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Project Mars

Project Title/Code Name: Project Mars

People Needed:

Texture Artists.
Anybody that knows the UDK Game Engine.
3D Artists.
Idea Person/Jack of all trades.
Character Concept Artists.
Creature Concept Artists.
Level/Landscape Concept Artists.
Spacecraft Concept Artists
Photoshop Artist

*I can train for some of the positions.

Skill level does not matter. I just need people that are motivated and love playing video games. I would prefer that person to be able to meet me at my house with the rest of my team members, but long distance can be arranged. I have a story writer and he has an assistant. I am the 3D artist and programmer at the moment but doing both is just way to stressful. I can't pay anybody right now because I don't have a company started yet but once we sell our first game, anyone who has help will have a job. I am a very easy going person and I would love to talk to anyone personally to explain the game more in depth.

I have been on this website for awhile now look at various artist and I finally decided to join the forums and post this. I can be emailed at bobbycalhoun1221@gmail.com but the prefered method of communication is on skype. I would have to say the most desired position right now is someone who is awesome at building environments. If you need to know more about these environments just ask. I may be able to answer your question.

We have actually accomplished a lot since starting this project and I am looking forward to talking with you all.
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