hey guys, so it's been quite sometime since i last posted on Polycount, but i have been working on some props during my Summer holidays, and decided it was time that i would post one of them to be torn apart! be nice though ( i'm sensitive

! hahah )
anyways, it would be awesome to hear what you have to say, and if there is anything i can improve on for further assets. I'm still trying to work on how i can improve on Saving Uv space, so any help would be appreciated

Thanks again guys, you rule!!!

here we go:


your doing a good job overlapping UVs, its good to see jr artists understand stuff like that.
but it seems ur running into alot of other problems. one you dont need your flow of lines (geo) to go all the way to the bottom, theres no need to do that. Connect those lines from from the roof part to the closet vert on the left and right side of the booth. Second your diffuse doesnt read as metal, go through some metal texture tuts and really look at what defines metal as metal. third problem is your spec is pretty crap really. like understand what the materials your applying to this. like you should have finger prints and metal dents and so much more info in you spec. btw why arent you using a coloured spec ? your normals are fine, remove the noise layer, its makes the booth hard to read, and tele booths arent that noisy in real life dude... yeah so work on that diffuse for the next 7 hours