I really like winding down and spending (some) of my free time immsersed in a beautiful virtual world and I feel its healthy for an artist to do such a thing to keep imagination and creative juices flowing, along with inspiration.
Right now I've been playing WoW a little bit, but the grind is just really not my deal, I liked games with more story based quests like Oblivion, Fallout, and Runescape (good times back in the day). I would have switched to Rift if the game wasn't horribly optimized, I can barely hold it up on low, but I can run crysis on high.
So does anyone play any right now that they'd like to suggest? Free or paid, preferably paid to avoid bad content or RW item shops.
It has a ton of sights of you enjoy space and scifi, and you can play it at your own pace and stay out of danger if you wish.
Just sitting in a corner of space and scan for anomalies to find wormholes or hidden stuff, or pick a point in space and just go there.
Allods as a free example, that game is gorgeous and full of fantastic sights but infested with free to play traps, but as long as you do it for the visuals!
I have been playing this for agggesss well polished and looks fantastic..
Its what I thought it was, though. A foreign (specifically I mean asian) mmorpg, they tend to feel alot different and almost hollow.
Spiral Knights is fun for the first 30 hours.
yeah its korean
One of the great things about aion is the flying and i cant play an mo now in which I dont fly/glide.
Ill definitely try it out if it looks like that come 3.0
theres plenty to do even when you hit the lvl cap of 55.
ahahaha wat
I can't find character inspiration in my backyard
Yeah, there's prettier areas than the beginner one, and the reviewer in that video isn't playing it completely maxed out :P
Needless to say, if you aren't looking for some permanent home it doesn't hurt playing any of these, since as you said, you're looking mainly looking for inspiration and things to look at right?
Just a world yes, some microgoals is all. I usually will get hooked on the game and will want to recreate something from it so bad, thats what I want
If you read the text review there it gets some hefty rep as a repetitive grind fest, but I guess i'd be used to that.
I recently levelled a second character and from 0-25 it can be a bit sparse, the game is quite mature now so most of the population are in high level areas.
saying that though I have helped out noobs that arent rerollsrecently which is encouraging about the state of the game.
People have compared Aion to lineage 2, but l2 didn't look that great to me.
I'm playing Rift for a week now. Also played it in open beta for a few days. I think it has a pretty unique approach with it's souls and planar dimensions etc. But ultimately plays similar to WoW.
Like you I also wanted an mmo that features STORY heavily. But I've struggled to find one. I think more linear single player games like Mass Effect and L.A. Noire handle story SO much better.
Conan just became free to play.
Aion is very grindy and it feels like it's designed to make you waste time, like having quest chains that take you all the way to the end of a zone and then back to the start. They also didn't put realistic limits on the character customization so you'll see a lot of wacky looking goons with giant pumpkin heads or 4ft long arms walking around.
f2p = lots of players, wizards 101 just hit 20 million users and even the starting zones have healthy populations of players.
All mmorpgs are grindy though aren't they?
Id love to play rift
The time wasting quests have been vastly shortened simply because the network of teleports has doubled in location.
I cant stand the freaky looking player characters, and the most comon is the midget sized people that think that the small size helps when it comes to pvp... but that only works for noobs..
Aion is sorta grindy but they made it easier for the tsunami of wow whiners that complained it was too hard. 50-55 is when it starts to slow, as NCsoft doesnt want you getting to max lvl and gear too easily and get bored of the game.. some argue that its a self defeating strategy..
Have stooped to the point of crawling back to Ultima Online.
Not meaning to steal the topic from you, Frell.
I really don't know why they allow the freaky people, it makes me sad that they would allow such an "exploit" and total immersion breaker.
"armour on .. armour off.. heeeeyy" loool
Personally I alternate between wow and lotro (bought a lifetime membership some years ago when the dollar was insanely low
The only other game I'm waiting for is Guild Wars 2. Looks really promising.
World of Tanks
Age of Conan
Team Fortress 2
Lord of the Rings Online
Spiral Knights
Try out eden eternity, as a former WoW player I actually was impressed by this mmo currently in beta, the cartoony art style is fun, and somehow it feels really smooth when you play it.
However blade & soul is definatly one that I am going too play. Gameplay, art and whole feel of that game is pretty damn top notch. Being able too actually miss spells, having an sort of mortal combat styled pvp instead of pushing button 1-4, and being able to followup on skills and just its grand diversity etc makes blade & soul very promising imo.
Only downfall is that its quite japanese, as in anime, and overly giant boobs or weird furry classes.
I've played allods, and I was surprised how subtle/avoidable a lot of the f2p 'traps' were. I've put a good amount of time into a couple different characters over the past couple years, and I've only ever spent 10 bucks. I bought a mount, and that was almost completely out of support for the company, obviously not essential.
2.0 just came out, so if you haven't jumped on in a while, I would check out some of the changes if your still interested. Fun game.
Roflness, playing the trial, no comment yet as im still in the starting zone (other than the lack of Anis filtering
I would go back to WoW but the last I heard the guys who made the original World of Warcraft no longer work with blizzard and activision has been dragging the game into the ground in order to get a bigger market, just like GH, Call of duty etc. I can't help the feeling im playing a dumbed down version of the game ever since all of my friends left when cataclysm came.
Thanks for all the suggestions Ill look into them all
Seriously if it is get it, no monthly fees and with the trilogy it's the best bang for your buck. There's not a whole lot of grinding to it either with everything being more skill based.
Guild Wars. It's amazingly fun for an MMO, and when Guild Wars 2 comes out, you'll have more of an appreciation for the world.
Also: Expansive world with 3 continents, each with a different theme, using it in a non-generic manner, and it's not anime. You won't likely find a lack of inspiration from it, and if you do- just check out some of the concept art. It's also solo-friendly.
Could you please link me to the correct one on steam? there are quite a few.
This is the one you want, it has the 3 main campaigns in one game
If you have money to spare I would also get Eye of the North expansion
Stuff you do in this game will carry over to GW2 when it comes out
general chat is /3
it might be that because youre on a trial.
Isnt Aion made by the same people as Guild Wars? They look very similar
But then again, I grew up with UO..
Guild Wars is it's own thing, something you really need to experience, story driven and no grind, straight to max level with 80% "end content".
You really can't compare Guild Wars to Aion or WoW.
Guild Wars was made by ArenaNet, which was then acquired by NCSoft.
I believe NCSoft is just a publisher.