@AsherOS: yea most of the concept is derived from the UMP, M4, MP5k, and G36C. i never took a look at the XCR but i wish i had. i think that may have helped me follow the concept a bit closer for the flashlight.
got the bakes for the main part of the gun done. had to do quite a few test bakes. may have to redo the normal bake, but just for 1 or 2 areas. if anyone can spot something else out let me know.
thx guys. here's the rest of the gun baked down. ill probably start blocking in colors tonight and get into actually texturing tomorrow. also.. can anyone tell me why the AA on this model seems to be so extreme, especially since its only 1 smoothing group?
Can you post a wireframe of the lowpoly please, i want to see how you baked the smooth edges to the edges of the lowpoly, as mine always messup and never look smooth.
Im really liking this by the way, it looks amazing.
Ah i see, lowpoly looks nice. When i say smooth edges i mean how the normal maps have baked onto you 90 degree edges. The normals make the edges look smooth and rounded, i can never seem to do that, as there is always a line or something on the edge, any chance i could see the UV's? As this is probably what affects this :P
well from what ive understood. smoothing groups without UV breaks will create that black line that goes through your edges. i saw that in my first bake when i had smoothing groups on. most apparently on the rails. when i turned off SG, it looked closer to the hi poly.
Ah I see, did you use 1 smoothing group for the entire object in the end? Or did you literally use none. If you used none each face would emit it's normal directly out and miss most of the highpoly data though?
yea i tried to pack them as tight as possible. some things are scaled up. smaller pieces that i know need more detail, and others are scaled down as well. things i know will probably not be seen
so i feel like im pretty much done with this. aside from some minor tweaks here n there that'll be addressed later, but im moving on for now. here's a turnaround vid. ill get some shots later.
The textures look good but some areas need some work still. The magazine needs some more texure detail. The bullets need shadow, otherwise it looks fake. I changed the grip because it looks more balanced and realistic that way. Otherwise, I love the colors and the design is pretty sweet.
@marq: i wanted to keep the grip the color it was 1 because it was in the concept and 2 i just kinda like it. but i see what u mean about the mag and will address that later. thx
so i never actually got around to posting up the final shots of this. though these arent 100% final (they're like 99), ill be going back and playing with some light and shader settings within the next 2 weeks as i composite my graduation demo reel. here's the screens for now.
You need to get some transparency in the eotech thing
humm, that red sight.. is that on the texture? looks shoped.
yea transparency was kicking my ass with the shader. i tried getting it to look right but it wasnt cooperating. the red sight is in the texture as part of the alpha, but there's no diffuse for it. just a glow map. i have the intensity a bit too high i guess, as ive received that same crit from multiple people. the transparency i think seems to be ok but just viewing the background makes it seem nonexistent. ill mess with it some more later tho. thx.
1) The crosshair should be floating in behind the lens, to give it that depth effect that the eoTech scope has.
2) The bullets in the clip... Well it looks strange. It doesn't look too bad from the side, but I imagine from first person that will look cheap/flat as hell. You spent so many polies in other areas, it seems strange to ignore this bit. You could argue its just not seen that much, but is it seen any less than the barrel?
3) Polycounts are a bit random. You gave so much love to the rear iron sight that it looks round and smooth, yet the top corners of the eoTech are sadly lacking. Likewise with the side torch. Yet the little sticky uppy round bit that shoots backwards and forwardS (Not a gun nut) has a lot of polygons too, likewise wit hthe trigger, something which really doesn't need to be any more than say about 20ish polies.
@AsherOS: yea most of the concept is derived from the UMP, M4, MP5k, and G36C. i never took a look at the XCR but i wish i had. i think that may have helped me follow the concept a bit closer for the flashlight.
higher res
Texture res?
also. tri count for current lp model (gun w/out attachments) ~ 6k.
with attachments i think its ~ 9k.
Im really liking this by the way, it looks amazing.
here's wires.
Really nice looking weapon though mate
here's the wires
and the normal
Ah okay, I need to do some research into baking normals I think, mine always mess up.
even if not, i'd try to use the space more wisely
u have lots of unused space there
if its justa folio piece than just use bigger maps and your good to go lol
@lonewolf thats considered not using space wisely.... Man you dont wanna see my maps XD
dunno what you're doing the red on the trigger guard. the gun is sand colored, green, grey, and now red. what's going on there?
so i feel like im pretty much done with this. aside from some minor tweaks here n there that'll be addressed later, but im moving on for now. here's a turnaround vid. ill get some shots later.
so i never actually got around to posting up the final shots of this. though these arent 100% final (they're like 99), ill be going back and playing with some light and shader settings within the next 2 weeks as i composite my graduation demo reel.
@lonewolf: its realtime with 3point shader.
humm, that red sight.. is that on the texture? looks shoped.
yea transparency was kicking my ass with the shader. i tried getting it to look right but it wasnt cooperating. the red sight is in the texture as part of the alpha, but there's no diffuse for it. just a glow map. i have the intensity a bit too high i guess, as ive received that same crit from multiple people. the transparency i think seems to be ok but just viewing the background makes it seem nonexistent. ill mess with it some more later tho. thx.
1) The crosshair should be floating in behind the lens, to give it that depth effect that the eoTech scope has.
2) The bullets in the clip... Well it looks strange. It doesn't look too bad from the side, but I imagine from first person that will look cheap/flat as hell. You spent so many polies in other areas, it seems strange to ignore this bit. You could argue its just not seen that much, but is it seen any less than the barrel?
3) Polycounts are a bit random. You gave so much love to the rear iron sight that it looks round and smooth, yet the top corners of the eoTech are sadly lacking. Likewise with the side torch. Yet the little sticky uppy round bit that shoots backwards and forwardS (Not a gun nut) has a lot of polygons too, likewise wit hthe trigger, something which really doesn't need to be any more than say about 20ish polies.
Otherwise, a cracking model.