Moosey_G: You're completely spot on! I modeled the walkway and put a bend deformer on it. Most of the conning tower including the railing was built flat.
Bwample1: Thanks for the tip mate. I started getting a lil ahead of myself and modeling the small details.
This is a free time project, so I'll update it as often as possible.
Cool, I thought about making one of these things before. though I'd have taken some slightly modular approach with it to be able to build more variations.
Btw, why "belgian" boolean? You live in the US, most people there don't even know Belgium haha.
Yeah, I'm trying to shift into a workflow that's a wee bit more modular. Hopefully as I rough it out, I can spot some repeating areas. Thanks for the tip!
As for the "Belgian" part, most of my family lives there. So, I spent a split childhood between there and stateside. There ya have it
I'm taking Bwample1 and Xoliul's advice and building things more modularly while roughing out forms.
Here are the doors (pre zbrush) and I was thinking of adjusting the design a bit to add more surface detail. What do you all think? The plan would be to keep the shape and porthole while adding the turning wheel and a few other details.
Thanks polygonfreak! Glad you're digging it. I'm having a blast with this one. Though I'm usually a character guy, so this is a bit of a departure for me.
I feel like you might be focusing a bit too much on the small details too early. Flesh it out and add detail as you see necessary. its all about the gestalt
great choice for a project to work on btw- I`d be lying if I said making one of Ian Mcque's air ships hadn't crossed my mind a few times.
Hey konstruct, thanks a ton for pointing that out. Usually when I do characters, I rough out a lot of forms, but I find myself fighting that a bit this time and indeed getting wrapped up in details. I've been getting some inspiration from Snefer's thread where he's building piece by piece. Is that workflow less applicable in this case?
I find it helps to work large shape first > then medium > then small. That way you dont paint yourself into a corner, where you have created a TON of small detail work, then find out the large shapes they all conform to- look off, or are proportionally broken.
Snefer is a badass- but I would argue his workflow for environment work might be a bit too detail oriented- a bit too early. In that thread his environment is top tier no doubt- but there aren't really any large shapes going on that get me very excited.
His other work is amazing! I was planning on using some of his other ships as reference for what I can't see on mine. Does anyone know Ian's email? I was hoping to talk to him about this.
The ship looks too short. Although from the reference, it does appear to be correct. You might want to lengthen it and see if it gives it any more character.
I've had that artist's work in my inspiration folder for a while now! I love those ships. I wouldn't worry about modeling in extra detail. Texturing is where the heavy work should come from on this one.
Hey everyone, sorry for the postponed update. I just got my first game industry job this week, so things have been a bit hectic.
I buddy of mine gave me some greats crits on proportions, so this is the end result. I think I'm going with this as my final shape, and I'll start building the real mesh over it. Crits and thoughts always welcome!
Sorry for the lack of updates folks. Got wrapped up in the new job and prepping for my last term of school.
In my spare time, I've been cracking on the engine; so here's some progress. I'm hoping to update this a bit more regularly, as I really am loving this project. I know it doesn't stick exactly to concept; but I'm looking to push it a bit farther and add a bit more functionality.
Pretty tiny update, but here's some more work on the engine. I've heard that I should watch Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky for some good reference. To my shame, I've never seen any of his work; but it sounds like I'm in for a treat.
Rather than being totally mortified by how much more I need to do, I'm extremely pumped to keep working on this. The main question I had for folks is how to handle texturing when the time comes. I want to treat this like an environment that will be seen from all angles (i.e. walking on it, seeing it while it's docked, etc). Anyone have suggestions for how many texture sheets, sizes, etc? Keep in mind that it will be chock full of props and whatnot. Should I do single texture sheets for the props or include them in the ships sheets? Any help would be much appreciated! Fabio, I hope I'm treating the concept well as you asked. [/URL]
Hey Computron! yeah, I'm hoping to make this a real time asset eventually. For now, I'm just focusing on the high poly.
Between upcoming graduation and contract work, life is a wee bit hectic; but I took a break and churned out the rear light for the ship. Will probably get zbrushed down the road.
@Der Hollander Thanks Chris! Glad ya dig. I can't wait to see your finished Dirk.
@Jungsik I want to finish this so badly. I've written out a schedule of milestones for the next 9 weeks (I graduate then). Between school and freelance, my schedule is packed; but I'm on fire for this project. So expect it to be finished
Its not just rounded/beveled edges, its the surface of the panel themselves have curved, and somewhat irregular forms. Right now, you`re modeling those forms very rigid, and straight. The orthographic views need more love in mucking it up dept.
Hey Konstruct, thanks for the crit! Based off the concept, the main shield panel looks pretty planar; so I'm a wee bit confused. If it's not too much of a hassle, could you do a quick paint over or mark up the trouble spots? I'd love to see what I need to change. Cheers mate!
Its probably a pass you should do at the end. Model all your shapes, and then go back in and ding em up. The reason why I bring that up now, is for the most part bashing up a model isn't crazy hard- but there's some work flow things that would make the whole process easier, that kind of have to be learned via doing. You dont want to get to the end of the model, and realize you should have had a different approach.
