Hi all,
Alice: Madness Returns has been released to today and it's my first shipped title

I'ts getting average and somewhat mixed reviews but i'm still very proud to have worked on this game and i'm sure that fans of the original will find plenty to like in this one.
I did particles, shaders and a bit of UI coding on it.

Go Buy it

You say you did particles, so I gotta ask, did you have a hand in the effect where she teleports, and bursts into a cloud of black butterflies? I LOVE that effect.
Love the art style and will get this.
Will there be a art book released to buy on this?
If so i want it,I saw some concept art for it over at conceptart.org http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=192540
Congrats on your shipped title, that's pretty bad ass. Also, don't listen to reviews, like ever. Especially from places like IGN, and Gamespot, and the like. I have no idea what their reviewers are smoking, but they put out some pretty stupid reviews. Just be happy you got a shipped title, which is kinda freaking huge, and it's a game that people have heard of, and played.
Chris: Indeed there is an artbook. It was released before the game actually. More info here: http://www.americanmcgee.com/2010/12/16/the-art-of-alice-madness-returns/
I can personally tell you that the book is great, it's full of top quality art.
Pro tip: You can jump and dodge for increased awesomeness
props to you guys, it looks great. Just ordered the book last weekend
I'm a huge fan of the first game, as I always imagined that's what the Alice in Wonderland universe looked like.
Congrats on shipping this man, I should pick this up (and the artbook) asap!
I'm definitely gonna pick the game up, since it's so fresh and different from the usual.
Just now bought it on amazon.
Excellent! I also bought the ArtBook. The first game was the first PC game I ever played all the way through. (Not the first I played, of course)
(I could not, for the life of me, to get EA's Origin thing to work properly.)
This game, DID come out today, correct?
AS in, it is available to play at this moment, on this day?
Because the EA release date check thing seems to not want to work.
Shame my computer can't handle it.
Will have to pick up the ps3 version this afternoon.
Personally, I don't bother reading reviews anymore and simply go with whether or not I think i'd enjoy the game. And if there's a demo, I always play it first.
Glad to hear a polycounter was involved with the continuation of one of my favorite games.
Well done!
Yeah, seriously. I really love what they did with that hair.
I wonder what exactly is going on there. Some kind of physics simulation?
jerry: could you perhaps shed any light on how you guys tackled the hair?
However I do not know the specifics at this points but what i do know is that the hair uses an expensive shader and uses a texture to control the weights of different strands of hair. The system is quite awesome as there are a lot of parameters to tweak.
I saw a bunch of different experiments with hairdos, like ten meters long hair
Thanks for the explanation man, I suspected a combination of physics bones and vertex color for weighting..... interesting that its using a texture sheet though?!
Honestly I'm a bit timid owning a digital copy (or even a physical copy) unless it's on steam. Is that so wrong?
Seriously want to buy this. Just... deciding how I want to buy this.
You did it all the time back in the day, there is no reason not to now.
Just buy it.
grats buddy ,gonna pick it up!
My guess is that a texture sheet is used to add some more "weight" to certain vertices in the physics calculations? Like the tips of the hair can move a lot more wildly then the roots. Just guessing though!
jerry: Awesome! Spicey Horse should release a technical paper on both their cloth and hair sims, they just look too awesome!
Jerry, do you guys plan on releasing a Special Collectors edition with maybe a documentary sneak peaks? The hair, the cloth movement and the Skin of some of the enemies (such as the granny in the start when she changes) are all pretty well done, but I really doubt you guys took the expensive route which is only DX11 (EI: SSS). Any chance for such a thing?
Also, just got my Physical Copy, was wondering are DLC going to be available for PC or not...you know...dresses...and...well...I swear, it's not fapping material!
gonna buy the game on steam, congrats on your first shipped title
Considering they used the Unreal3 engine, I do feel that they could have pushed some of the assets a lot farther, and in many instances used their assets more creatively. But the game is still gorgeous! In some places it looks like they were forced to create unique props for a scene, so that's a big workload. But Alice's hair is just incredible
I'm no environment artist, but this game makes me want to be.
I can has soundtrack?
Any ORIGIN crap through Steam?
What is your issue? Maybe we can help...
Also, are you guys going to release OST? PLEASE?!
About the OST, a quick google search showed that there is a soundtrack out. It might be just for Special Edition copies, but it's out, and downloadable.
Very dark feel to it, so far its great, my only small gripe is the mouse lag i get, but its not a show stopper at all.
Grats on the first ship too!
It's been released already
Yes, absolutely. Personally I think it feels much better with a controller.
Hey Ace-Angel I got it fixed - it had something to do with the disk/install (ejecting the cd during installation - and getting it to ask me to re-insert the cd seemed to get it to pull it's finger out an continue installing - we'll see!)
I'm looking forward to the rest!
I was waiting for this for soo many years
lovn it
The game play is as best as I cant express.
(Few people might whine that the cat is wearing the ear ring in the wrong ear if you compare it from the previous version) xD
Thank you for releasing this game and congrats on awesome work.