Shouldn't someone start a new thread for his instead of using last year's? It would be good to keep discussion more organized I think. I started reading this thread from the beginning thinking it was going to be all-current.
Very disappointing. They didn't even confirm a launch lineup (it is launching this year right?) of any sort. If the conference is any indication they seem to be hoping the casual crowd are the early adopters, the focus was entirely on social/party games for the most part.
The 3rd party implications aren't so good when the main offering they spent time on was a game that will be a year-old when this console launches (Batman), that most gamers have already played to begin with.
1st Party launch lineup is really lacking. NSMBU, Pikmin 3, Pilotwings, Nintendoland etc... Those aren't going to propel me to buy a Wii U. Where's Starfox, f-Zero, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, 3D Mario game, Zelda?
Nintendo just seems to have trouble getting people excited about the Wii U... and it doesn't help that they wasted so much time in their press conference on things like Nintendoland, and showing us footage of already released games (arkham city, etc). I can't see the Wii U selling as well among casuals as the Wii did, since most of them will probably just stick with the Wii...
What is that controller? I know there is another one you can get but why? Why have a screen on something that is in your hands when you have to look up at your tv? Sure I can see some applications like in Madden football for example and choosing plays but that things HUGE!
Just saw Reggie on GT's livestream, arguing with Geoff Keighley about how Arkham City isn't the same content as what's already available. Dude might need a reality check.
Just saw Reggie on GT's livestream, arguing with Geoff Keighley about how Arkham City isn't the same content as what's already available. Dude might need a reality check.
Saw that too... Reggie seemed to almost lose it...
It was a good year and a half before the Wii took off though, when Mario kart and galaxy arrived. Smash Bros was also a fair while, at least a few months. Even the Resi 1 remake was out before it hah.
Nintendo seems to have a recent history where their launches are not that great, up to the 3DS. Heck, its only now that the 3DS is really starting to shine in terms of the amount of games being made for it.
Saw that too... Reggie seemed to almost lose it...
Yeah I saw too. I'm glad Keighley was asking tough questions, I wish more people did this with the major publishers.
I wasn't impressed with the overall Nintendo press conference. The fact that Nintendo can finally start getting the cross platform games like ME3 and Batman are nice, but to me it just looks like they're playing catch-up, only to be left behind once more when the next gen consoles launch in the next couple years. I just really wish Nintendo would go back to making a traditional console, because to me, their idea of innovation is stupid gimmicks. I don't want motion, I don't want a second screen, all I want is a powerful Nintendo console where I can play some awesome games. I miss the N64 days.
I felt that all of the conferences were pretty underwhelming this year. It pretty much went
blahblahblahblah ---> a little gameplay
> blahblahblahblah
> a trailer
> blahblah ---> dance number.
I will admit though that Pikmin 3, ZombieU, Lego City and P-100 look really good. There is still a 3ds presentation tomorrow, hopefully something good will be there.
As a tech demo, Nintendoland looks good, but they spent too much time on it.
I actually really like the concept of the WiiU controller. I personally play with other people on the same screen all the time. And overally I liked having multiple screens when playing Crystal Chronicles on the gamecube. And for action rpgs with inventory management like Phantasy Star Online and for RTS games I can see the controller being really good.
Then the fact that it has videochat, can play youtube videos, can play games on the tablet screen when the tv is in use and doubles as a tv remote makes it seem like something that would be a great addition to the living room.
I was depressed that a Retro Studios game wasn't revealed. But seeing that there will be F-Zero and Star Fox minigames in Nintendoland gives me hope that they might makes WiiU games for those franchises.
If they truly added clap sounds....I'm just giggling at the thought of it.
The clapping was part of the trailer. Just like after you finish a song in rock band or guitar hero or whatever and you hear an imaginary crowd cheer. Same thing.
I am really looking forward to the wii-u. There are already 4 titles that I want to buy at launch: Rayman legends, Project P100 (this game looks so much fun!), pikmin 3 and zombiU. The first console launch where I am like, yeah, there are some awesome games that I want to get for it day 1.
the conference was lacking imo, they should have skipped either the 3ds announcement or the batman demo and put a demonstration of Project p100 on there.
here is a 15 minute demo of the game: [ame=""]E3 - GameSpot Stage Shows - Project P-100 Wii U- E3 2012 Demo - YouTube[/ame]
oooh that zombie game looks intense.
That looks great!
Edit: Talking about Japanese speaking guy
The 3rd party implications aren't so good when the main offering they spent time on was a game that will be a year-old when this console launches (Batman), that most gamers have already played to begin with.
With the GC and Wii it took a good year for those titles to appear. With the exception of Twilight Princess, which was a port.
5 similar Mario games and no hint of Metroid or any other exclusive
I wish they still did the 3 game choice at launch like they did with the GC.
Saw that too... Reggie seemed to almost lose it...
For the Wii I consider Twilight Princess a launch title even though it was really a Gamecube game, and the wii sports stuff was novel at the time.
Yeah I saw too. I'm glad Keighley was asking tough questions, I wish more people did this with the major publishers.
I wasn't impressed with the overall Nintendo press conference. The fact that Nintendo can finally start getting the cross platform games like ME3 and Batman are nice, but to me it just looks like they're playing catch-up, only to be left behind once more when the next gen consoles launch in the next couple years. I just really wish Nintendo would go back to making a traditional console, because to me, their idea of innovation is stupid gimmicks. I don't want motion, I don't want a second screen, all I want is a powerful Nintendo console where I can play some awesome games. I miss the N64 days.
I can actually see myself having a good time with that thing. As for the rest of the conference I got pretty
I thought this game looked fun as well.
FAKE trailer, before anyone gets their hopes up, but I had to post it... the art looks awesome:
I would give Nintendo all my money if they actually made this.
blahblahblahblah ---> a little gameplay
> blahblahblahblah
> a trailer
> blahblah ---> dance number.
I will admit though that Pikmin 3, ZombieU, Lego City and P-100 look really good. There is still a 3ds presentation tomorrow, hopefully something good will be there.
As a tech demo, Nintendoland looks good, but they spent too much time on it.
I actually really like the concept of the WiiU controller. I personally play with other people on the same screen all the time. And overally I liked having multiple screens when playing Crystal Chronicles on the gamecube. And for action rpgs with inventory management like Phantasy Star Online and for RTS games I can see the controller being really good.
Then the fact that it has videochat, can play youtube videos, can play games on the tablet screen when the tv is in use and doubles as a tv remote makes it seem like something that would be a great addition to the living room.
I was depressed that a Retro Studios game wasn't revealed. But seeing that there will be F-Zero and Star Fox minigames in Nintendoland gives me hope that they might makes WiiU games for those franchises.
It just has to be a place holder on Game Stop website or something
The clapping was part of the trailer. Just like after you finish a song in rock band or guitar hero or whatever and you hear an imaginary crowd cheer. Same thing.
the conference was lacking imo, they should have skipped either the 3ds announcement or the batman demo and put a demonstration of Project p100 on there.
here is a 15 minute demo of the game: [ame="