Hello! As of now I am only a beginner in 3D art, but I want to stretch my abilities all the time. I'll just start off with my first WIP models, made in Maya 2012. I really want peoples tips and help, so that I can become more diverse in my skills (and know what I'm doing more

). Thanks.
Here is my WIP Super Kriss SMG - I need help with the poly structure and the attachment rails right now:

And here is my most recent model, a bolt action Sniper rifle (I don't know the name of it) - I haven't had any trouble with this one so far, but any tips are still welcome of course:

I'm not really at the level of character modeling yet, but I want to get to that point. Thats all for now, but I will post more of my stuff later.
Also, here is a little compilation of some of my old 3D art. All of these were made in Silo 2.1, and are from 1-2 years old I think.
That's it for now. I have my class in about 12 1/2 hours now, so, I'm going to bed. Cheers!
Sorry I didn't scan it, but I just wanted to get it up.
It is a control room, inspired by NASA and the Bat-Cave. By the way, the big sphere in the middle is supposed to be a hologram. Tell me what you think!
Taurus 24/7 OSS Pistol: Render-Materials only.
Ambient Occlusion Render:
Critique please!
First it's good to see that you have some really well developed traditional sketching skills.
Second, as far as your latest render goes, it may just be me but I think muzzle is a bit short ( it may be cuz of the angle of the shot but I just wanted to point it out. As such I don't see any other issues with it. :thumbup:
I wonder who that would be??
Its GREAT running into you on these forums mate! Come on MSN more, we need to talk. Anyways, some good stuff here
Anyways, yeah, Ill get to texturing the sniper. Just got to finish the Assault Rifles first!
Material Render:
Ambient Occlusion Render:
This may or may not be in the FPSC model pack I mentioned earlier.
Normal Render:
Ambient Occlusion: