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David's Modeling and Environment Art



  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    I took the light shafts out! It was starting to blow out the whole scene. I might go back last and add them in very, very subtly, once all the other lighting is in place...
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 13
    Very nice! your textures are deadly, in a stealthy ninja kind of way. keep it up!
    Care to show any wires?
  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    Otrick, I will once everything is done. Still have some optimizing to do. The wires right now... aren't very pretty, haha. I'm kinda doing this scene more for beauty.

    Alright, I've got some mist and steam going on. For my first experience with cascade, I'm pretty happy with the results. I don't know if the DepthBiasedAlpha in my material is properly blending the opacity near objects, but, looks good for now. Fraps isn't working or I'd have a video.

    Critiques wanted, I'm getting close to putting this in my portfolio.

  • Razgriz
  • Jbird
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    Jbird polycounter lvl 7
    looking at some earlier shots I was thinking " maan that's gonna look so messy with all those details" but as with most environment progress threads it can be very hard to really envision how it will look in the end.

    This turned out really faaaking good, the lighting and post effects really enhanced that alien ambiance and gave it a very distinctive look. As some people mentioned earlier it very much reminds me of some of Gigers works but also of the monsters and things in the Matrix, zion. great work! :)
  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it. It's still not done, It's just on hold because I'm overwhelmed with all sorts of projects.

    In others news, I had some friends who were interested in my workflow, so I made some video tutorials. They are very amateur and very un-original, but I enjoyed making them, and perhaps someone will find them useful. There are two videos, the third is being uploaded now.

  • Abe_hokage
    very nice indeed! keep it up..will be interesting to see how it turns out , as right now there is so much stuff going on, and not real differenciation between floor, walls, roof (i guess the colours dont help that as apart from the blue they are the same on all area) maybe simplify the floor, and move the red lighted pipes to the sides only?

    or maybe not :)
    looking forward to see what you make of it :)
  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    I had a friend that gave me a similar critique, and by fiddling with the depth of field and using the new July (August?) Beta's anti-aliasing, it really makes things less of a workout on the eye. Still trying to improve that aspect of it, though.

    I made a demo reel!

  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    Well I'm going to have to call this done for now. Here are some final screens that will go in my portfolio.

  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Honestly i FUCKING hate neon spam.... but honestly i think it works quite nicely in this i really do, good job!

    One thing tho... its a real shame that you put so much effort into particles nice moody lighting steam etc... then you just kill all that by using a silly song in your video... there was zero atmosphere in that video due to sound... if i was you replace it with something a bit more ambient and fitting, that should really sell your environment alot better in motion.

    good job overall tho!
  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    Yeah, I've heard that from a couple people - I'm going to replace it with something a bit more ambient. It doesn't fit like I was thinking it might, and was originally just there for the model turnarounds.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    hmmmm... u should have used Bhoken DoF. it would have gone very nicely with all the lights.

    Overall, I think the scene is finished, but now u need to spent time with ur post processing.
  • Razgriz
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    Razgriz keyframe
    Ah it hurts to hear that, I spent hours fiddling with the post. I tried a lot of different combinations, I think it's at the best I am able to get it for this environment - I learned a ton working on this over the last month or two.

    Here is a revised version of my reel and a flythrough, with the changes suggested by RazorB. (particularly in the flythrough) Watch in HD!


  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I really enjoy your music choices. Can you tell me what he songs used are?

    The reel's looking awesome dude. For the Alien foundation video though, the end part seems a little strange. It's cool you're showing breakdowns for individual assets but it's lacking in consistency I think. You show the textures for a few objects.. and then you show the high-poly for those objects plus one we didn't see the texture for (hiding something?) and then we see some final screenshots of those assets plus the floor thrown in. I think I'd rather see breakdowns for all your assets consistently, or just pick a few and stick with it.. dunno how other people will feel though.

    And still no wires? C'mon meow.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    this is badass man lol im glad it turned out this nice :D Great music choice too
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