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Dragon's Dogma



  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Played with the character create for like an hour. Loved how I could make some really beefy ladies and little old grannies. So cool. Can't wait to actually play the game play!
  • Neuropozyne
    sucks theirs no multiplayer you can only share pawns
  • moose
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    Hazardous wrote: »
    God damnit man!!! I knew it!! I remember saying, I bet moose will play this demo before I do, i bet heel write something that will make me quit what im doing right now, to play it.

    Well mission accomplished man, I'm going!!!

    hahahaha :D :poly106:

    I've played the gryphon fight a bunch of times, because hanging onto a burning gryphon while it spirals into the ground is amazing.

    I need to play with the character creator more, i gave up on character creators after Skyrim, "spend an hour on your face, wear a helmet the entire game." I may make some fat old people :D
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I found these photos on NeoGaf. Capcom does some dumb fucking things sometimes, but i gotta say..out of all the Japanese Developers, I think they make some of the best/consistent games.

  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    Only played the demo a little, but does your weight and height actually do anything?
    I made a guy as big and fat as I could, and he got equipped with dual daggers, haha.

    Seems to have the makings to be an awesome game though, feels good after I've cleared dark souls too many times.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Played it, really liked it. I quickly began to hate my henchmen tho, they all talk at the same time and charged off head first into the fray immediately I was like.. 'wttfff commeee back evil lurks around every corner you fools!!!'

    Aside from that, climbing up on beasts, hacking off heads / limbs, flying on a griffons back etc is a tonne of fun. Archery is super fun, the dual daggers are a tonne of fun too. Feels really solid, simply cant wait to play the full game... come onnnnnn!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Also Haz beat the two bosses in record time. Sub 5 minutes or so. Demo characters must be over geared or something :p

    Looks crazy hectic and fun!!! I wanna see all the other crazy monsters now!
  • Broken_Lawnmower
    what the girffin more likea flying chicken hah
    no im sorry i like the grifin : (
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Sub 5 minutes or so

    If done well you can kill the countryside boss in 30 seconds. Ah that was a good run. When it was on the ground both myself and the other dagger spammed R1 Square and it ate the health.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Well this game is a like a left hook out of no where. Really impressed with it. Sadly I can see this game being very underrated. Hope I'm proved wrong.
  • OniLolz
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    OniLolz polycounter lvl 14
    Di$array wrote: »
    Well this game is a like a left hook out of no where. Really impressed with it. Sadly I can see this game being very underrated. Hope I'm proved wrong.

    The sad fact is this game being released a week after Diablo III and Max Payne 3, but hey:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8agNJ6aORZ0&list=UUW7h-1mymnJ96akzjrmiIgA&index=1&feature=plcp"]Dragon's Dogma - The Ur-Dragon - YouTube[/ame]

    From what I read, this dragon will require a ton of players to kill.

  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I announce that I will be the one to land the last blow :> Looking forward to it.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Yes! They are bringing Monster Hunter style epic boss fights into the game! Hopefully this game will succeed so they can make a next gen sequel with multiplayer.

    . . . and a next gen Monster Hunter. .
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Yes! They are bringing Monster Hunter style epic boss fights into the game! Hopefully this game will succeed so they can make a next gen sequel with multiplayer.

    . . . and a next gen Monster Hunter. .

    I concur with this!!!!
  • moose
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  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Hahah ur-dragon = Epic Fatalis ?!
    kotaku wrote:
    The effect and damage done by of each of these parties will be combined until the creature is defeated. This will take multiple encounters, but all players who inflict damage on the Ur-Dragon will receive great spoils. The person who inflicts the final blow will receive the greatest reward of all, and all slayers of the Ur-Dragon will have their names and play times recorded in the hall of fame for bragging rights. Meanwhile, offline players will still be able to take on the Ur-Dragon alone, but will receive different rewards at the end.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    So not long till this comes out. Anyone else looking forward to it? I haven't played anything in a while and I'm trying to get my latest work finished so I can spend a day alone with this game :D

