Hey guys,
A me and a few mates from work busted our ass all weekend and got this little beauty out

If you enjoy sillyness and pixel art give it a go, let me know what you think ... and hey if you like it alot maybe even give it a facebook like
Just a bit of fun ... it was really great to work on can't wait to do more project like this
Cheers ya'll let me know how u like it (or not) :poly141:
When the game started, I moved my mouse, tried the arrow keys etc and nothing happened.
Thanks for taking a gander man
Me (and my colleagues in the office) would like a "sound off" option
Had an idea for a mode if you're interested! Essentially when you lay a "plank", you actually generate a physical plank there and after a set ammount of time, junk would rain down from the sky and the more things you stop from hitting the ground the more points you get, so you'd have to try to build structures that can contain stuff. You could play with the idea of leaving physical planks in all kinds of ways for enabling new challenges.
When the game starts, I move my rat, and other try arrows of key and have no occurrence.
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Sorry if this is counted as spam but I just wanted to let people know that were through the approval process and Plank'd is now on the App store.
There also a bunch new content here's some screenys