yes thats the name of the gun.

as named by
Eliott Lilly. Figured ive gotten far enough on this to start asking for critique. im pretty satisfied with how its going but its always nice to have a second (or third) opinion. Im really enjoying this piece so far. its a mix and match of a few different guns, so my reference library grew significantly. And Eliott was nice enough to refine some of the more confusing aspects of the drawing for me, as well as providing me some of his own references. so.. here's my progress so far. (cross posted from WAYWO thread). would love some feedback on this (aside from that i need to change the background from black. :P )

the stuff you've highpoly'd currently seems well done, but just watch your edge widths. it wouldn't hurt to loosen them up so they don't get lost in the harsh FPS view.
@racer: alright ill get on that. i was afraid it may have been too wide already, but i think once i went and tapered up the bottom part of it (making it into a V like shape) it sort of seemed a bit better. i was also afraid that making the magazine a bit wider would make it look weird, which is why i was thinking of stacking the bullets from side to side (dunno how to explain that properly but basically like 2 columns, each on top and slightly to the side of one another). That way i could use a bit more space to my advantage. as for the edge widths, im trying to keep them pretty loose, but for some of the smaller things, like the iron sight, i could probably loosen them a bit more. thanks
@belgianboolean: yea i havent really touched that part yet. the sharpness is just because its still in its blockout. didnt want to get too much ahead of myself yet. ill be doing the stock section today. thanks
here's yesterdays update. i got the stock done and now began moving toward the front.
done for the day. here's progress. the front iron sight gave me quite a bit of trouble. i did about 3 or 4 revisions until i landed with something simple like this (i was going a bit overboard).
and because i was pretty astonished that i pulled it off, decided to do a single render of the muzzle break.
Amazing work.
@alberto: yeah, im curious about that too. lol. i know for a fact a cylinder wont be able to capture that in a bake, so i may just model the holes in.
@Amadreaus: thanks. got the ref from Eliott Lilly, link to his website in the first post.
@cookedpeanut. i tried to render out a wireframe when i made that render but for some reason when i went to change the material.. all of the materials in my material library were gone (even standard), so i couldnt make the wire mat to render. doing that now tho.
so a bit of an explanation can go with this i guess. (while im rendering), i made the basic shape of the cut i wanted to use, basically a long cylindrical shape that is slightly skewed, and i cut that into a plane. from there on it was actually a lot more simple than i though, just having to connect the ends and chamfer them to give it a rounded look on the bottom, and then pull the very end of it down to cap it off. then i copied the top part of it onto the bottom for the inside, then turbosmoothed and used a bend modifier (around 400something degrees to compensate for the area that wouldnt connect, and on the bent version i added in the back part of it with the 2 rivets. pretty much it.
here's the wires
this method of starting out flat and bending is actually how ive been doing A LOT of my cylindrical shapes lately. about 2 or 3 of the pieces on my last gun (deus ex pistol) were done like that, as well as on the sniper rifle i did from shadowrun. it makes objects so much easier to work with when they're flat and if you've got a stack, it makes it super easy to go back and edit shapes that need fixing.
@igi: thanks. glad i could help.
@r_fletch_r: thanks. more will be coming soon.
here's the latest. i decided to deviate from the concept, since it was giving me a bit of trouble. so all thats left is to do the flashlight attachment on the side and deal with the non-symmetrical parts (bullet ejection and the hinge for the stock.
as always. feedback appreciated.
Are you going low poly afterwards ? would like to see that happen
@Mio: thanks.
@Racer: makes sense. ill get on it.
and i decided to do a GIF of the gun with the attachments.
@racer. sure thing. i guess i gotta get in the habit of that. lol.
@Ben. thanks. i was actually struggling to find a good flashlight for this, then the other day my brother told me about Nebo flashlights. they look pretty cool.
@Pedro. rendering now.
aaaaaaand here's the render. now before everyone gets their panties in a bunch with all the "how can he cock back the charging handle with the flashlight being in the way!?" comments. i intend to move the flashlight to the other side. :P just happened to do it on the left first cuz thats my "presentation side".
e/ also you could make the cocking system ambidextrous (so basically identical on the other side) or something so you wouldn't even have to mess with the light
Could always tilt the cocking lever to 30* so it clears the screw; do like pedro says drop it back to the flat; or borrow a little from ar platforms and drop it back on top under the rails.
oh, and eets sexy fo sho.
and thanks for all the feedback
u did pull it off nicely!
very good and solid hipoly model!
go on..
not only is this consistent with that HKish style charging handle, more importantly rotating it upward clears the cocking handle out of the way of that great flash hider. and we certainly want to see that in first person
crisp modeling, looking forward to the bake