Surprised no-one has posted this yet. It's like a monster hunter upgrade and it looks like it has a story (unlike monster hunter). Some really neat mechanics from different games rolled into one. Climbing on monsters SoTC style and destructible environments. Has a touch of Demons Souls to it.
The monsters are sexy. Especially hyramegasnake. That model is pure awesome.
Click on the images for mega size.
- Edit: A great preview of the game! -
[ame=""]Dragon's Dogma Gameplay Preview - OXM Exclusive - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Captivate 2011: Dragon's Dogma trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Curse you for awesomeness capcom!!!
(but yeah looks pretty good)
looks like it'll be fun, though
silly name but eh..who cares
Also. Archer looks brilliantly awesome. Running and shooting at the same time like a super manly legolas is where it's at!
It would be incredibly awesome to see your friend dangling from a flying dragon while you pump it full of arrows, and your other friend iss to the side chucking fire balls.
from article:
ouch, here's hoping it gets better!
Oh well still looks kick ass though!
oooooo pretty new creature
Cant wait!!!!!!!!
Just gotta find some money to buy it now!
I'll still probably get it cause I like the idea of dangerous exploration and the porn (pawn) system.
So I tried it out (PS3) and I have to say the fighting is fun and very unforgiving but the more times I tried, the better I got. I love rogue classes so I went for that and it's just my style, fast with long range bow.
The framerates...are quite poor on PS3 but it's something I've come to accept with PS3 games. I'd guess it was running 19fps in the prologue and 24 in the open fields. Early build...yeah I know but I've heard that excuse before.
Anyway give it a go. I just wish the demo had more exploration as that seems to be the main driving force. What was wrong with adding just one question from point A to B.
All my misgivings of it being unresponsive or odd are gone, feels really slick. My only complaint is dat hud... but thankfully you can turn off everything (pawn subtitles, cinematic events, controller button help), and its starts feeling really cool.
Groaned a few times at the demon/dark souls "vibe" riffing, but whatever.
it feels essentially like Monster Hunter + Demons/Dark Souls.... so awesome. Can't wait to play as specific classes, the magic users seem fun. The ranger class in the gryphon fight is really fun, like the choices of bow vs daggers. The prologue quest character was kinda meh, bland. I wanted to skin the things i killed too, I dont think that'll be in the full game, but it just screams to let me pluck the gryphon feathers or cut off its beak.
its going to be a hard choice to play either Diablo 3 or this... ffffffffffffuuuuuu
Turn the HUD off, the cinematic events, and on screen buttons off in the main menu options. Makes it 10000x better.
- BoBo
God damnit man!!! I knew it!! I remember saying, I bet moose will play this demo before I do, i bet heel write something that will make me quit what im doing right now, to play it.
Well mission accomplished man, I'm going!!!
You can make children, you say? I think I'm going to make a 10 year old barbarian, who harnesses his pre-pubescent rage. Sounds fun!