Its all about how light play across surfaces:
model with a material that has really high spec, and gloss values. As you model, This material will show you the worst case scenario for lights hitting a surface in terms of smoothing errors and whatnot. (it looks like you already have a fitting material imo)
To me, this concept feels very organic, with very few "clean" shapes. Having SUPER clean, and flat surfaces like you have now, move the model away from the concept in terms of shape language. The reason I bring up that shader thing, is you want to see your spec, roll across your shapes in a way that not only speaks to wear and tear, but shapes that are irregular simply light in a more interesting manner.
(also, if you're following the concept- im pretty sure that diagonal line across the panel on your recent shape is a painted on detail, rather than something that needs to be modeled)
Man, I'm so glad you brought that up! I learned the high spec technique a while back, since it helps me ensure my geo is clean. I had forgotten to clarify at the beginning of this project that all the props will be dinged up once all the assets are in. Each prop is in it own file; and once all my assets are checked off, I'm gonna pop them into zbrush and start tearin them up a bit. For smaller stuff, I'll use the nvidia filter. Please keep the great feedback going! been dying for a bit more attention on this sucker
Also, thanks Roepetoepa! Getting these comments has really helped keep me motivated. My goal is to keep doing an asset a day (since I've been swamped with school and freelance).
So, got hit with a run of bad luck. Food poisoning and a cold knocked me down for the weekend; so life went south pretty damn quick. Still feelin a bit ill but wanted to hop back on the band wagon. So, I did an oil drum (lowest part of my 3d career...never done something so damn stereotypical.Hahaha). But I won't bother posting it since there seems to be a crap ton of them on here. Enough of my ramblings.Here's the winch I made!
I'll be watching
maybe you have??
luck to you.
I am watching this thread.
Moosey_G: You're completely spot on! I modeled the walkway and put a bend deformer on it. Most of the conning tower including the railing was built flat.
Bwample1: Thanks for the tip mate.
This is a free time project, so I'll update it as often as possible.
Btw, why "belgian" boolean? You live in the US, most people there don't even know Belgium haha.
Yeah, I'm trying to shift into a workflow that's a wee bit more modular. Hopefully as I rough it out, I can spot some repeating areas. Thanks for the tip!
As for the "Belgian" part, most of my family lives there. So, I spent a split childhood between there and stateside. There ya have it
Here are the doors (pre zbrush) and I was thinking of adjusting the design a bit to add more surface detail. What do you all think? The plan would be to keep the shape and porthole while adding the turning wheel and a few other details.
great choice for a project to work on btw- I`d be lying if I said making one of Ian Mcque's air ships hadn't crossed my mind a few times.
Snefer is a badass- but I would argue his workflow for environment work might be a bit too detail oriented- a bit too early. In that thread his environment is top tier no doubt- but there aren't really any large shapes going on that get me very excited.
I buddy of mine gave me some greats crits on proportions, so this is the end result. I think I'm going with this as my final shape, and I'll start building the real mesh over it. Crits and thoughts always welcome!
Sorry for the lack of updates folks. Got wrapped up in the new job and prepping for my last term of school.
In my spare time, I've been cracking on the engine; so here's some progress. I'm hoping to update this a bit more regularly, as I really am loving this project. I know it doesn't stick exactly to concept; but I'm looking to push it a bit farther and add a bit more functionality.
Between upcoming graduation and contract work, life is a wee bit hectic; but I took a break and churned out the rear light for the ship. Will probably get zbrushed down the road.
@Jungsik I want to finish this so badly. I've written out a schedule of milestones for the next 9 weeks (I graduate then). Between school and freelance, my schedule is packed; but I'm on fire for this project. So expect it to be finished
I'm on a late night/early morning kick and cranked out the bumper! Slow but sure progress.
Those textures are going to be tuff. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
Good job on the turbine/engine btw that thing looks crazy
Its all about how light play across surfaces:
model with a material that has really high spec, and gloss values. As you model, This material will show you the worst case scenario for lights hitting a surface in terms of smoothing errors and whatnot. (it looks like you already have a fitting material imo)
To me, this concept feels very organic, with very few "clean" shapes. Having SUPER clean, and flat surfaces like you have now, move the model away from the concept in terms of shape language. The reason I bring up that shader thing, is you want to see your spec, roll across your shapes in a way that not only speaks to wear and tear, but shapes that are irregular simply light in a more interesting manner.
(also, if you're following the concept- im pretty sure that diagonal line across the panel on your recent shape is a painted on detail, rather than something that needs to be modeled)
Model what you see- no what you think you see :P
So, got hit with a run of bad luck. Food poisoning and a cold knocked me down for the weekend; so life went south pretty damn quick. Still feelin a bit ill but wanted to hop back on the band wagon. So, I did an oil drum (lowest part of my 3d career...never done something so damn stereotypical.Hahaha). But I won't bother posting it since there seems to be a crap ton of them on here. Enough of my ramblings.Here's the winch I made!