from the looks of the pic of the skip mark, he was trying to slow down to get on the off ramp...
Always sucks to hear about ANYONE dying in a crash, but honestly... drunk driving? fuck'm... I dont care if your doing 130 or just 30... No respect for drunk drivers. Especially when there are others in the car with you.
Are you implying that the many deaths caused by silly incidents are deserved?
Are you saying that what he did was a silly little incident? Because from where I'm sitting he made a really bad choice. That choice changes the way I look at him.
I've lost 4 family members due to drinking and driving, drug abuse and murder, for silly personal mistakes that all had to due with substance abuse and the people they were with.
I'm sorry for your losses, I can only imagine how much damage that would cause. Which is what keeps me from making those types of mistakes. I look at drinking and driving as an attempt to kill yourself and to take others with you in the process. It might not stick the first or second time but eventually it will.
I'll never mutter under my breath, saying that they deserved it,
I don't think he deserved to die. I think he deserves a second chance just like everyone else. But because of his serious lack of judgement, he made that impossible.
I could just as easily have made the same mistakes.. That does not make them any less of a human than myself.
Seriously with all you've been through you think you could make the same choices? That's messed up, that's like someone with lung cancer smoking while in kemo...
If he had walked away from it I would of hoped that he would of learned to make better choices, but sadly because of his seriously lack of judgement he won't get a second chance. It's rare to get a choice when faced with a life and death situation. He had a choice and he blew it.
It seems like you want to give the guy a free pass because you could easily suffer the same fate? In my book that doesn't necessarily make up for the horrific choice he made...
Yes, he is responsible for his actions, and he should have known the risks, but doesn't that go for the passenger as well? He willingly got into a car with an intoxicated driver. He's responsible for that action and he should have known the risks. It's dangerous to do that with any person driving, let alone a person who made their living doing stunts.
I agree, they both made some really bad choices that ended in their deaths. It depends on what the person knew, the driver could of lied, the passenger might not of known they where drinking until it was too late. But you're right some of the blame for the passengers death lies with the passenger, but a fair portion of blame for both deaths lies with the driver.
Sure some of the blame lies with the passenger, most with Dunn, but what about other road users? he could easily have taken out an entire family with this.
He drank. He drove (really fast) and killed himself and a friend. Lucky no one else was killed. He paid the price with his life and unfortunately took someone else with him.
I have sympathy for his parents and family, they lost a son/brother family member in a way that could have been prevented.
Not entirely sure who this person is to be completely honest.
I have no respect for drink drivers - they take other people's lives and their own, in their hands, when they choose to get behind the wheel.
In this case the driver and the friend were killed, mostly sorry for the friend. I am just glad that the driver didn't take out anyone else.
You mean to tell me one of the members of a band of idiots who do nothing but set up elaborate ways to hurt themselves and made millions of dollars bringing down the collective IQ of this country died in a crazy way? Yea, we lost a real contributor to mankind.
Okay so I actually had an arguement with a teacher today, probably not the greatest idea. But whatever.
Anyway he is much older and is a very serious person. He called it "pathetic" that people care about this.
Here are my thoughts:
I'm a fan of the Jackass movies but I don't worship them like some of the people at my high school did.
I think that his occupation should have nothing to do with his death. He died drinking and driving. You don't have to be a jackass star to make that mistake.
As for the people with him, you should know better than to get into a porche 911 with a drunk driver. I'm not saying they are stupid... but you can't FULLY blame Ryan for this. Besides it's not like he lived and they didn't.
One of the points my teacher made was that he lived a dumb life. I saw Ryan Dunn as an entertainer. Every entertainer has their demographic. He was good at what he did. Who cares what it was. He was happy and it made other people happy to watch him. There are worse things he could have done if you just read that last sentence. :P
One of the points my teacher made was that he lived a dumb life. I saw Ryan Dunn as an entertainer.
He put a toy car up his ass and then wasted the time of medical staff with it for giggles. I call that pretty ****ing stupid No point talking semantics or splitting hairs with this one I'm afraid.
He put a toy car up his ass and then wasted the time of medical staff with it for giggles. I call that pretty ****ing stupid No point talking semantics or splitting hairs with this one I'm afraid.
And that half an hour he occupied the one doctor and his assistant, who had no appointments otherwise, entertained thousands and thousands of people. Meh, I'll take it.
Always sucks to hear about ANYONE dying in a crash, but honestly... drunk driving? fuck'm... I dont care if your doing 130 or just 30... No respect for drunk drivers. Especially when there are others in the car with you.
I'm sorry for your losses, I can only imagine how much damage that would cause. Which is what keeps me from making those types of mistakes. I look at drinking and driving as an attempt to kill yourself and to take others with you in the process. It might not stick the first or second time but eventually it will.
I don't think he deserved to die. I think he deserves a second chance just like everyone else. But because of his serious lack of judgement, he made that impossible.
Seriously with all you've been through you think you could make the same choices? That's messed up, that's like someone with lung cancer smoking while in kemo...
If he had walked away from it I would of hoped that he would of learned to make better choices, but sadly because of his seriously lack of judgement he won't get a second chance. It's rare to get a choice when faced with a life and death situation. He had a choice and he blew it.
It seems like you want to give the guy a free pass because you could easily suffer the same fate? In my book that doesn't necessarily make up for the horrific choice he made...
I have sympathy for his parents and family, they lost a son/brother family member in a way that could have been prevented.
I have no respect for drink drivers - they take other people's lives and their own, in their hands, when they choose to get behind the wheel.
In this case the driver and the friend were killed, mostly sorry for the friend. I am just glad that the driver didn't take out anyone else.
Anyway he is much older and is a very serious person. He called it "pathetic" that people care about this.
Here are my thoughts:
I'm a fan of the Jackass movies but I don't worship them like some of the people at my high school did.
I think that his occupation should have nothing to do with his death. He died drinking and driving. You don't have to be a jackass star to make that mistake.
As for the people with him, you should know better than to get into a porche 911 with a drunk driver. I'm not saying they are stupid... but you can't FULLY blame Ryan for this. Besides it's not like he lived and they didn't.
One of the points my teacher made was that he lived a dumb life. I saw Ryan Dunn as an entertainer. Every entertainer has their demographic. He was good at what he did. Who cares what it was. He was happy and it made other people happy to watch him. There are worse things he could have done if you just read that last sentence. :P
Anyway... the dude died. May he rest in peace.
He put a toy car up his ass and then wasted the time of medical staff with it for giggles. I call that pretty ****ing stupid
And that half an hour he occupied the one doctor and his assistant, who had no appointments otherwise, entertained thousands and thousands of people. Meh, I'll take it.
Of course!! Oh my god... why didn't anyone think of this before????