~ Firstly, I know everybody and their aunt Susan seems to be making an iphone game. I just wanted to know if their are any other games on the horizon that look as current gen as Hawken that have promise?
I tried to skim moddb, but its appears to be 103% kids with more promises than screenshots. Anyone know of any current gen 'indie projects to watch'?
My buddy is working on it, and I soon may be working on it if I pass an art test
Canvas isn't an independent game. It's a mod.
The trailer isn't the best in the world, and almost everything we've shown off has been improved upon ten fold, but it still counts as current gen if you ask me!
Also, I can honestly say I've played more 'first person melee' games than I care to admit. Some were fun for awhile, most were just bland and boring. Chivalry has them all beating in spades, and we're not even out of alpha testing. Can't wait to see how this does.
http://nap-game.blogspot.com/ i can answer to all question !!
all must be done but it ll be cool !
join us !
Ooh, do want.
Indie game i'm workin' on (did the background art and I have a hand in the gameplay).
Not next gen in a 3d sense, but we're pushing the 2d physics and combat to some pretty exciting areas. Can't talk about it too much but we're really excited about the future prospects of the game right now!
It's a game, and it's not funded by a publisher.
I'm on the team. It's a mod.
To elaborate a bit more, look at the site. Right next to CANVAS it says "A Source Engine Modification". Look at the About page also. "CANVAS is a total-conversion modification for Half-Life 2: Episode 2."
So what about my statement was incorrect? :P
Well I guess technically it's not incorrect. It's at the very least somewhat improper though, especially in a thread about independent games!
Anyway that's enough derailment for me tonight.
more like: have anyone completed and released a game? :P
A mod is a license away from being an indie game, that's the only difference.
Triple-A describes a product of high quality and production values, which an indie project could theoretically be.
Now if CANVAS is basically HL2 reskinned, then yes, it's a mod. If everything looks different but you just changed some numbers for weapon values, then yes, it's a mod.
Otherwise, it's a game that's only available to owners of a different game. That's just a distribution model.
don't sweat the small stuff like categories - TF2, a pretty big hit for valve, is a sequel to a Quake mod. You're making games, just have fun.
This is in a thread specifically asking for indie games with a current gen look.
It's easy though, ask these questions:
Is it a game?
was it made without the funding of a publisher?
If yes to both; it's an indie game.
True but this can't be done 99% of the time if you're receiving funding from a publisher. They want profit and so only fund projects they believe will give them a nice cut.
I think eld nailed it good in his description.
When you have the license, you most often always have the capability to package the game in a way that what was once the core of the other game can be the core of your game, in one single install.
It's like how UDK work, you've got modding-capabilities for the extremely versatile unreal engine and you're not given the actual source code to the engine. In the end you have the ability to package your 'mod' and release it as a stand alone.
The reason I stress the definition of Indie is because most often people want to glorify the indie-industry, while it is infact very much similar to its bigger sibling for good and bad.
Most of the shovelware on the app markets are infact made by indie-developers.
I meant engine source code, that's for high-end licensees only, what you get with UDK is the unreal-script sources.
But yes, it is irrelevant, mod or not, it's a game.
I could probably plug my own stuff... but id tech 3 stopped being current gen a long time ago
I think you're mistaken, from what I read the thread is about indie games sporting current-gen visuals, with hawken being the prime example.
But I don't wish to derail this further, so I'll strategically end my derailing with my last say.
I'am currently going to The Art Institute of Cali - LA and have made a short 30-minute game in my time there. Does the concept of an Icecream cone with sunglasses interest you? Check it out: http://www.indiedb.com/games/freeze-e-frostys
For our first attempt at a game, we got some good feedback! We figured out the kinks there is to game development and decided we wanted to do more. We finished our first game back in December of 2010 and have been working on a new action-adventure cover shooter since January of this year. Expect an art dump of our new game to appear in the Pimping-and-Previews section soon :]
This is really shaping up if it fulfills its promises