you guys still keep going...With all these ideas about ways to eliminate "trolls" or people who you deem to make "unnecessary" threads....I don't know about those people...I've said I was sorry twice now and I understand this thread was fucking stupid. So drop it. Or else you might as well make your own thread titled: "Ways to limit bullshit threads." because that's basically what this thread is and unfortunately it has my name as the author.
Scizz, don't let the hate get to ya, it's not personal. GD is really about GD of art, games and general interests. Exceptions are made for issues outside of that when it's really important (ie; political issue, a polycounter is injured, or something along those lines), but if you post something far outside the norm or just general grade-school level "they keep staring at me! how do I stop them?" kind of crap, you're going to get berated for it. You have to understand that much.
If this guy is bugging ya just nicely say you're busy and to stop bugging you, it's really not hard.
As I said, I've been around here a lot longer than my join date might suggest. Back when this kind of thread was only inspired by the likes of magicians and Anubis.
Nah, truth is I had an account here before under a different username. I used that username on my folio, and various social profiles and then some asshat stole my username, made a bunch of fake accounts and spammed various places with Viagra advertisements.
So I got Adam to ban the account and I started a new one. I was a jerk on my old username a lot of the time anyway so I don't mind.
@joshua: yea I got you. This wasn't intended for a "WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?111oneone" type of thread(even tho that's the title) but was intended for more of a "have you guys had a similar experience? lets laugh and talk about them" but yea I understand. Imma start working on some 3d stuff now.!
Since when has anyone's join date been "street cred" here? We're all professionals. Act like it.
@Scizz: Sounds like the guy is just trying to get in your good graces. Maybe take it as a sign that he is really interested in your mother, and wants to be a part of her extended life as well?
@Scizz: Sounds like the guy is just trying to get in your good graces. Maybe take it as a sign that he is really interested in your mother, and wants to be a part of her extended life as well?
Kudos Geezus for possibly being the only one mature enough to think of this . Scizz, grow some goddamn balls and listen to Geezus.
ARE YOU TAYLOR HOOD????? why would you tell us this btw? this isn't good news
Nah but I know who you mean. LoMChaos right? The kid who kept changing his career path and posted the epic 'here's some porn, please ban me' thread.
It's not important who I used to be, I just wanted to back the argument for a reduction in dumb threads and felt I should at least justify that I've been here a few years as I knew someone would notice I'm a new member.
Alright, so there's this dude, my moms new "friend" and he's a "computer guy" right? So my mom tells him that I built my own computer (which I did, no big deal, its not hard) and that I built a "game" from scratch on my own, which was just my first level I made using UDK and only UDK assets with no game play whatsoever) So this guy comes up to me, and is telling me all this dumb stuff, like the following:
"Have you ever heard of pirate bay? You can blah blah blah"
"Did you know that because you don't have any virus protection, you probably have like a billion junk files on your computer slowing it down? blab bla bla" (I'm not dumb, I don't get viruses and I clean my computer often.)
"Hey man, go to X website and download Y program so you can do Z, its really cool!!!1111one"
He also keeps bragging about how he writes banners and backgrounds in HTML for websites like my space and my yearbook. And from what I've heard, HTML literally takes like a weekend to learn.
I'm not that guy to tell people to screw off I know what I'm doing but like.....screw off, I know what I'm doing you know? I know he just trying to be the cool guy or whatever but he didn't even bother to ask what I knew before he started rambling about what I "should" do. What should I do about this dude?
Alright, so there's this dude, my moms new "friend" and he's a "computer guy" right? So my mom tells him that I built my own computer (which I did, no big deal, its not hard) and that I built a "game" from scratch on my own, which was just my first level I made using UDK and only UDK assets with no game play whatsoever) So this guy comes up to me, and is telling me all this dumb stuff, like the following:
"Have you ever heard of pirate bay? You can blah blah blah"
"Did you know that because you don't have any virus protection, you probably have like a billion junk files on your computer slowing it down? blab bla bla" (I'm not dumb, I don't get viruses and I clean my computer often.)
"Hey man, go to X website and download Y program so you can do Z, its really cool!!!1111one"
He also keeps bragging about how he writes banners and backgrounds in HTML for websites like my space and my yearbook. And from what I've heard, HTML literally takes like a weekend to learn.
I'm not that guy to tell people to screw off I know what I'm doing but like.....screw off, I know what I'm doing you know? I know he just trying to be the cool guy or whatever but he didn't even bother to ask what I knew before he started rambling about what I "should" do. What should I do about this dude?
P.S I just needed to vent, sorry. =p
Maybe he just wanted to talk. There are many brands out there we get buy ready made computer from ( at a high price), that "computer guy" of yours must've skipped the computer architecture class where they actually teach you that building your own specified computer on your own have a lower chance of getting hacked than the ready made ones, because they already figured out how to break their codes. But if you like go to porn websites, download stuff from The Pirate Bay or anything it may give the hackers a freedom of getting in to your computer. =\
But hay, no one wanna listen to or talk to the techy boy, and we love it
[mature content]
When you have a problem with someone, talk with him. Most shit is due to incomprehension between people, that just a little talk can often fix. Don't let bad feelings grow up.
[/mature content]
Who the fuck are you, Mr. June 2011?
There have been some EPIC troll/grief threads here, in the past. When the OP starts to get defensive or pissy, it usually makes the whole thing worse.
Is it Picard and Frakes time, yet?
If this guy is bugging ya just nicely say you're busy and to stop bugging you, it's really not hard.
Serious face.
nah j/k
Heh, learn to read my friend, learn to read.
As I said, I've been around here a lot longer than my join date might suggest. Back when this kind of thread was only inspired by the likes of magicians and Anubis.
Nah, truth is I had an account here before under a different username. I used that username on my folio, and various social profiles and then some asshat stole my username, made a bunch of fake accounts and spammed various places with Viagra advertisements.
So I got Adam to ban the account and I started a new one. I was a jerk on my old username a lot of the time anyway so I don't mind.
Since when has anyone's join date been "street cred" here? We're all professionals. Act like it.
@Scizz: Sounds like the guy is just trying to get in your good graces. Maybe take it as a sign that he is really interested in your mother, and wants to be a part of her extended life as well?
Kudos Geezus for possibly being the only one mature enough to think of this
Nah but I know who you mean. LoMChaos right? The kid who kept changing his career path and posted the epic 'here's some porn, please ban me' thread.
It's not important who I used to be, I just wanted to back the argument for a reduction in dumb threads and felt I should at least justify that I've been here a few years as I knew someone would notice I'm a new member.
i sent a message to adam. I'm so sorry guys.
We come for your posts!
Maybe he just wanted to talk. There are many brands out there we get buy ready made computer from ( at a high price), that "computer guy" of yours must've skipped the computer architecture class where they actually teach you that building your own specified computer on your own have a lower chance of getting hacked than the ready made ones, because they already figured out how to break their codes. But if you like go to porn websites, download stuff from The Pirate Bay or anything it may give the hackers a freedom of getting in to your computer. =\
But hay, no one wanna listen to or talk to the techy boy, and we love it
OCT'04 represent! Lets form a union and demand that GD be all blogs and LOLcats all the time!
(no, not really, but I could go for more penis tank)
When you have a problem with someone, talk with him. Most shit is due to incomprehension between people, that just a little talk can often fix. Don't let bad feelings grow up.
[/mature content]