(Aug 7 - 11)
Curious as to whom is going to Siggraph this year. Found out it's in Vancouver this year and figure a polycount meet-up is in order then. I figure a get together for beers sometime during the week. I'll probably be heading there myself on the 9th of August.
I'll probably just be getting a basic day pass since that's all I can afford (unless someone is awesome and can hook me up with a better pass

Also, ideas and suggestions for potential places for a meet up would be welcome. I expect downtown to be fairly busy during the conference, but there should be a place or two we could gather a good group.
Beer is always good
more stuff that i dont understand
We will have to arrange something, I would totally be down for a meet up. I live just on the outskirts of Vancouver so I'm practically down there all the time so if anyone has any questions feel free to pass em by me.
I look forward to this years Siggraph lets make it a good one!.
This. I'd rather spend the entry fee on beer.
I'll naturally be wearing my greentooth shirt and i'll be looking for other polycounters while there.