Alright, so there's this dude, my moms new "friend" and he's a "computer guy" right? So my mom tells him that I built my own computer (which I did, no big deal, its not hard) and that I built a "game" from scratch on my own, which was just my first level I made using UDK and only UDK assets with no game play whatsoever) So this guy comes up to me, and is telling me all this dumb stuff, like the following:
"Have you ever heard of pirate bay? You can blah blah blah"
"Did you know that because you don't have any virus protection, you probably have like a billion junk files on your computer slowing it down? blab bla bla" (I'm not dumb, I don't get viruses and I clean my computer often.)
"Hey man, go to X website and download Y program so you can do Z, its really cool!!!1111one"
He also keeps bragging about how he writes banners and backgrounds in HTML for websites like my space and my yearbook. And from what I've heard, HTML literally takes like a weekend to learn.
I'm not that guy to tell people to screw off I know what I'm doing but like.....screw off, I know what I'm doing you know? I know he just trying to be the cool guy or whatever but he didn't even bother to ask what I knew before he started rambling about what I "should" do. What should I do about this dude?
P.S I just needed to vent, sorry. =p
I will next time. I'll be all "You see you open this program autodesk three dee studio max, and start manipulating polygons and vertices to achieve your desired shape and design relative to balbalb. Add some more polygons
However, it sounds more like he's trying too hard to impress you, considering he's your new...'friend', and very likely one of those guys that has 'old' ideas on how to impress kids (lets admit, some people think lifting up their kids on their shoulders and going neooown, when their kids are 25+ is still 'cool').
He could be simply hoping that if he impresses you enough, you'll like him. Again, total shot in the dark, can't really say since I'm not there, but generally, when he's talking does he stop occasionally to hear your input and generally face your direction when talking? Also, does he stand up strict right when next to you, or does he slouch?
@dustin but I thought I could talk about whatever here. =(
Agreed. An adult should know how to handle this situation with common sense (maybe you aren't one yet?).
This forum title should be changed to "General Bullshit" instead of General Discussion lately. There have been so many dumb threads the past few weeks.
vv- ow. nice one.
Common sense? In what way? This situation could be handled in any variety of ways.
Your comment about questioning if he is an adult or not makes you look like the juvenile one in this instance, to be completely honest.
He is just asking for the perspectives of others, who may have similar experiences. Don't see anything wrong with that.
Oh, and to be honest OP.... these days, viruses are made to farm data and operate without you even knowing there is anything there. I can guarantee you that if you did a virus search with an up to date virus program, that you would find at least a couple viruses.
@super happy HAHAHA! that shouldn't be funny but im laughing. although murdering him might not be enough. O_O
Or something that will get through to him that he needs to shut up for a bit.
Or read up just a tiny bit on actual web tech and quiz him to see what he really knows. Could be he does know his stuff, could be he doesn't.
Ask if he thinks that HTML5 will replace Flash entirely, and the merits of Javascript vs Actionscript. He does banners so it should be somewhere near his expertise if he takes his job seriously.
i would tell him that its main prupose is to satisfy your mom and talk alot of crap about the vagina
y, this really needs to stop
This is why:
I totally agree... PC (or GD in general I suppose rather than PC as a whole) has gone downhill a LOT in the last year or so. I've seen more lolcats in GD in the last 6 months than I ever want to see in my life.
I know my join date says Jun, but I've been here a while longer.
also quit posting this shit on polycount.
You probably missed this sticky at the top:
The question is.. What's the ratio?
Oh sorry, forgive me for expecting a game art/games industry forum to be about... games and game art.
I find it funny you always speak as "We" on here seeing all you do is troll General Discussions and make very little constructive art/feedback.
You dont have the right to speak for everyone here when your name is Hboybowen :P
It is true that lately GD and even Pimping now are less and less serious about game art.
With that said, I'm off to post about my favourite beers. :thumbup:
Cartman: You have to be convincing when calling the police, you have to be like (whining) My parents 'molestered' me.
Kyle: (angrily) My parents 'molestered' me!
Cartman: No but you've got to cry like this...(sobbing) My parents... 'molestered' me. And then they will say, was it a good touch or a bad touch and you say, it was a good touch... no wait... it was a bad touch.
Kyle: What's bad touch?
Cartman: Something about a swimsuit, I can't remember. But you definitely answer bad touch.
Kyle: Ok. 'Molestered', bad touch.
Cartman: And cry.
Kyle: (cries)
Cartman: Oh, he's ready.
They created a 'Wasteland' folder where mods can choose to send un-related gameart topics to.
They survive for 5 days in Wasteland(where people , if they choose to, can continue discussions) and then are auto-deleted.
When people start seeing their topics get sent to wasteland it becomes a learning tool, similar to negative reinforcement.
It feels like a lot of great people stopped posting too
Something like this may help quite a bit.
It's becoming TF2 gone F2P all over again!
I would love to see this happen here. That might would be a good step in turning the tide of shit (anti-copyright threads, blog-posts, GA-style bullshit). Unfortunately, it would only go so far to curb the off-topic spamming we get, too.
For those people that ONLY post, this would do alot of curbing...not everyone is willing to start a thread, and many of us just like hanging out in 2 places: Tech Talk and General Dis.
That rule is never enforced to be honest.
When it IS enforced, it's always the droves of people who dislike one certain topic even though they participate or even post new topics that are just as bad.
There's nothing wrong with that, though. I think it tightens the sense of community around here.
Here's what I think the useless posts on GD are. It's too subjective, plenty of people think it is a fine thread most likely, however it fits the criteria of the rule that was posted.
Wait.... that's the only one on the first page. GD is doing way better than most of you make it seem.
Points at this thread.
This was a good one.
Should put in some sorta system that only lets people post based on how much art they post.. that would cut out 80% of the bullshit comments/threads here. That and newbs getting 1k post in 6 months.
and if your balls haven't dropped then you can't even get membership *ladies are exempt*
You make stupid threads, you get stupid responses.
This is just giving me a raging one to sculpt.
*Slowly backs out of thread*
The thread you linked on the other hand was posted by a guy asking a question with a painfully obvious answer but it was a question people understood.
people just need to grow the fuck up.