and some very early progress on a 80s painting, fueled by procrastination. I might have bit off more than I can chew by going with a pose like that combined with slight bird's eye perspective but oh well we'll see how it ends up.
Also, i've put up a livestream channel for my digital paints.
It creates the illusion of performing in front of an audience, so it's harder to dooze off onto the interwebs. very useful.
art school stuff. back to basics- circles and lines, and life drawing. exterminate all style. build a strong foundation. maybe not too fun, but thats life. should pay off in the end!
sorry for the poor photos, and even poorer handling of charcoal
Why do you need to find a balance between what you know and what you see? You should try to see what you know in the person in front of you and let it dip into your drawing. If you learned something you don't see on the figure, you learned something wrong! Don't struggle or fight with your knowledge, use it!
early progress on what will eventually be a witty pop-culture tshirt design. "haha! it's robocop!! playing chess! saying that thing he said to the rapist in the film!"
day one | yourself
From cellphone photo. cap reference courtesy of Eazy-E.
day two | someone you like
Sean Connery, as James Bond. Study.
day three | a friend
awfully awfully quick and rough portrait of a friend of mine.
Tired and exhausted of studies, especially of faces, I kinda went for a more stylized approach. Didnt quite work out as I had hoped but eeeee whatevs.
'cause it's isometric. everything has to align to the 120 degree angle grid.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but in my experience that's not true... As long as the perspective is isometric, the objects in the scene can be arranged in any manner you see fit... As long as it's drawn in an isometric perspective.
Yep, Bummer, but all objects need to stay parallel to the isometric grid. I couldn't have had one of the casings laying diagonal to it. OR so I understand. I might be wrong, and I probably am haha.
Thanks, Urzaz. You and me both regarding A, man. I didn't start before early '11 so I feel like I've wasted so much time.. anyways, it's never too late I guess.
Haven't updated this thang in a while, so here's just some selected works from the past few months.
Check out my tumblr for loads more
some digital works done in the break before my studies start up again. i feel like all the still-lifes and figure studies are finally paying off and letting me do stuff like this so much more comfortably.
and some very early progress on a 80s painting, fueled by procrastination. I might have bit off more than I can chew by going with a pose like that combined with slight bird's eye perspective but oh well we'll see how it ends up.
And some sketchbook pages. I wish my lines weren't so shite- oughta practice more I guess.
from a still from Aliens
from a photo of some figurine
from lyfe
Also, i've put up a livestream channel for my digital paints.
It creates the illusion of performing in front of an audience, so it's harder to dooze off onto the interwebs. very useful.
Here are some paintings from imagination.
An aircraft carrier spaceship thing. You park on top, and then live in the tubular part underneath. Based on a bath scale, hah!
A big fan of orange soda.
A tribal broad, basking in moonlight. It was originally going to be a chest up thing, but I got tired and cropped it away
some abstract thing i dont know
And some photo studies. The former is from Inglourious Basterds, whereas the latter's from a photo of Gwendoline Christie.
(got lazy kekeke)
Constructive criticism is most appreciated c:
and some rough and lazy studies
constructive criticism is welcome as always
and a photostudy
sorry for the poor photos, and even poorer handling of charcoal
figure drawing- I'm soo terrible at this, but I feel like I'm making progress every class, which is nice
and just some sketchbook stuff, all in just pencil
comments, constructive criticism etc is very welcome
Still-life with several objects.
Drapery work in progress.
Figure drawing.
Quick studies (1-5 min I believe)
Clothed figure.
I've made a habit to attend around 3-5 figure drawing workshops per week though, so I'll eventually figure (hah!) this out
i colored these awesome lines
various figures
portrait of michael fassbender in charcoal. didn't have time to finish it all up. overall, I'm content about it though.
Poster for a charity- I chose the SF Food Bank.
Figure drawing.
Master copy. After Prud'hon.
Some guilty pleasuring in zbrush, after several hard months of fundamentals-courses, and a long long 3D hiatus.
Head study.
Feedback is welcome :]
Study. dredd's a GREAT film btw, go buy it!
early progress on what will eventually be a witty pop-culture tshirt design. "haha! it's robocop!! playing chess! saying that thing he said to the rapist in the film!"
some quick sketches from photoref
30 day challenge
day one | yourself
From cellphone photo. cap reference courtesy of Eazy-E.
day two | someone you like
Sean Connery, as James Bond. Study.
day three | a friend
awfully awfully quick and rough portrait of a friend of mine.
Tired and exhausted of studies, especially of faces, I kinda went for a more stylized approach. Didnt quite work out as I had hoped but eeeee whatevs.
more to come. in bigger batches, probably.
bargue-study. graphite.
isometric scene for perspective class. pens. markers. pastel. colored pencils.
anatomy assignment.
torso studies.
figures from life.
figure drawings from life
portrait from photo. 15-20 hours
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but in my experience that's not true... As long as the perspective is isometric, the objects in the scene can be arranged in any manner you see fit... As long as it's drawn in an isometric perspective.
Makes me wish I'd A) gotten serious about art sooner and
Sweet work.
Thanks, Urzaz. You and me both regarding A, man. I didn't start before early '11 so I feel like I've wasted so much time.. anyways, it's never too late I guess.
Long time, no update. Here's some assorted works. There's more on my tumblr:
pen, photoshop. 11x14
figure drawing final.
~20x30. charcoal on rives bfk.
forgot to take a better pic before storing it away.. cellphone shot doesnt do its justice.
astronaut concept.
pen and ink.
cya lol!
To, oh, oh, sketching all day
I detect Michael Hampton studies there, right?
Yep, that's my homeboy Hampton alright. His book is sooo good. Borderline bible-tier.
Great stuff here!! I like your sketches very much, very cool style!
Your sculpt is very nice too, I love her coat.
Nice work! Congrats:)
Watching your progress is amazing! Your life drawings has improved so much.
Keep it up man, you're going places this way.
Here's some more sketchbook stuff (theres more on my tumblr)
life drawings. clothed figure drawing
here are mine from the fourth and fifth.
and here are some tens from various figure drawing workshops
Check out my tumblr for loads more