    When it does come out, we should post our Pawn names so we can share them. I'll be playing on the PS3 version which surprisingly is meant to be better than 360 which suffers from lots of framerate pauses according to IGN.
  • moose
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    US version out today! :D may not have a lot of time to play for a few months but super excited. Will be playing on 360, mooselot is my gamertag :)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    sooo... anyone playing this? any thoughts? i was gonna order it today until i read really bad experiences from gamers and reviews... i want to like this game, but it seems like the experience is just not worth the 60 dll mark. Anyone with a different opinion?
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    On a side note, wasn't 'Monster Hunter Frontier' released in Japan for 360 and PS3? I know 'Tri' was released for Wii, just wondered why Frontier never made it over here :(
  • Inhert
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    Inhert polycounter lvl 9
    I played it last night for about 5-6 hours. It's a fun and addictive game. Don't believe what others are saying about gamers having a bad experience or bad reviews. You really have to try out the game for yourself. The demo came out even before the game so it was a good test drive to see what the game is like. I tried out the demo and I enjoyed playing it and enjoyed it even more when I played the full game. It's also cool that the full game actually reads a save from a character you custom made during the demo will translate well into the full game and you can further customize your character if you wish.

    This game reminds me a lot of Dark Souls and Shadow of the Collussus. Dark Souls in terms of leveling up is like a dungeon crawler but not too overly harsh. Shadow of the Collossus in terms of the big open world that you can explore for hours and the whole gameplay mechanic of latching on to a big boss in order to take it down. I know a lot of people said it also looks like Monster Hunter but I haven't played that game but from the looks of how Monster Hunter plays where you take down huge beast with other characters I could see why there are similarities between the two.

    Overall gameplay and the aesthetics of the game are good and well thought out. I don't really understand the bad reviews and the bad experiences gamers are having. I really enjoyed playing this game and I felt that the world that I was roaming around with is huge and vast which is a big plus for me. I wanted to explore every nook and cranny throughout the whole world because the environments were lush and vibrant where you can enjoy the scenery as you keep exploring. Gameplay mechanics is similar to Dark Souls where you earn experience and money by taking down goblins, bandits, and other creature that roam about the world. You get more money by completing quests and sidequests along the way. The leveling system is not too overly complicated but just enough to keep you interested. The game wants you to keep exploring the world around you instead of concentrating on distributing your skills on your character. I didn't even learn new skills after about 4 hours into the game and I was still able to hold my own on some tougher enemies but leveling up did help out a lot by taking down a lot of bandits, goblins, and wolves along the way.

    I think I am going to stop here and let you judge it for yourself. I'd say this game is far more better and solid than Kingdoms of Amalur in terms of exploration and quests. The controls and combat mechanics are nice and feel fluid. I really wish that Campcom implemented an online co-op mechanic to this game to make it more fun. The pawn system is great for having allies to help you out in your quest but sometimes they can be as dumb as rocks when they don't follow your orders immediately and then you have to go and revive which is kind of nuisance really. Nothing beats a friend helping you out when you are in a tight pinch than some dumb AI who can't adapt to different situations.

    P.S. I played the PS3 version so I don't know about XBox 360 version. I heard that the Xbox 360 version had framerate issues or something. Oh and make sure you are well equipped to go out into the open world or else you are going to get killed. Retreating in the open world where you are going to be surrounded or ambushed by enemies is not cowardice but survival as one pawn said to me. Also do NOT go out into the night time without a lantern or you will be walking blindly in the dark and watch out for more enemies since they do come out more often in the dark than in the daytime or if you go off road.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Awesome man... i actually read some more about the game and i decided to order it non the less for the fact that some of their models look amazing. The gametrailers review made a good stand of what the game is about, and even when i liked KoA i thought the env and quests were boring, but the combat was fun. So thanks for your breakdown, its definitively what i wanted the game to be and i'll be playing it soon on the ps3. i also read that 360 version is a little broken on the frame rate. The thing i liked about skyrim was just roaming around doing smaller quests, even when i think the main quest was fun. but i have not finished it. But this one seems more approachable.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    played the demo for the first time last night, it all felt really nice and solid except for the fact that I didnt really know what was going on, I mean the pawns where talking about loads of random stuff at once and I didnt know what was important and I managed to kill all the bosses really easily but I just climbed on and spammed the attack button ...which seems a bit shallow in terms of gameplay. Loved the character creator and Im still keen to play the full game, I think the gameplay will become more strategic and fun once I learn how to play the game better (which pawns to ignore or use and how best to attack or defend depending on enemy type)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I'm a moron for ordering this on Amazon and THINKING i would have gotten it yesterday. Lame.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    I feel ya, having to order ours from the UK to ship to Australia. will take about 2 weeks T________T
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Just picked it up tonight. Can't wait to play :D:D
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Why no PC release? :(
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Hopefully it'll come later for PC, Capcom have released most of there latest games for PC, just always a few months down the line.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    What an awesome game. It has its flaws for sure and it doesn't hold your hand and guide you so I can imagine a lot of players getting bored or confused with what they have to do. You take on quests and some are main quests that progress the story but they aren't stated as main so it encourages exploration.

