Heya dudes!
Starting a small scifi corridor scene.
Going clean - but will elaborate on some broken panels with visible wires and such.
Will edit my main post with the Latest Updates.
Crits and ideas welcome for sure!

WhiteBox Layout:

Not really a whole lot to critique yet other than that. Good luck.
right now im working on a thick wire and housing to be place underneath the glass tiles on either side of the walkways... stay tuned!
Started on this HiPoly Droid for the Space Corridor. Guns will concealed inside of the Sphere and open up to shoot.
Working on the tanks tracks now!
Maybe use the legs as a design like you see in Pirates of the Carribean 3's rock crab; [ame]
Very clean stuff so far m8
Well, just an idea... I like the corridor very much.
i would have to make the legs quite thick to physically hold up the weight of the droid. so im gonna head down the rubber tank track route. but ill keep it mind man.
c0ldhands: I hear ya,
where you can see the lights turned off - and then behind is red. which is the area im focusing on through destruction. I want the viewer to see a perfect spotless corridor than bam fucked up! haha
Heres a quick concept of my idea. Electrician worker has gone to fix some wireing and BOOM! exploding the door and surrounding panels... and himself! poor fella
Space station reacts as a crisis and sends the Droid!
Now to work on the Suspension and Main Struts that connect to the Pod of Love!
Would appreciate any images/ref for a cannon that can be run on some sort of fuel or energy cell.
Cheers dudes.
Minigun shrunken - less comical feel now.
Adding Ammo Rounds - which im yet to feed into the main chamber.
viewport grab (seams are temp)
feedback welcome !
Got a spare few days from ipad dev stuff.
Now that CE3 is out, i decided to learn the ropes ( thx to tutorials from HP & Xenon)
Not much to show... But! I got some meshes, materials and some basic lighting in. Going to work on an opened up wall panel 2moro. Showing some computer guts!
That Droid has been put on the backburner :P
Looking forward to seeing your progress on this!
Pushing on 2day! Finished 1 version Hipoly ComputerBoard. (will be sitting behind the panels)
The smaller details are left off the highpoly, as i will do them all in Photoshop.
Thats all the circuit solderings and motherboard printings!
Low poly 2moro!
Environment Probe isnt working well for me atm. The Enviro cube map is rendered so bright barely anything is visible on the map. No matter what settings its always blown out.
Ill have a look at it again soon.
Anyways, after drinkin a few beers i got around to rendering and placing all these little fuckers and got everything ready for texturing!
3900tris atm. Going all out...lol The Alpha is being lame in Max, so i exploded the Front Cage. Fan Blades are Alpha also.
Good job so far!
Don't have any crits so far, except for the fact that the scene looks a bit too clean, but that's already been mentioned so don't mind me.
Keep it up!
Finished texturing the MainBoard - 1024 Diffuse / Normal.
Will tweak Spec and create an Emissive map when InEngine.
Any crits on the color scheme i have chosen, leave a comment!
Update 2moro.
However, I think you would be better off making the blue grayscale and having an alpha channel mask in the diffuse which could be used to multiply a blue color over it. This way you could use a MaterialInstanceConstant to make any color of board instead of just blue.
Keep it up!
I have fleshed out the rest of the Layout to match the UDK version, and got the mainboard inset in the panels.
I wont post any updates for a couple days, until ive got a lot more to show! Will be adding some damaged areas to match my concept. Bent panels, hanging wires and pipes.
Ill leave you with the ingame mainboards. Cya in a few days.
Without reading the thread can I ask why you are using CE3 over UDK?
Oh and one last thing, I just looked through your site and ive gotta say I really love your work! so much quality in many areas : D! looking forward to seeing where you take this.
My choice to jump over to CE3 - was mainly to see what i could push out of my laptop rig.
And the quality vs ease of use comparing to UDK. Im still undecided as i havent been in CE3 long enough yet
Also,thanks to HP and Simons (Xenon) Tutorials to get up and running. Better time than ever!
Thanks for the kind words mate!
@ felipefrango & igi : Cheeers guys
@ mLichy: Running around ingame, the character has a set of Binocular that you can zoom in and out, so its basically zoomed 1x. Gives a subtle DOF to the closets objects.
@interrogator_chaplain: No reflections on the floor as of yes. In the UDK version...yes. Basically a realtime cubemap. Ill pm you the material layout!
Quick Update for Friday here downunder! Added some hanging pipes, loose panels and an additional Normalmap to achieve that melted/buckled plastic coated metal look!
I wasted a day fucking around in the Particle Editor - but couldnt get the FX to be lit properlly in the indoors. Lights too bright? they bloom out too much at certain angles, but look good in other :S maybe i tweak a tad. Will be working on some removing more panels, so maybe another simple mainboard texture and more pipes/wires!
Decals on the list too.
Otherwise this is looking really nice.
I updated my original concept to convey more of a motive for the damaged panels and help make sense of the scene.
Ill paint up another set of of panel normals, less warped and melted. See how they look. Cheers.
Updated Concept:
Added Toolbox, Mobile Engineers Computer.
I will probably even do more gibs! so i can get away without making a full character (which will probably help with the effect of the scene)
Updates in a couple days.
Yeh, cool idea. Maybe just having the blood and some 'markers' to show a body was there.(rather than the typical "chalk outline")
thanks for the idea
Worked on the highpoly ToolBox and Screwdriver yesterday and today.
Will get crackin on the lows 2moro!
You're right! Needs more Space Diarrhoea... faeces it is! lol
(I would personally loose the blood, and possibly the body, it looses the charisma of the scene, imho)