I saw this yesterday. It was evident that it was a "too many cooks in the kitchen" type of deal. The pacing was weird, the humor felt natural in some parts and forced in others, even the animation seemed to switch between the smooth, deliberate Pixar style and the snappier slapstick style from movies like Madagascar. I've also got to say that I really don't like the general direction Pixar has been going with their shaders and lighting in their past few movies; a lot of the skin feels too much like plastic and a lot of the lighting just feels too soft and indecisive.
Those complaints aside, though, I did enjoy it even if it wasn't quite up to the standards of a few other Pixar movies.
Brave was good, just not quite as good as I was hoping for from Pixar. The only gripe I had with it though was
the fishing scene the morning after the mom was turned into a bear. It just seemed out of place that their priority right there was 'learn how to be a bear' rather than 'figure out how to change back'.
That didn't bother me too much though, and I'd still recommend it. La Luna was awesome.
I think Pixar has fallen victim to its own success. I've seen people, on other sites, stating the same things 'good, but not Pixar level'. I think expectations have gotten too high.
That being said, I still haven't seen it, but hoping to get a chance soon.
Brave was good, just not quite as good as I was hoping for from Pixar. The only gripe I had with it though was
the fishing scene the morning after the mom was turned into a bear. It just seemed out of place that their priority right there was 'learn how to be a bear' rather than 'figure out how to change back'.
That didn't bother me too much though, and I'd still recommend it. La Luna was awesome.
I don't think it was so much supposed to be learn how to be a bear, but more learn how to not need to be 'queen' and be more like your daughter.
It was a good movie, not one of Pixar's best, but not their worst either. Great audio, I loved the music.
Really? I thought the music (the singing part mostly) was so grating to the ears. I cringed every time that one chick started singing and made it VERY hard to enjoy the movie because it was so cheesy and lame.
Saw it and liked it, good movie, not one of the best, but still good. My eyes were having sex with her hair the entire time and just for that it was totally worth the price of admission. God that shit was PHENOMENAL!
Another thing I really loved was all the character/stylization that the Male Scotts got. All of them had such unique styles and characteristics in there design. Like a crazy harsh lines and extreme forms. Was really refreshing to see in contrast to the "Pixar Style" females in the movie.
I also liked the way the story ended, its not your typical "these are the boys im suppose to marry but this is the one I want too" Im glad it wasn't like that and the way it ended was different from most traditional princess story's which I really enjoyed.
I really really enjoyed it! By far the most gorgeous and well animated CG film I've ever seen. The level of stylization of all the characters was perfect and those hairs... Damn, so good. The story was simple and straight forward (maybe too much for some people that were expecting a deeper and more meaningful message from it). IMO, it isn't necessary a bad thing and it didn't distract me from the essence of this beautiful movie.
I really really enjoyed it! By far the most gorgeous and well animated CG film I've ever seen. The level of stylization of all the characters was perfect and those hairs... Damn, so good. The story was simple and straight forward (maybe too much for some people that were expecting a deeper and more meaningful message from it). IMO, it isn't necessary a bad thing and it didn't distract me from the essence of this beautiful movie.
Really? I thought the music (the singing part mostly) was so grating to the ears. I cringed every time that one chick started singing and made it VERY hard to enjoy the movie because it was so cheesy and lame.
Did anyone else get an extreme Miyazaki vibe from this? I know that Lasseter is a huge fan of his movies but I don't know what kind of trickle down this may have on the artists and directors. The overall story and tone could have lent itself to being a Studio Ghibli film which is not a bad thing in my opinion. I really enjoyed it and my god, those environments.
Yes. Those songs. I guess I just found it too cheez-ball for my tastes. Oh hush! RANDY NERMAN IS AWESOME.
Totally agree, they could have gotten away with instrumental music for those two scenes, felt like they forced two music numbers with lyrics into the movie for the riding shooting arrows and the bear learning to fish scenes.. It just totally took me out of the film, when she started skreeching...
Also saw some odd animation speeds, (opening the door in the cottage in the woods over and over timing seemed off) and a few other nitpicks, but overall enjoyed the film. Up there close to the top for me art and style wise..
just saw it, didn't wait until after the credits, which I regret now
feeling incredibly inspired though, I really really really liked how they chose to portray scottisch mythology and folklore. the music particularly accentuated the feel of the movie, which is something I always appreciate.
art-wise this was IMO one of pixar's best. incredibly impressive landscapes, fantastic athmosphere, perfect lighting and shading... nothing to say there.
animation-wise there isn't much I can say as I'm not an animator, but Jeremy Lindstrom does have a point about opening the cottage door, and I thought here and there some other stuff was a little too fast; it did fit the context though, so no objections there.
story-wise this is one of the better stories I've seen in movies of late, any genre, any theme, any kind.
if you ask me, pixar hasn't lost it's golden touch and they still have lots of that magical goodness that once inspired millions with Toy Story. 'nough said.
The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way about the film was that I didn't get a sense of adventure. All of Pixar's films have this epic adventure with numerous locations (WALL-E, Up, Incredibles, etc.) Brave takes place in the castle and the surrounding forest. Even though the film was fun, entertaining, and beautiful, I have to agree with most people that it's good, just not great.
Yeah I agree with this.
Those complaints aside, though, I did enjoy it even if it wasn't quite up to the standards of a few other Pixar movies.
That being said, I still haven't seen it, but hoping to get a chance soon.
It was a good movie, not one of Pixar's best, but not their worst either. Great audio, I loved the music.
Another thing I really loved was all the character/stylization that the Male Scotts got. All of them had such unique styles and characteristics in there design. Like a crazy harsh lines and extreme forms. Was really refreshing to see in contrast to the "Pixar Style" females in the movie.
Oh yeah and "La luna" (the short) was amazing.
All of this. ^
Looking forward to the Monsters University & Wreck-It Ralph the Ralph movie more than the other, the idea seems fun enough for me.
Please tell me it's not a musical?
It's not a musical - I'm guessing it's one of these songs he dislikes? I had no issues with the soundtrack. I guess they don't live up to the grandiosity of "You've got a friend in me" :P
Also, stay till the credits are over. They have an ending with it :2
Totally agree, they could have gotten away with instrumental music for those two scenes, felt like they forced two music numbers with lyrics into the movie for the riding shooting arrows and the bear learning to fish scenes.. It just totally took me out of the film, when she started skreeching...
Also saw some odd animation speeds, (opening the door in the cottage in the woods over and over timing seemed off) and a few other nitpicks, but overall enjoyed the film. Up there close to the top for me art and style wise..
feeling incredibly inspired though, I really really really liked how they chose to portray scottisch mythology and folklore. the music particularly accentuated the feel of the movie, which is something I always appreciate.
art-wise this was IMO one of pixar's best. incredibly impressive landscapes, fantastic athmosphere, perfect lighting and shading... nothing to say there.
animation-wise there isn't much I can say as I'm not an animator, but Jeremy Lindstrom does have a point about opening the cottage door, and I thought here and there some other stuff was a little too fast; it did fit the context though, so no objections there.
story-wise this is one of the better stories I've seen in movies of late, any genre, any theme, any kind.
if you ask me, pixar hasn't lost it's golden touch and they still have lots of that magical goodness that once inspired millions with Toy Story. 'nough said.
Artwise i still think wall-e/tintin are better.
I actually loved how it not tried to be 'epic'.