Very nice! wonder who produced it? (EDIT: it was Blur.)
Hope the game lives up to this, I was sad to hear there wouldn't be any gravity and teleporting shenanigans like in the original, but it still looks pretty interesting.
Trailer looks awesome but it doesn't look anything like the original.
I'm not a big fps guy but somehow prey 1 got me to play the entire game and i really liked this.
I liked the helplessness you experienced as the player being sucked in this unknown alienship and trying to get out there alive with your gf.
This new one seems like" scifi tough guy with fancy weapons can get the job done anyway.", there's no sense of fear or helplessness at all
Bal: seriously? that's kind of what made the first game unique
amazing trailer, theres not enough blade runner style sci fi going on these days
It seems so disassosciated from the first game though, should of just started a new IP. some of the concept art for this is looking great aswell, not sold on the lead character they got so far but some of the aliens are looking ace
This trailer got me interested. It could be a new IP and i would be interested. It could be Mass Effect Bounty Hunter, and I would still be interested. I like it when studios make awesome trailers to debut their titles. Let's just hope this game lives to be what its hyping up to be.
Amazing cinematic, always surprised by how much work Blur put in, but I do wonder if gameplay will be anywhere near exciting, looks like it would be hard to transfer. I'm also unclear as to why they are even bothering calling it Prey, doesn't seem to have any connection to the first. This cinematic looks great though, like a non-gay Attack of the Clones.
The only shot that I was by was the guy smirking at the end... animation and rendering on the lips wasn't great.
amazing trailer, theres not enough blade runner style sci fi going on these days
It seems so disassosciated from the first game though, should of just started a new IP. some of the concept art for this is looking great aswell, not sold on the lead character they got so far but some of the aliens are looking ace
Completely agree. Not NEARLY enough Blade Runner style scifi. But holy FUCK does that trailer kick ass!!!
And I'm curious as to why they chose the Prey 2 title, as well. I remember being so freaked out, and tense the entire game, cause of the gravity stuff. I have a massive fear of heights, and that game really triggered it for me. This looks like a completely different game, not that that's a bad thing. I like the idea of taking certain game worlds, and spinning off bits that don't have a lot to do with the original storyline, or characters.
It's worth saying again, though, bad ass trailer, will watch that at least 6 more times. today. Thanks for posting
That was super impressive! I was thinking about how I can't wait for graphics to be that fucking slick in-game... then I realized the most recent UDK and CryEngine 2 tech demos are pretty damn close. I hope the game itself looks great. Color me excited.
yea that trailer was sexy. super nice lighting and material definition. and the action direction was super cool. I got that starwarsy vibe as well, albiet if starwars was dipped in oil and made super grimey/scummy. awesome.
I have everything against calling this Prey 2. Its about as bad as calling Will Smith films after books or previous shows they have little to nothing in common with.
Where is the spirit walking? Portals? Gravity? Bird Side kick?
i don't understand the hate for the title. game is a game. if it's good just enjoy it. who cares about the title? shit's just a word and a number.
You never played the first did you?
Would Star Wars The Empire Strikes back be Star Wars if they did Star Trek 2?
Make it a new IP. Dont try to build off another franchise which really has little to do with what it was. It was a story about an American Indian who wanted to escape his heritage but because of being kidnapped by aliens. Embraced it.
i did play the first one. enjoyed it for the most part. but biz is biz. don't get me wrong i DO kinda understand what you sayin. i just don't think it's really that biga deal.
That video really has me annoyed The dude just said a bunch of thinly prepared lit. about the game and none of it (unfortunately) was original. Here's hoping the atmosphere of the world and narrative of Prey 2 is stronger than this release seen in the video.
This could be the game I've been looking for since the 80's. A real Bladerunner-esque universe, that looks amazing, and has the right feel. When I saw that gameplay video, I completely forgot about Tommy, and portals, and all the rest of it. Can't wait to play this.
If it wasn't for Brink looking so amazing, I would said, there's no way in hell that engine is idtech4. But Brink DOES look amazing, and I can believe that's idtech4.
Maybe I can finally live out my dreams of being a bladerunner bounty hunter. Thank you Human Head for making my dreams come true
Hope the game lives up to this, I was sad to hear there wouldn't be any gravity and teleporting shenanigans like in the original, but it still looks pretty interesting.
I'm not a big fps guy but somehow prey 1 got me to play the entire game and i really liked this.
I liked the helplessness you experienced as the player being sucked in this unknown alienship and trying to get out there alive with your gf.
This new one seems like" scifi tough guy with fancy weapons can get the job done anyway.", there's no sense of fear or helplessness at all
Bal: seriously? that's kind of what made the first game unique
It seems so disassosciated from the first game though, should of just started a new IP. some of the concept art for this is looking great aswell, not sold on the lead character they got so far but some of the aliens are looking ace
The only shot that I was
Separate note: Who else felt like a more BA Boba Fett watching that trailer?
I feel bad for whoever modeled the creature at the end, only to get 5 seconds of screen time.
If the game is a free roaming sci-fi noir bounty hunter game then I will smile forever.
Completely agree. Not NEARLY enough Blade Runner style scifi. But holy FUCK does that trailer kick ass!!!
And I'm curious as to why they chose the Prey 2 title, as well. I remember being so freaked out, and tense the entire game, cause of the gravity stuff. I have a massive fear of heights, and that game really triggered it for me. This looks like a completely different game, not that that's a bad thing. I like the idea of taking certain game worlds, and spinning off bits that don't have a lot to do with the original storyline, or characters.
It's worth saying again, though, bad ass trailer, will watch that at least 6 more times. today. Thanks for posting
I have everything against calling this Prey 2. Its about as bad as calling Will Smith films after books or previous shows they have little to nothing in common with.
Where is the spirit walking? Portals? Gravity? Bird Side kick?
That trailer was indeed a visual christmas though.
You never played the first did you?
Would Star Wars The Empire Strikes back be Star Wars if they did Star Trek 2?
Make it a new IP. Dont try to build off another franchise which really has little to do with what it was. It was a story about an American Indian who wanted to escape his heritage but because of being kidnapped by aliens. Embraced it.
I wish.
That video really has me annoyed
The trailer was fucking crazy badass tho. Yeesh!
Prey 2 live gameplay demo. Man it looks so good! Just like the trailer
Yup, kudos to them! Wonder if its a sandbox world...
Felt the same way with the skyrim presentation... the director really should know how to talk about the game better.
Completely unbiased opinion there!
much better demo, the game looks amazing! I really like the wet floors, that's done really well, and the graphics look great for the doom3 engine.
Read about the sequel and went "Hmm, sounds interesting"
Saw the CG trailer and went ".....DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!" (loved the extra touch of the Johnny Cash track)
Saw the gampeplay trailer and went "Where can I preorder this?!?!"
Looks awesome, really excited about this game. Curious as to how open the world will be.
Maybe I can finally live out my dreams of being a bladerunner bounty hunter. Thank you Human Head for making my dreams come true