    Flaws are that it has bad performance in certain places, audio cutting off for a split second during intense fights and my favourite, falling through the floor into the white void. Also the game makes you revisit the same areas far too frequently. It would have been better if they spaced it out more.

    Regardless of these flaws the game is still awesome. I can't think of many games that let me climb a monster while my teammates knock it off a huge spiral staircase and then it falls to its death and takes the impact with me on it.

    The game can really push you though. I went out to hunt the griffon that flew away to some far away structure and it took me like an hour to reach it. My team was near death and my main pawn fell to her death. Thankfully a guy I helped earlier came out of nowhere and used the item I gave him to destroy it.

    What's cool is that you can make a fake duplicate of quest items in case you want to keep the powerful item for yourself. Good thing I didn't do that :D

    Rumour has it, if you play as a female the game is different. Monsters behave differently and it's meant to be easier or something? Strange if it's true.

    My companion is called "Serah" on PS3. Take good care of her for me :>



    Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the pawn system is so useful. Whoever used my pawn taught her a lot about the quests I hadn't done yet. I had to get this magic tome back from a thief and he challenged me to a fight. Doing so would aggro all the other thieves. Suddenly my pawn told me she knew where it was hidden and led me to it.

    Another time I was completely lost and a pawn I hired picked up on that and literally ran ahead of me and led me to my destination.

    So I finished the main quest and there's just one thing on my mind. WTF. The story is...Japanese. It's just weird. It gets even weirder after you think you've finished the game. Also this game was clearly made for male gamers as the queen tries to get it on with my female character :S
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Man, I really think this game deserves a bit more attention. I've been having a blast playing it since it came out. While it does have it's flaws, the reviews I've read seem a little unjust and in a lot of ways like the reviewer is complaining about actually having to try to play the game (what, there's aiming?)

    What kind of classes has everyone been playing? I've been a strider but I keep hearing good things about assassin and was thinking about making that switch. I love raining arrows down on people though, tough debate.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I also started off as a Strider but I felt useless against smaller mobs so I switched to fighter as you can still latch on to big enemies and stab them. Besides you get some really cool weapons and armour after completing the main quest. :D

    It also took me a while to figure out that if you max out say warrior class then you can switch to something similar and use perks that were unlocked in the warrior role. I saw a lvl 90 pawn that cost 1 million rift crystals and he had all these strength buff augments. Must do a lot of damage.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I've been playing this quite a bunch now. I am a level 21 soldier, and my pawn is a mage. This game is badass! It's so much fun, and just the behaviors of enemies is amazing. Like.. i was fighting this troll, i jumped on his back to smash his head and he just jumped in the air and landed on his back! With me still grabbing on to him! dealt me plenty of damage haha I encountered a Hypogriff this morning that wiped out a caravan and fled after i took one of its health bars away. Fought ghosts that are pretty scary. Bandits, hordes of bunnies, wolfs, holy smokes... so much.. and i have not really explored that much out of the initial area. I just like the feeling of exploring, getting better gear and fighting awesome enemies.

    Plus, the game looks amazing. Really an awesome game. Got it on PS3. Anyone else playing it? Some cool stories? I have some other ones that i can share, but i would like to know if anybody else is enjoying this as much as i am.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Played through it five times and got pretty bored with it. The actual world isn't as big as it seems and the story is pretty short and not delivered very well. Regardless the combat and sharing pawns is its highlights.

    Just be warned it's very easy to miss important quests that help explain the story. For example after fighting the hydra you should head back the way you came and you'll start a questline that takes you to Witchwood and helps you understand the meaning behind the character Selene.

    You can hire my pawn if you want, called Kenshiro.
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