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Subway station

polycounter lvl 14
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GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
Hey there !

Long time no post.
Here's the latest stuff I'm working on. It's a subway station, near futuristic.

I decided to go for a subway station after seeing this artwork by Razorb :


So, I decided to create my own subway station :


And so I started with the platform, so, quick artwork :

And the result in 3D in the marmoset <3


I'll post some shot in the UDK later on, I just want to have more stuff done before taking any UDK screenshots.


  • Scizz
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    Scizz polycounter lvl 11
    that metal looks good! great concept as well. ima watch this one.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    very early, very cool.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    yeah looking good with the metal!
  • shawnell3d
  • FlamingInfinity
    I'm working on a train station as well, and I just had to get up and walk away for 5 minutes after seeing your renders. Haha.

    Damn. It's looking really good at the moment, and will only get better. I'm excited to see it come together.
  • kYo
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    kYo polycounter lvl 9
    textures/materials look promising to me :)

    but IMO the original is way more atmospheric, especially lighting and composition f.e. the waiting room as main illuminator, broken up nicely by some pillars..

    lighting-wise your concept feels like unlit viewmode with a fade-to-black fog.. not sure if thats your planned endresult since its possible to achieve a more suspenseful lighting by experimenting in UDK without strictly following a concept.. but i´d at least suggest to make some changes to your architecture like having variational room widths, vertical breakups (walls, pillars) or anything to avoid this centerfocused feeling of a single-room-tunnel with some props stuck to it

    looking forward to more anyways :)
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks guys

    @kYo : You're totally right about the atmosphere and lighting. I'm not good into concepting(but I keep tryin' because that's a good and a fast way to see what's good and what's not) so my concept art is kind of a direction in term of colors and details more than atmospheric and lighting (which will be, I think, more like Razorb's artwork).
    As for adding some vertical breakups etc, I really don't like having pillars on the plateform, but I'll look for other ideas to break the really straight lines I have for now. - Thanks
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    If you feel that you're not that strong at concepting I say you should try to stick to the piece by Razorb instead of trying to adapt it into your "own thing". I used to do the same thing but then realized that I ended up hurting myself with that approach. If you work to match the concept as close as possible it will A) be a good exercise and demonstration of an industry relevant skill, and B) might help you better realize what Razorb was thinking with his concept and help you understand what and why it's good.
    It's tough to swallow your pride and artistic urge to be creative and original, but it's going to help you a lot more. As I said I used to do that very same thing, and now that I got over that I feel like I'm learning much more and doing better work.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 13
    The metal texture is great, good varience of large and small patterns along with detail. I agree with Fingus about the piece as a whole. The linear aspect of your scene is throwing the realism. I'd give the camera a dutch angle to add some disturbance if your going to keep it linear.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    I know you're only just starting out on this particular environment - but a few things rub me the wrong way:

    Really nice assets so far - but for a subway/train station - the floor surfaces suffer from being never used - i.e. there's no scratches from luggage - chewing gum stains and more importantly - footprints/shoeprints (I think you could possibly do these as decals). No mistake, it looks good as it is - and I'm not suggesting you put an epic grunge texture all over it - but it just looks 'un-used' and brand new atm.

    keeeeep going!
  • Ihazard
    I know you're only just starting out on this particular environment - but a few things rub me the wrong way:

    Really nice assets so far - but for a subway/train station - the floor surfaces suffer from being never used - i.e. there's no scratches from luggage - chewing gum stains and more importantly - footprints/shoeprints (I think you could possibly do these as decals). No mistake, it looks good as it is - and I'm not suggesting you put an epic grunge texture all over it - but it just looks 'un-used' and brand new atm.

    keeeeep going!

    Do the grunge to an extent, if you look at pictures of London's underground it isn't all THAT dirty, but I think chewing gum and such would be a nice touch. Your concept needs some advertisements, which are absolutely everywhere in train stations, you could use it to bring in some nice complementary colours to your scene. Also the '04' on the platform is rather hard to read, for a station as well, it'd want to be as legible as possible :)
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the feedbacks!

    @Fingus : I don't agree with you on that point. I think it's always good to get inspired by something, and reproducing art sometime, but in my opinion, it's more interesting trying new stuff and learn from the mistakes. I reproduced some artwork in 3d in the past, thanks to that I learned a lot but now I want to learn new stuff about concepting etc (but I still want to focus on 3D, so I'm just concepting what I'll do and thanks to some feedbacks I saw what was wrong on my concept).

