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Going for a shadowey, demoney, summoney lady. Summons little shadow imps, can poison smack people around if they get too close before she shadow teleports to the other side of the dungeon, etc. Thinkin mini boss for a diablo style game

Things have been pretty hectic at home lately, but was nice to spend a couple o minutes this morning doing this ^_^
I also suck at concepting if anyone can throw some feedback/crits my way as i go. Originally leaning towards 1 due to more cloth to practice on, but heard 2 and 4 are working better.

Awesome sculpt idea ^__^ Maybe try some upper volume with outfit #2? But I love the exposure of her body, but that might just be me. >.>
striker: ^_^
mmt: imma mess around with that ^^
sid: :poly136:
disanki: ta moochley
wex: totes, ill see where i end up with it
piesandbombs: : D that was my original one which i kinda liked, lot of blank space i'd have to work out is all
daphz: ^^
cox: chur : )
hokay, cheers for the feedback peeps. Did a quick oversketch of numbre 2. Looks a bit bare atm but still room for some drapery/cloth sculpting in there, and some fancy details, and could throw fancy pendants and chains and junk over that to make it a bit more interesting... gotta work out the whole darkness smoke to throw around her too.
i'mma just start throwing cubes on there and see where it goes, i suck somthing fierce with this 2d bizness.
also open back all the way, butt cleavage mode ^^; (isnt working yet but it will o_o)
Looks absolutely amazing so far man, but I would so something more with the silhouette. I love what you had going on on number 4, I would totally do something similar but with like some massive black feathers or something. Give her some creepy jewellery, and the imp skulls are indeed a lovely touch.
Something feathery around her wrist/hands would be cool too.
Keep going man, so subscribed to this!
Love the face!
Great Start!
skirts of #1 and #4 look too clumsy in contrast to the facial features and the body
I like all 4 clothing designs but my personal preference would be #1. It has this medieval noble lady feeling to it. And since a lot of the woman wore a corset during that time you'll still get to show of her anatomy and it'll fit the necromancer/demonic feeling you're going for.
#2 is sexy but also very... I don't know. I guess it's to much of the typical half naked gothic necromancer for me?
#3 Nice and clean but especially the silhouette might just be a bit to empty and boring.
#4 Gives me more of a evil queen rather than necromancer vibe.
As for your latest sketch, if you're going for #2 I think a few straps top hold the 2 side pieces together might be an idea
Anyway! the 3D sculpt so far has a very pretty face and is looking super sexy!
Design wise, i think you need a mix of all your ideas. I like the more armoured look of 1, the spikes of 4 and the way its showing off a bit of flesh in 2 is cool. However i think the refined design is just too scant, too little clthing, makes her look like a slutty slave like princess leia when she's jabba's prisoner
I can't wait to see it progress though!
the upper body of 4 with the skirts of 3 would make a nice combination. feminine sihlouette with quite a bit of boobage. but still in the realms of a real dress. (and not fantasy underpants.)
terrabite isnt a guy :P
Cant wait to see that one further!
I gotta say I like 2 the best as the other designs look a bit too Vampira or Morticia from adam's family.
Can we get some closer face shots? Seeing as she works with death on a regular basis you should show that decay in her hands or features without taking away from the sexy.
But then the sexy look of 2 your developing is cool, even if it is very "video game" looking.
I like number 4
tda: cheers
conte: thank you : )
throttlekitty: ^_^
HAL: hmm, totes
MeintevdS: awsome points dude. I still kinda wanna roll with number 1, conceptin this be wack x_x
tenchi: chur ^^
mr_ace: totes man
simonT: ta
shiniku: hehe, cheers dude
clintus maximus:
JGcount: hehe :P
hboybowen: gonna need some more conceptin on this
r_fletch_r: could totes work actually, no idea how the details on the top bit would work is all
martinH: ^^
striker: :P
8ftSpider: cheers dude
mishin: thats a good point man, i rly gotta learn more about designing this stuff
cooljay: thank you
toryM: Cool points man. And yeh no idea what's goin on with the hair atm, just wanted the front face covering bits and was peepin some paul richards demons earlier in the morning
autocon: hehe, totes know what you mean
crazyfool: gonna hafta revisit 4 now ^_^
g2000: totes man
mjackson126: chur ^^
JoseConseco: defo man
So had a bit more time for this today and srsly wiggin out over the costume design
Zsphered out a little base for a shadow imp fellah she would summon. Still gotta work out them clothes x_x
(and a face closeup, started as another zsphere based head sculpt like i do)
Also, what's her backstory? lich queen? necromancer servant to someone else? She looks like she has some class, like a "Lady" of nobility. These kinds of questions can probably help you nail down your design.
mjackson: cheers
pior: cheers bro ^___^
dduckworth: hehe, totes. Still wanna sculpt all teh fancy elaborate cloth bits on 1, but guess the skimpier styles might suit the character better
8ftSpider: totes gotta peep some paul richards
whats_true: cheers ^^
not much of an update and gotta take my old man to the oncologist naow, but seeing poop in 3d defo helps. Think can rule out the shoulder puffy elaborate dresses, skimpier one might actually work better design-wise. Guess i'll roll with the two on the right and see where it goes.
striker: chur :P (too many choices now x_x)
jeremy-S: totes gonn try rockin the sleeves
masterofthefork: defo. Hoping to add things later on too, like chains and skulls and other random crap
marq4porsche: ^^
duncan: hehe *stabs with rubber awsome knife* totes gonna try somthin like that
so this concepting poop is painful. No idea if its gonna end at the nicest result possible but ill keep forcing it till somthing looks alright (or at least final).
Cleaned things up and gettin things blocked in.
Also posted in the waywo but yeh, threw some turtle power down last night before sleep. (desktop background = this ^^)