Hey Polycount!
I don't do much outside-of-work art these days, but when I have felt inspired I've been working on these odd alien classical portrait things. Here's a few of them.
Feedback and comments are welcome, but be kind--it's been forever since I've posted art

The classical part gets lost a little on one or two but there still sick designs reguardless,
Your style is so sick.
Ben -yup, I know exactly what you mean. Spending the last few years doing exclusively enviro work has left me lacking in the character/creature department, so I'm making attempted to pick up the slack. I can see something 'off/droopy/anatomically awkward' about each of these. However, having only spent a few hours on each, I'm not crying much about any lost investment. When I move on to doing more of these portraits I'll keep your words in mind.:)