    @OtrickP : Thanks !
    Yeah about the linear aspect, I'll see what I can do about that, probably adding some elements breaking that etc

    @achmedthesnake : hmm, I really want to stay away from that dirt we see everywhere theses days. But you're totally right about some chewing gums and a little more scratches/dirt but not too much :D.
    Some images to show that sometime the subway grounds aren't that dirty ;)

    @Ihazard : Heh, you're right about advertisements, I'll add more of them on the walls. You're right about that 04, the dont isn't reallt nice, I'll change it when I'll create the decal ;)
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    Some new stuff !

    Some chewing gums (5 to be precise :D) and some more visible stains and scratches.


    Rails and rails floor also done :

  • Tokoya
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    Tokoya polycounter lvl 7
    Great clean highpoly, same goes for the texture work. If I wre you I'd add a few neon lights like bright pink etc to create some variety and maybe some stray garbage just to make it seem slightly more used
  • RexM
    Nice and clean, but with subtle wear.

    Materials all seem to read pretty well too. Good work so far, will be nice to see this scene as it comes further along.
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    Reminds me of the tram stations in Dead Space.
    Great clean work so far.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    love your materials :)
  • Mio
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    Mio polycounter lvl 13
    beautiful textures :D

    show me more
  • DarKMessiah34
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    DarKMessiah34 polycounter lvl 5
    weird question but how do you go about doing the lines in the floor to give it that paneled look? Do you use splines and use sweep or path deform as floating geo, model it in, or do it in photoshop with the NDO filter?
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @DarKMessiah34 i think he prolly just modeled it right in, it's not the most complex thing so prolly is no harder to model them in than it would be to float splines.
  • Electro
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    Electro polycounter lvl 19
    Very nice slick solid work. I look forward too seeing MOAR
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    @Tokoya : For the neon colors, I'll probably use some advertising to add some different colors into the lighting. For some more garbage, I'll see at the end if it's needed but it'll probably be in decals if I had some.

    @RexM : Thanks!
    @eedobaba7726 : The first one ? I don't really remember it, if it's in the second one, I still haven't played it.
    @Rick_D : Thanks
    @Mio : Cheers !
    @DarKMessiah34 : Yup, basic modeling for this stuff
    @Electro : Thanks !

    Update !!
    Here are the 2 walls of the platform :



    :( It seems the emissive doesn't light up in marmoset (even with a high value in the emissive)

    Next update will be in the UDK ;)
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    GoSsS: post the texture flats :) Looking good so far
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    @haiddasalami : Here are some flats :




    Top left : Diffuse
    Top right : Normal
    Bottom left : Specular
    Bottom right : Reflection in red channel / Emissive in green channel / Specular Power in blue channel.

    I finished the ceiling piece :

    Hi :

    Low :

    And because I said next update will be in the UDK :


    Finally I think I'll put these vertical beams (because they add a lot).
    Lighting is very Wip (I'm just using the emissive to light for now), no Post process, FX's, fog and stuff like that because I don't need that at this stage. Some materials need some tweaks as well.
  • Bart
    It's comming along very good. I like it :) I love your texturing on this
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Looking sick. Love the textures! So how are you going about bending all of your pieces? Are you using a bend modifer and using freeform to get it to snap? That is of course if your using 3dsmax.
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    @Bart : Thanks
    @SnakeDoctor : Yup, that's what I did but I make it in one piece (not really optimised but really easier for this kind of stuff :D) but I could have make it with seperate pieces bent and snaped to grid.

    Kind of a hatch (232 tris) :


    And the Hi Res for the pillar (I'll put it on both side of the rails that's why I created a back for it) :

  • Orb
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    Orb polycounter lvl 13
    The ceiling is looking great. Love those white panels. It's comming along very nicely!
    Its very dark for now, walls, floor, rails, are hard to distinguish, but those white benches, white stripes on the concept art will add a lot for sure, maybe you could turn the walls, to something more grey also.

    anyway looking awsome!
  • re.wind
    So how are you going about bending all of your pieces? Are you using a bend modifer and using freeform to get it to snap? That is of course if your using 3dsmax.
    @SnakeDoctor : Yup, that's what I did but I make it in one piece (not really optimised but really easier for this kind of stuff :D) but I could have make it with seperate pieces bent and snaped to grid.
    I was wondring about the curves as well. :)

