Hello ladies and gents. I've done a pretty piss poor job at becoming involved with the online community so I'm finally taking the initiative to upload a bunch of images, new and old. The art dump that is about to ensue will be in chronological order beginning with my first works in college to whatever I'm working on currently.
I've been doing contract work for Riot on League Of Legends, so my work is a little out of date and I'm in the process of updating my portfolio with some shiny new pennies.
I hope you enjoy and critique is not only welcome, but encouraged.
The alien bust and ogre/orc (whatever you wanna call him) were my first ZBrush projects in college.

This was my final for my portfolio class...I liked this concept, but my texture was crap and the render lighting is a bit blown out.

Anyways, hopefully people start taking a look and throwing out feedback to me.
This was for a CGHub mini-challenege for greek mythos. I entered pretty late, but managed to pump this sculpt out.
Really fast pose
Couple of speed sculpts 2 hours on the hillbilly Satan, and almost 1.5 on the Old man
And finally, the gremlin blacksmith which I posted the final of in Pimping and Previews
And the Final Image