doom...
Excitebike didn't save anything so I don't really want to count that.
First RTS I ever played, and first mapping experience.
Unreal! I played it all the time at my grandparents house when I was a kid and I taught myself to make some stuff, but never really went anywhere with it, i mostly just liked feeling like I knew what I was doing.
I always ended up building rocket launching tracks, fun times!
or maybe
Ditto, my very first 2 Editors/Builders I used.
Otherwise it was UnrealEd2 from Unreal Tournament 2003. There was so much BSP back then.
I can't think back farther than this. :baby:
DoomEd? That was one of the early Windows ones.
(which was hilarious because it had no save memory/function for the maps you made...)
The homebrew editor for this gem:
It was called DFuse, if I remember right, but all traces of it seem have been removed from the internet!
YES! DoomEd! It feels like so long ago
I'm not kissing ass, but ..... that is one of the best RSD Gamemaker games i've ever played, up there with AJ Quest.
and the UnrealEd for UT:
Was back in 1995 or something, loved that game at the time!
Switched over to Build (Duke3D etc) afterwards, and what really made me decided I wanted to make games was Thred for Quake (not really sure how I missed Doom editor to be honest).
Man, I spent so much time messing with that. I remember just opening the .exe file out of curiosity and my life was changed forever! After that it was Quake 2's ed.
I vaguely remember spending hours figuring out how to make 'waves' by sequentially animating a row of BSP (or whatever it was back then). Man I feel old
Almost impossible to find a decent screenshot of it though, sorry.
OMG THAT EDITOR WAS AWESOME, lots of custom light options, I looked for a screen shot too, didn't find any
y'know : driller, castle master and all that. I actually rebuilt big chunks of Castle master and scripted it better
It was Worldcraft for Half-Life 1. Hammer was the first for serials editor I used though.
The texturing in ta was per face!
ZZT / MZX represent!
http://twhl.info/user.php?id=1240 - All my levels before moving to modelling and UDK.
Used to play red alert a fuck load when I was a kid. Used to sleep over at a friends house and we'd stay up late making huge maps.
Fucking loved that game... ah... Tesla coils and mammoth tanks.
I think red alert was what started my fascination with tanks and guns.
And like others in this thread:
So many hours.
Now I wouldn't even dream of picking up a Tony hawk game, or a C&C game....what went wrong.
Well, if you really want to go old school, I was making my own choose your own adventure 'levels' in this:
and this
on this:
...but somewhere along the way I decided art was more fun.
(technically not a level editor/mod tool but who cares)
I have some great memories of those days.
Good times.
RPG Maker '95 was the first sort of tool I used, and Age of Empires was the first game I fiddled about with the level editor.