Hello everyone, I just recently delved into Zbrush and I've been having some issues regarding the creation of a low poly mesh after sculpting. I have a few ideas of what I have to do and have tried some of them, but none of the ideas I've had so far have really worked in my favor. For one, I've tried remeshing the entire object and using meshlab to reconstruct the model at a lower poly count, but it seems to have issues keeping everything clean enough and has overlapping polys. After that, I reduced the sub-d levels and realized that, since each brick is it's own subtool in zbrush, it isn't the type of low poly I would have hoped for. Since I want to utilize my high poly sculpt as a modular wall in something like UDK, having each brick be it's own object would waste quite a few polygons and would be very tedious to create a UV map for.
Here's a picture of the sculpt:
I can't help but feel I'm doing this backwards. I use 3ds Max and I would actually like to know if there's any plugins / tutorials for creating low poly meshes of sculpts in Max after sculpting in Zbrush. If anyone has any recommendations, that would be very helpful.
Also, any comments about the sculpt in question are welcome as well... This is my first sculpt in Zbrush and I just now feel like I'm actually making some progress with it. The controls / UI are something that still takes some getting used to though. xD