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Junk Air Tugboat - WIP



  • BelgianBoolean
    I worked on the conning tower a bit tonight and roughed in placement for the ladders.

  • linkov
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    linkov polycounter lvl 10
  • BelgianBoolean
    Thanks so much linkov! That helps a ton. Ian actually contacted me, and said he was digging the lightship. Needless to say, I'm flattered.

    I spent most of the week working to get a new contract. I did have time to start a very rough texturing pass on a prop though.

  • BelgianBoolean
    Alright, one prop finished. Many...many more to go. pipe2.jpg
  • BelgianBoolean
    Before bed, here's a VERY rough texturing pass of the deck. Choosing color scheme and picking from the concept

  • BelgianBoolean
    Hey all, I haven't updated this in forever. After I graduated, I got hired as a 3d designer over at the Adidas North America HQ. So, needless to say, I've been swamped. I'm finally getting some free time, so I plan to texture and model a bit more of this. Hopefully I'll post some updates within a few weeks.
  • thankupon
    @ BelgianBoolean.. good job mate... This thread is definitely going straight to my inspiration bookmark :)
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Whoa, this thread is awesome! The model is really starting to come together, so I hope you finish it :) I've always loved that concept hehe
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Looks really nice, congrats on the job :)
    Nothing to critic really, but if I where to point out something I would say the rust looks a bit light and one thing to consider is that the piece before don't have any rust at it.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    nothing like a job to murder that all important artistic free-time. I`d get on your case about finishing this, but that would be the pot calling the kettle black. :P
  • lloyd
    I've always loved these concept drawings. looks like its going well so far
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    keep goooooooiiiinnnngggggg! :D
  • BelgianBoolean
    So, needless to say, I dropped this project a while ago due to work/traveling. Going back this thread though, I didn't quite realize how much support I had despite my lack of confidence in what I was making (I'm still not so sure). haha. Talking with a buddy of mine is convincing me to revisit this. Right now, I'm for sure finishing this Either way, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who was digging this. Sorry for the lack of updates. Looking to fix that soon.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    Do it!

    personally I like this far better than the outland piece. It simply has more soul. I appreciate the attention to detail on the outland piece, but at the end of the day- it's a dated design that just looks greebly and detailed for detail sake. Where as this tugboat is a funky modern design, that I feel will make for a better end product when all is said and done.
  • BelgianBoolean
    I was hoping you'd respond :D

    I think you're right in a lot of ways. To be frank, I've struggled with my motivation and creativity a lot...and while the Outland shuttle is certainly a dated design...it's sparked a flame a bit for me. I've always had a really huge connection with 80s scifi designs, as my dad and brother encourage that a lot. While I know it may not appeal to everyone, I'm determined to finish the high poly of it and call it quits just to show what I can accomplish and help give me a much needed confidence boost. from there, I'm hoping to continue work on this ship and give it the attention it deserves. My plan is to work on it congruently with a few smaller assets and projects.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    good plan-

    Its a shame to leave things unfinished and I think ultimately finishing the detailed modeling will be a feather in your hat. I personally wouldn't waste anytime doing a LP. It`ll be more work than its worth imo. Just consider it an exercise in extreme detail modeling. :)
  • BelgianBoolean
    Thanks man! And yeah, doing a lp would be a huge hassle. The hp of it is just a labor of love. Haha. I found a few other lost projects I hope to finish as well, so I'll post those down the road. Thanks for the support man! Means a lot.
  • looprix
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    looprix polycounter lvl 8
    looking good so far
  • BelgianBoolean
    So, I'm hoping to finally return to this project within the next month. I've been focusing on finishing all the work on my site; and this project is the one people seem to love the most.

    My biggest hurdle is that I have no idea how to go about texturing the damned thing. I was hoping folks could give me some tips? What I'm looking for is how many texture sheets could/should be used? Does the hell have a big 4k or 2k? Do all the props get 256 or 512 sheets? Or are they one one big sheet? What I'm going for is a big environment that the payer would walk around on. Then, once it's docked, they would see it from other angles. So yeah, if anyone has advice on process or workflow, I'd be much obliged.
  • TonyClifton
    So, I'm hoping to finally return to this project within the next month. I've been focusing on finishing all the work on my site; and this project is the one people seem to love the most.

    My biggest hurdle is that I have no idea how to go about texturing the damned thing. I was hoping folks could give me some tips? What I'm looking for is how many texture sheets could/should be used? Does the hell have a big 4k or 2k? Do all the props get 256 or 512 sheets? Or are they one one big sheet? What I'm going for is a big environment that the payer would walk around on. Then, once it's docked, they would see it from other angles. So yeah, if anyone has advice on process or workflow, I'd be much obliged.

    BelgianBoolean, I have no actual advice for you, and I am interested in the answer, too. You could may be specify for which platform you would like to see this. Right now I am working in a studio that is producing a tower defense game for mobile. A lot of the textures we are using for higher detail and close up objects will be 1024, everything else lower than that.
    Another thing, you wrote 'payer' instead of 'player', which I find an interesting typo when you think of all the free-2-play discussion. Would it not fit (in some cases) to call the player payer nowadays? Sorry about the philosophical drift here. :)
  • BelgianBoolean
    Thanks for the response Tony! As far as platform goes, I'm shooting for high end pc. Not sure whether I'll be using CE3 or UDK though.

    I think you're right; they could be called payer ;D Haha

    I had neglected to post renders of where the high poly is at. There's still some bits and pieces missing. I'm not sure if it's up to par yet, so I'll have to start going through the scene and checking what needs more polish, extra bits, etc.





  • Ron.S
    Great model boolean! What type of render are these last shots, looks amazing!
  • BelgianBoolean
    Thanks so much Ron! I'm using vray with a studio light setup :)
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