thanks, ya mel and python which is what i do all my recent maya stuff in are very useful to know wasn't that hard to learn either, im actually trying to learn c++ for farther maya work, since python is a little to slow for writeing things like file translators.
Found out another use for FWN, decimated meshes from Zbrush.
Should make for more efficient bakes, (except for vertex color bakes because you can't decimate them...much). You could always use hard-edges, but you might see some faceting.
maya defaults to angle and area weighted normals in 2013. My experience with this so far is that it can introduce some really nasty errors on small faces adjacent to large faces and as a result can require a similar amount of supporting geometry. Also, not all engines and tools allow for correctly passing vertex normals so it needs to be confirmed to work with each asset pipeline.
Having used area weighted normals (Farfarer's script in MODO) for a few days now I'm finding that the results are comparable to mignormal Tools but with only 1 click instead of many many many while you select all your faces, and then re-select them after making a change.. and so on.
Having used area weighted normals (Farfarer's script in MODO) for a few days now I'm finding that the results are comparable to mignormal Tools but with only 1 click instead of many many many while you select all your faces, and then re-select them after making a change.. and so on.
Yeah I found the Migtools to not be very fast for what I wanted. So much clicking to achieve simple things that SyncViewS' Maxscript does in one click!
Also...a bit off topic, Why isn't there any programs that offer a physics simulation for UV packing?, it just seems like the most logical next step...ten years ago. *grump face*
Flatiron seems to do a good job with this.
Not cheap, but probably pays for itself in a short time.
I'm a bit late but here is a Weighted Normals Ice Compound for Softimage XSI -Yes I'm kinda beating the dead horse here- To use it you must add user normals before you apply the compound to the mesh which helps to export weighted normals out as FBX or anything.
I was able to achieve such results in 3ds Max 2012. Not a modifier, but using script. It turns out to be very difficult to make a proper pipeline inside of max to create a stable and predictable results in this matter. And making a one button solution is not possible when you have to deal with something more complex than box and few chamfers. Now, having this tool I think it is possible to get really nice results in a very comfortable way.
Blender has a native face weighting button for pretty a while . Shading Tab on the left side> Normals>Set from faces. Works only with checked in auto-smooth checkbox on selected faces. Edited normals are exported from Blender with fbx just fine also.
Could be done in a single click also as a normal transfer from hi res mesh. With data transfer modifier in Blender.
Keeping in mind certain modeling approach where edges of hi poly mesh have support loops or enough tessellation for proper normals too since the data transfer does it exactly as it is on hipoly mesh
Should make for more efficient bakes, (except for vertex color bakes because you can't decimate them...much). You could always use hard-edges, but you might see some faceting.
Having used area weighted normals (Farfarer's script in MODO) for a few days now I'm finding that the results are comparable to mignormal Tools but with only 1 click instead of many many many while you select all your faces, and then re-select them after making a change.. and so on.
Yeah I found the Migtools to not be very fast for what I wanted. So much clicking to achieve simple things that SyncViewS' Maxscript does in one click!
Flatiron seems to do a good job with this.
Not cheap, but probably pays for itself in a short time.
I was able to achieve such results in 3ds Max 2012.
Not a modifier, but using script. It turns out to be very difficult to make a proper pipeline inside of max to create a stable and predictable results in this matter. And making a one button solution is not possible when you have to deal with something more complex than box and few chamfers. Now, having this tool I think it is possible to get really nice results in a very comfortable way.