    Minor nitpick i have is to make the yellow safety line thicker, and move the platform-side pillars into the actual platform unless you've got a special train in mind. ;)
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Love the texture work, especially the subtle specular.
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    awesome job on this man. As others have said great texturing and I think its well executed.
  • sneakymcfox
    Really great texturing, love the way the normals turned out on these as well, could we maybe see some wires?
  • cdavidson
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    cdavidson polycounter lvl 8
    i like this :) keeping eye on it.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    I would love it if you did a texturing tutorial time lapse.
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    Love the look and feel of these textures. Very nice and clean look to everything looking forward to some more progress on this one!
  • SgtNasty
    I like the wood texture you did. With that said, I don't think it fits with your scene. Sci fi typically doesn't have much wood, but regardless of that, I don't think this architectural style would employ wood. It's not a big deal though.
  • MartinH
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    MartinH polycounter lvl 8
    really cool work, i dig it alot
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Awesome stuff man! Really digging the colours and the crisp textures. :)
  • Coridium
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    Coridium polycounter lvl 15
    Nice work, like the roof panel with the white backdrop, looks almost like the brink menus. :)
  • Guy123
    This is coming along really well! I really dig the metal! (which is great, as there's lots of it!)
  • Mjolnir_Zero
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    Mjolnir_Zero polycounter lvl 14
    Excellent work GoSsS. You're environments textures are making me jealous :S I wish my texturing skills were even remotely close to yours. Any advice you could give me for my environment would be greatly appreciated. I'll be texturing pretty soon and would love it if you could critique my stuff. But I digress, you're subway is looking very solid. not much to critique, I'm definitely getting that clean slightly worn feel that Mass Effect gives you in your scene. What are your texture sheets running at, 1 or 2k? I would love it if you could enlighten us on any texturing tips for getting your metal to look the way you do. I'll be doing quite a bit of metal myself as you will see.

    (link to my current scene)
  • shawnell3d
    im so excited for this project
  • Sliterin
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    Sliterin polycounter lvl 11
    You wrote that in red channel is reflection. Could you show us how you use this map in udk? I'm not quite sure how you do that and that's why I ask for it. I will write like guys before - great textures - clean with small details texture is a good texture ;-)
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    the materials looks really good. keep on!
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    @Orb : Thanks mate !
    Yeah, you're right about the darkness; it's probably something I gonna tweak later on, when I'll have all the advertisings (which will add a lot of color/light) and all the props.
    @re.wind : I really think the size of the yellow safety line is ok like that. As for the pillars on the platform you're totally right, I'll move them =)
    @Computron : Thanks!
    For the timelapse, I don't have any screen recorder software on my laptop right now so I'll try to make a step by step of the next texture if you like.
    @ajr2764 : Cheers!
    @sneakymcfox : Thanks!
    Wires ? It's just planes for the most (floor, walls etc) but I'll post the one of the hatch and of the pillar on my next post.
    @cdavidson : Danke!
    @G3L : Thanks! I really try to work on my texture skills on this project.
    @SgtNasty : Yeah I know, I wanted to try to have some wood pieces (because in some really cool and modern architectures you can find some wood parts) but I'll maybe change it later, depending on the lighting and the other props (maybe something more like the white part of the ceiling to bring a little more light color etc. I still don't know.
    @MartinH : Thanks a lot !
    @JFletcher : Thanks dude. To be honest, it's your texture work on Brink that motivates me to take more time on my textures. So, happy you like it ;)
    @Coridium : Heh, yes, it reminded me this as well =)
    @Guy123 : Thanks
    @Mjolnir_Zero : Thanks !
    You're scene is really nice, specially the modeling, I like all these little details you put in there!
    As for the texturing, I'll try to make a step by step on my next texture so maybe it'll help you ;)
    The size of the tetxure depends, some are 2k by 1k, th epillar one is 1k, in fact it depends on how close to the player it is ;)
    @shawnell3d : Thanks
    @Sliterin : Here it is :
    btw, it is added to the diffuse (so, plugged to the diffuse slot ;))
    The green texture called RTT is basically a render to texture image based on a scene capture plane (here are some informations on this : http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/RenderToTexture.html)
    This technique is not really console friendly because it is basically real reflection (i'm not using cubemaps and stuff like this) but because this scene is more like a portfolio piece, I don't really mind ;)
    @SimonT : Thanks !

    So here are some update :

    First, the finished pillar :


    And the enxt asset I'll do, some sort of a console that give you informations and stuff like that. I used a lot of Paul Richards ref for this one and tried doing a little like him with line art and plain colors (but goshhh, that's hard :()


    So, next step is doing this console in 3D.
  • Razorb
    Offline / Send Message
    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    awesome work matey! lots of <3 for your textures!
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    @Razorb : Thanks a lot dude!

    Hi Res of the console done :


    Low Res is done as well :


    Next update will probably be the bench.

    Edit : Oops I forgot the wires :

  • dang87
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    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    wow, your materials look awesome :0
  • Computron
    Offline / Send Message
    Computron polycounter lvl 13
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